
John Hewitt

PhD Student, Stanford University (–August 2024)

Visiting Researcher, Google DeepMind. (August 2024–)

Asst. Professor of Computer Science, Columbia University (Fall 2025–)

johnhew [at]

I am broadly interested in unsupervised learning of language and the world. Here are some example questions:

  • What about the world, language, and skills is learned by neural models trained on the internet, and how do they organize that information?
  • How can we develop a deep enough understanding of language systems that we can build precision fixes for their failures?
  • How do we design new language systems that unsupervisedly develop modular representations of the vast, disparate skills and knowledge they have?

If this seems interesting to you, great! I am hiring 1-2 Computer Science PhD students at Columbia in the upcoming admisisons cycle (Due December 15) to start Fall 2025.

Before Google and Columbia, I’ve been a PhD student at Stanford. I’ve been grateful to be co-advised by Chris Manning and Percy Liang, and to have been supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.

Feel free to look me up on Google Scholar or Twitter, or take my CV.

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