CS224N/Ling284 Final Projects 2010-11
Final Projects from CS 224N / Ling 284 for Winter 2010/2011.
- Analyzing Patient Interactions within Cancer Support Groups
- Zhenghao Chen and Pang Wei Koh [slides]
- Who Needs Polls? Gauging Public Opinion from Twitter Data
- David Cummings, Haruki Oh, and Ningxuan Wang [slides]
- Unsupervised Clustering of People, Places, and Organizations in Wikileaks Cables with NLP Cues
- Xuwen Cao, Beyang Liu [slides]
- Sentiment analysis of news articles for financial signal prediction
- Nick Cohen, Jinjian Zhai and Anand Atreya [slides]
- Semantic Analysis of Movie Reviews for Rating Prediction
- Laureen Lam [slides]
- A Measure of Similarity Between Pairs of Papers, Using Textual Content and Metadata
- Susan Marie Biancani [slides]
- Extracting Strong Sentiment Trends from Twitter
- Patrick Lai [slides]
- Structured Annotations of Queries
- Panagiotis Papadimitriou and Rifat Reza Joyee [slides]
- Symmetrized Word Alignments for English-Inuktitute Machine Translation
- Jeff Pinner
- Analysis of EBay Users' Security Questions
- David Harwath
- Learning Representations for Multi-Dimensional Sentiment Analysis
- Andrew Maas, Peter Pham, and Ying Wang [slides]
- Paraphrase Detection Using Recursive Autoencoders
- Eric Huang [slides]
- Transformation between Right and Left News Based on Text Similarity and News Structure
- Yu-Wei Lin [slides]
- Literary Style Classification with Deep Linguistic Analysis Features
- Minjong Chung, Wonhong Lee, and Hyung Jin Kim [slides]
- Hierachical Name Entity Recognition
- Dakan Wang and Wu Yu [slides]
- Information Extraction from Recipes
- Rahul Agarwal and Kevin Miller [slides]
- Automatic Product Profiling through NLP
- Jiho Han and Dowon Ko [slides]
- Tweet Classification for Political Sentiment Analysis
- Micol Marchetti-Bowick [slides]
- Discovering New Drug-Drug Interactions by Text-Mining the Biomedical Literature
- Beth Percha [slides]
- Part of Speech Tagging with Discriminatively Re-ranked Hidden Markov Models
- Brian Highfill [slides]
- Gender Prediction for Japanese Authors
- David Edwards and Cybelle Smith [slides]
- Automatic Author Name Transliteration via OCR and NLP
- Yu Cao and Tao Wang [slides]
- Correlating Language Model Clusters of News Agencies and Political Campaigns with Political Biases
- Issao Fujiwara and Yaron Friedman [slides]
- Selecting a Biomedical Funding Source Based on Grant Abstracts
- Yi Liu and Ahmet Altay [slides]
- Automatic Snippet Generation for Music Reviews
- Chris Anderson, Edward Segel, and Dan Wiesenthal [slides]
- Predicting the Date of Authorship of Historical Texts
- Andrew Tausz
- Unsupervised Extraction of Opinion Features From Product Reviews
- Ben Komalo and Sujeevan Rajayogam
- A Labeled LDA Approach to Understanding the Dynamics of Collaboration
- Nikhil Johri [slides]
- Adaptive Language Models
- Hyungoo Kang [slides]
- Supervised classification of news articles by whether they mention diseases and outbreaks
- Mason Chua [slides]
- Different Uses of Alignments in Extraction of Synchronous Grammars for Translation from Natural to Formal Languages
- Natalia Silveira [slides]