

package plda

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class CVB0PLDA extends PLDA[SoftAssignmentModelState, CVB0PLDADocument, (String, Array[Array[Double]])] with SoftAssignmentModel[PLDAModelParams, PLDADocumentParams, CVB0PLDADocument]

    CVB0 inference for PLDA.

  2. class CVB0PLDADocument extends SoftAssignmentDocument

    CVB0PLDA document.

  3. case class CustomKTopicsPerLabel (map: Map[String, Int]) extends NumTopicsPerLabelParams with Product with Serializable

    Sepcifies the specific number of topics per label via a map.

  4. trait NumTopicsPerLabelParams extends AnyRef

    Parameters describing how many topics per label.

  5. trait PLDA [ModelState, Doc <: Stateful[DocState], DocState] extends TopicModel[PLDAModelParams, ModelState, LabeledLDADocumentParams, Doc, DocState] with ClosedTopicSet with DirichletTermSmoothing with DirichletTopicSmoothing

    PLDA models.

  6. type PLDADocumentParams = LabeledLDADocumentParams

    Definition Classes
  7. case class PLDAModelParams (numLatentTopics: Int, numTopicsPerLabel: Array[Int], numTerms: Int, topicSmoothing: DirichletParams, termSmoothing: DirichletParams, labelIndex: Option[Index[String]], topicIndex: Option[Index[String]], termIndex: Option[Index[String]], tokenizer: Option[Tokenizer]) extends Product with Serializable

    Parameters describing PLDA models.

  8. case class SharedKTopicsPerLabel (k: Int) extends NumTopicsPerLabelParams with Product with Serializable

    Specifies extactly k topics should be available on each label.

Value Members

  1. object CVB0PLDA extends TopicModelCompanion[PLDAModelParams, CVB0PLDA, SoftAssignmentModelState, LabeledLDADocumentParams, CVB0PLDADocument, (String, Array[Array[Double]])] with DataParallelModelCompanion[PLDAModelParams, CVB0PLDA, SoftAssignmentModelState, LabeledLDADocumentParams, CVB0PLDADocument, (String, Array[Array[Double]])] with SerializableModelCompanion[PLDAModelParams, CVB0PLDA, SoftAssignmentModelState]

  2. object CVB0PLDADocument extends AnyRef

  3. object PLDAModelParams extends Serializable

    More static constructors for ModelParams class.