map = word=0,answer=1 bisequenceClassifierPropCh = cn.prop bisequenceClassifierPropEn = en.prop supFileEN = en.train.BO supFileCH = cn.train.BO # unannotated bitext unsupFileEN = en.unsup.BO unsupFileCH = cn.unsup.BO unsupAlignFile = unsup.align # to speed up training, pre-train the CRF baseline models and load them here # to generate the weights file, use flag "-serializeWeightsTo $lang.weights.gz" loadWeightsFromEN = en.weights.gz loadWeightsFromCH = cn.weights.gz # to generate the feature index file, use flag "-serializeFeatureIndexTo $lang.FeatureIndex.gz" loadFeatureIndexFromEN = en.FeatureIndex.gz loadFeatureIndexFromCH = cn.FeatureIndex.gz # learned monolingual CH model output to serializeToCH = cn.bilingual.ser.gz # lambdaCH controls how much mixing coefficient (weight) of the unsupervised objective term in the final objective lambdaCH = 1 alignmentPruneThreshold=0.9 doFeatureDiscovery = true learnCHBasedOnEN = true learnENBasedOnCH = false sigma = 20 useQN = true QNsize = 25 useRobustQN = true # set tolerance to greater value if running L-BFGS with early termination # tolerance = 1e-4 checkGradient = false multiThreadGrad = 8