Homework 4. 0. Look at the Cedegren's Panamanian Spanish Varbrul instructions handout to understand the problem and the coding of the data that this homework deals with. You aren't expected to actually do this homework (i.e., to actually download and use Varbrul). Also, download the data, so you can load it into R. 1. Build two logistic regression models from the Cedergren data, one using only POS as an independent variable and the other using only Following Environment. Which one has higher data likelihood? Which one has higher classification accuracy? Is this surprising? Explain why you see the pattern you do. 2. Build a logistic regression model from the Cedergren data, using POS, Environment, and Class as the factors. Plot predicted versus actual deletion probability for data aggregated by the independent variables, and examine the outliers. Describe what you see. Compare the outliers to other datapoints. Do the outliers have anything in common? Is there anything about these cases that explains why these are outliers? 3. Do the beginning part of the Varbrul Cedegren homework, stopping in the middle of question 4. That is, building a basic logistic regression model counts as a "one level" analysis. We will examine interaction effects and combining levels later.