CS224N/Ling237 Final Projects 2003
These are final projects from CS224N/Ling237 for Spring 2002/2003.
- Clustering Political Words: Senses and Connotations
- Brendan O'Connor
- Posterior Decoding for Generative Constituent-Context Grammar Induction
- Chuong Do
- Transformation-Based Learning
For English Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion
- Yuanli Zhou
- Bondec - A Sentence Boundary Detector
- Haoyi Wang and Yang Huang
- Using Hidden Markov Models to Extract Target Phrases
From Text
- Jenny Finkel and Penka Markova
- Email Event Extraction and Interpretation
- Keith Ito
- Automatic Topic Extraction and
Classification of Usenet Threads
- Susumu Harada and Shashikant Khandelwal
- Topic Clustering, Summarization, and Visualization
- Dan Siroker and Steve Miller
- Word Alignment in Bilingual Parallel Corpora
- Mohith Julapalli and Sameer Dhond
- An Evolutionary Approach to Natural Language Grammar
- Margaret Aycinena, Mykel J. Kochenderfer and David Carl Mulford
- Automated Web Search Classification and
- Patri Friedman
- A Maximum Entropy Approach to
Recognizing Discourse Relations in Spoken Language
- Jeanette Pettibone and Heather Pon-Barry
- A Survey of Algorithms to Properly Order Adjective
- Ari Greenberg and Praveen Srinivasan
- Clustering Web Search Results
- Chris Cox, Michael Siliski and Charlie Stockman
- Using AdaBoost and Decision Stumps to Identify Spam
- Tyrone Nicholas
- Hierarchical Classification Using Markov Networks
- Vassil Chatalbashev
- Improving the Preformance of Naive Bayes for Text
- Yirong Shen and Jing Jiang
- The Emotion Bot
- Taqi Jaffri
- Issues in Anaphora Resolution
- Imran Q. Sayed
Note: I've put here all the projects for which I could find online
copies of the report. If yours is missing, and you would like it
to appear, please send me an online copy. Conversely, if you would
like yours to disappear, I can arrange that too.
Christopher Manning --
Last modified: Tue Jun 17 23:14:26 PDT 2003