Linguistics, Natural Language, and Computational
Linguistics Meta-index
A guide to the best linguistic resources on the web
The Linguist
List web site
Edinburgh mirror,
Melbourne mirror, or
The most comprehensive listing of sources of linguistic information,
with a lot of their own content.
Especially recommended for finding out about The Linguist
List, the main world wide linguistics mailing list.
Indexes on the Internet from SIL.
- This site also hosts
Ethnologue, a guide to the
world's languages.
- Tons of links to all the world's languages, in a sexy professional
presentation, with commercial sponsorship.
This is what has become of the famous old "The Human-Languages
Page" (né
), still by
the same author, Tyler Chambers.
Best listing of resources on individual languages. Weaker on
linguistics, but expanding.
(Computational) Linguistics Resources/Institutions
from the University of Stuttgart.
- A good, mainly computational linguistics collection, regularly updated.
Overseas retrieval times seem to be faster than they used to be, too.
for Computational Linguistics Wiki.
- The most comprehensive listing of computational
linguistics/natural language processing resources.
lab speech resources.
- The most comprehensive list of (engineering
approaches to) speech recognition/generation and acoustics.
Yahoo's Human Languages and Linguistics page
- Very random and not maintained by a linguist. A lot of links,
especially on languages, though. Note also that Linguistics has
stopped being a humanity and has become a social science!
A Stanford
Linguistics Portal
- By Ivan Sag
Speech and
Language Web resources (Kenji Kita, Tokushima U.)
- Was a good, well organized list of computational linguistics, speech, CALL,
etc. references. Hasn't been updated for a few years.
John Lawler's
Language and Linguistics links
- Somewhat random, but extensive, and has personality. But no longer
being updated.
Linguistic theories and areas
- Formal semantics: Kai von Fintel
- Not quite as exciting as when it first appeared. No job gossip.
Ohio State
- (and at
HPSG Literature
bibliography (Stefan Müller), a
to implementing HPSG in ALE)
and a project on ellipsis
in HPSG,
LFG at Essex.
- Online
conference proceedings. Joan Bresnan hasn't kept up with her delightful Unofficial
notes and links on LFG/OT.
Rutgers Optimality Archive (ROA)
- Has papers on Optimality Theory.
Affix Grammars over
a Finite Lattice (broad coverage extended CFG parser available)
Lexeme-Morpheme Base
Morphology (R. Beard)
Annotated bibliography of main works on Connectionist NLP
An intro to GB-ish
syntax by Steven Schaüfele
Integrational Linguistics
Resources for natural language semanticists.
Columbia School
Linguistics Conferences Lists
The Linguist List maintains a
list of conferences, but the URL changes with the year, and it's
not a very convenient summary to read. But almost everyone else
seems to have given up maintaining lists by hand. I don't blame them.
Roy Cochrun's conference
Linguistics in the southern hemisphere
Linguistics Network
African Language Technology (AfLaT)
Linguistic journals and other online stuff
Online open-access journals
Linguistics has been slow to hit the ejournal wave....
- Full content in PDF.
Language Learnign and
Online if you subscribe
MIT CogNet
- Lots of online books and journals, if your institution subscribes.
Web sites of paper journals
Online bibliographies
BL Online
- Online version of Bibliographie Linguistique/Linguistic Bibliography
Linguistics and Language
Indexes, Abstracts, Bibliographies, and Table of
Contents Services
- Some only available to its primary clientele, The University of Houston.
Linguistic societies
Linguistic Society of America (LSA)
Association for
Computational Linguistics
International Phonetic
Other stuff
The Great Language Game. The
goal is to be able to guess the language from an audio sample. Lots of
fun for linguists!
Speech accent archive, with many
IPA charts for languages.
Resources for
linguistic fieldwork
X-ray film of
the vocal tract
interlinear text glossing rules
accents and reactions thereto
Library Accents and Dialects of the UK.
InterArbora Tree delivery
Listings of software
for creating
and managing linguistic annotations and for
exploration by Steven Bird.
Linguasphere Observatory
- Aims to classifiy the world's languages, dialects and speech
communities, but is currently much less comprehensive than Ethnologue.
The Syntax
Student's Companion
- Java application for editing and checking phrase structure trees.
Internet Grammar of
Linguists see their job as describing how people use language and how
people react to the use of language in a social context, rather than
being judges of that. But here's
a nice site on (American)
English usage.
Interactive Introduction to Linguistics
Annotated list of resources on statistical and
corpus-based computational linguistics
Language and Gender Page
CMP-LG: The Computation and
Language E-Print Archive (run by Stu Shieber)
- A great place to download your computational linguistics preprints.
online computational linguistics demos listing
Ethnologue: Languages of the
World, 13th Edition, 1996
- A great overview guide to the world's languages. There's also a
search interface.
NSF Linguistics Program
Grammars and dictionaries
- A
listing of online grammars
- The old version of Robert
Beard's Dictionaries Index long ago mutated into I'm told the
IPO has been delayed.
- Wortschatz online
German, English, etc. dictionary with collocations and
association graphs.
Selected Languages of interest
- African
- A (basic) Mon grammar made
by a field methods class
- Speak Tagalog
- Malagasy:
and learning.
(Computational) Linguistics departments and programs
This list is just a few random places I go to.
The Linguist
List keep more comprehensive listings (but the Australian
Linguistics Network page is better for Australia).
- Cornell Dept of Modern Languages
and Linguistics
- Edinburgh Linguistics Dept and
Cognitive Science Dept
- Groningen BCN
- University of
Leuven Center for Computational Linguistics
- University of
- MIT Linguistics
Dept (including MIT
Working Papers in Linguistics publications information)
- New York University
Linguistics Department
- SOAS (School of Oriental and
African Studies), University of London (including their working papers)
- Stanford Linguistics Dept
- University of Sydney
Department of Linguistics
- University of Stuttgart
Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung
(Institute of Natural Language Processing)
- Yale Linguistics Dept
This section isn't really maintained....
Microsoft NLP
ELF (English Language
Frontend) for MS Access/VB
Translation Experts Machine
Translation on the web
Text Analysis Intl: Text
Analysis framework (IE-style)
What is linguistics?
Fun ( Beard)
Russell's Phonetics intro site
Lucent Bell Labs Text to
Speech system demo
- Turn words into speech (in English)! Or
into French.
Christopher Manning --