CS224N/Ling237 Final Projects 2005

These are final projects from CS224N/Ling237 for Spring 2004/05.

Using NLP for Information Retrieval Against a Large, Heterogeneous Product Catalog
Adam Ginsburg
Author Classification for Weblogs
Peter Ciccolo, Robbie Yan
NLP in Fictional Interactive Environments
Colin Schatz
Hidden State Language Modeling Based on Soft-membership Clustering of Words
David Kale and Gauhar Wadhera
Relativizer Frequency as Influenced by Relative Clause Predictability
Paul Fontes and David Orr
Maximum Entropy Text Classification by Political Stance
Joshua Ainslie, Roger Grosse, and Mark Linsey
An Anaphora Resolver for Parsed Sentences
Joseph Baker-Malone and David Christie
Sentence Boundary Detection Using a MaxEnt Classifier
Neha Agarwal, Kelley Herndon Ford, and Max Shneider
Applying NLP Techniques to Improve Cranfield Collection IR Precision
Oleg Slezberg
Statistical Machine Translation of French and German into English Using IBM Model 2 Greedy Decoding
Michael Turitzin
Applying Name Entity Recognition to Informal Text
Yu-shan Chang and Yun-Hsuan Sung
Classifying the Sentiment of Movie Review Data
Cheng-Tao Chu, Ryohei Takahashi, Pei-Chin Wang
Increasing Accuracy While Maintaining Minimal Grammars in CKY Parsing
Anna Rafferty and TongKe Xue
Picking the Fresh from the Rotten: Quote and Sentiment Extraction from Rotten Tomatoes Movie Reviews
Eric Yeh

Note: I've put here all the projects for which I could find online copies of the report. If yours is missing, and you would like it to appear, please send me an online copy. Conversely, if you would like yours to disappear, I can arrange that too.

Christopher Manning -- <manning@cs.stanford.edu> --