Visualize the differences between two treebank parse trees via graphviz.
See 'parsedyff -h' for full options. In summary, there are two
modes: serial and parallel. Say we have two files
A and B with 2 trees in each. In serial,
our first diff would be between A[0] and A[1],
then between B[0] and B[1]. In parallel,
our first diff would be between A[0] and B[0], then
between A[1] and B[1] (much like diff(1)).
parsedyff can output many formats (all of those supported by graphviz's
dot) and has several options to control how output files are
Unless you have my Parsing module, (which is unfortunately
not packaged at time of press but will eventually be available from my
website) parsedyff needs each tree on its own line.
Standard distutils install: 'python install'