QuASI Publications
- Syntactic Parsing
- Dan Klein and Christopher D. Manning. 2004.
Corpus-Based Induction of Syntactic Structure: Models of Dependency and
Constituency. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics (ACL 2004).
- Dan Klein and Christopher D. Manning. 2003. Accurate
Unlexicalized Parsing. ACL 41, pp. 423-430. PS PDF. [Best paper award.]
- Dan Klein and Christopher D. Manning. Factored A* Search
for Models over Sequences and Trees. Eighteenth International
Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-03). PS PDF
- Dan Klein and Christopher D. Manning. 2003. A* Parsing: Fast Exact
Viterbi Parse Selection. Proceedings of HLT-NAACL 2003,
pp. 119-126.
- Kristina Toutanova, Dan Klein, Christopher
D. Manning, and Yoram Singer. 2003.
Feature-Rich Part-of-Speech Tagging with a Cyclic
Dependency Network. HLT-NAACL 2003.
- Roger Levy and Christopher D. Manning. 2003. Is it harder to
parse Chinese, or the Chinese Treebank? ACL 41, pp. 439-446.
- Dan Klein and Christopher D. Manning. 2002. Fast Exact
Inference with a Factored Model for Natural Language
Parsing. In Suzanna Becker, Sebastian Thrun, and
Klaus Obermayer (eds), Advances in Neural Information Processing
Systems 15 (NIPS 2002). [PDF]
- Inference
- J. A. Feldman. forthcoming. From Molecules to Metaphors: a Neural Theory
of Language. In progress.
- J. A. Feldman. 2004. Computational Cognitive Linguistics. 21st
International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2004),
Geneva, Switzerland.
- S. Narayanan and S. Harabagiu (2004). Question Answering Based on
Semantic Structures. 21st International Conference on Computational
Linguistics (COLING 2004), Geneva, Switzerland.
- Iddo Lev, Bill MacCartney, Christopher D. Manning, and Roger Levy. 2004.
Solving Logic Puzzles: From Robust Processing to Precise Semantics.
2nd Workshop on Text Meaning and Interpretation at ACL 2004.
- B. Bergen, N. Chang and S. Narayan. 2004. Simulated Action in an
Embodied Construction Grammar. Procedings of the 26th Cognitive Science
Society Conference.
- N. Chang and O. Gurevich. 2004. Context-driven construction
learning. Procedings of the 26th Cognitive Science Society Conference.
- J. Bryant. 2004. Towards Cognitive, Compositional Construction
Grammar. ROMAND 2004: RObust Methods in Analysis of Natural language
Data, Geneva.
- N. Chang. 2004. Putting Meaning into Grammar Learning. In Proceedings
of Psycho-computational Models of Human Language Acquisition. Geneva.
- J. A. Feldman and S. Narayanan. 2004. Embodied meaning in a Neural
Theory of Language. Brain and Language 89: 385-292.
- N. Chang. 2004. Constructing Grammar: A computational model of the
emergence of early constructions. PhD thesis, University of California
at Berkeley.
- J. Bryant. 2003. Constructional analysis. Master's thesis, UC Berkeley.
- J. A. Feldman. 2003. A Unified Formalism for Schemas, Maps,
Constructions and Mental Spaces in Embodied Construction
Grammar. Technical Report, International Computer Science
Institute, ICSI TR 03-02, Berkeley, CA 2003. DOC
- J. Bryant. 2003. A Semantic Analyzer for Embodied Construction Grammar (ECG), International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC 2003), Spain 2003 (to appear).
- B. Mohit and S. Narayanan. 2003. Semantic Extraction with
Wide-Coverage Lexical Resources, HLT-NAACL 2003 Companion
Volume, Edmonton 2003. PDF
- S. Narayanan, C. Fillmore, C. Baker, and M. Petruck. 2003. FrameNet meets the Semantic Web, Second International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2003), Florida, 2003 (to appear).
- S. Narayanan and S. McIlraith. 2003. Simulation and Analysis of Web Services, Computer Networks (to appear) 2003.
- S. Narayanan and J. Feldman. Probabilistic Dynamic Inference. 2003.. Manuscript, ICSI, Berkeley 2003. PDF
- E. Dodge. 2003. Image Schemas in an Embodied Construction Grammar. International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC 2003), Spain 2003 (to appear).
- N. Chang, S. Narayanan, and M. Petruck. 2002. Putting Frames in Perspective, The Nineteenth International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2002). PDF
- S. Narayanan and S. McIlraith. 2002. Simulation, Verification and Automated Composition of Web Services, Eleventh International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2002), Honolulu, May 7-10. PDF
- J. Hobbs and S. Narayanan. 2002. Spatial Representation and Reasoning, Nature Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. PDF
- B. Bergen and N. Chang. 2002. Embodied Construction Grammar in Simulation-Based Language Understanding. ICSI TR, PDF
- Semantic Relation Extraction
- Cynthia A. Thompson, Siddharth Patwardhan, and Carolin Arnold. 2004
Generative Models for Semantic Role Labeling.
In SENSEVAL-3: Third International Workshop on the Evaluation of Systems
for the Semantic Analysis of Text, Barcelona, Spain.
Roger Levy and Christopher D. Manning. 2004.
Deep dependencies from context-free statistical parsers: correcting the
surface dependency approximation.
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics (ACL 2004).
- Barbara Rosario and Marti Hearst. 2004. Classifying Semantic Relations
in Bioscience Text. In ACL 2004.
- Archana Ganapathi, Preslav Nakov, Ariel Schwartz, and Marti Hearst.
2004. Supporting Annotation Layers for Natural Language
Processing. Ms., UC Berkeley.
- Cynthia A. Thompson, Roger Levy, and Christopher D. Manning. 2003. A
Generative Model for FrameNet Semantic Role Labeling.
ECML 2003, pp. 397-408.
- Behrang Mohit and Srini Narayanan. 2003. Semantic Extraction with
Wide-Coverage Lexical Resources, HLT-NAACL 2003 Companion Volume,
Edmonton 2003.
- Preslav Nakov and Marti Hearst. 2003. Category-based Pseudowords.
The Companion Volume of the Proceedings of HLT-NAACL'03,
Edmonton, Canada, May 2003.
- Ariel Schwartz and Marti Hearst. 2003. A Simple Algorithm for
Identifying Abbreviation Definitions in Biomedical Text. In The proceedings of the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB 2003) Kauai, Jan 2003.
Gaurav Bhalotia, Preslav Nakov, Ariel S. Schwartz, Marti A. Hearst,
BioText Team Report for the TREC 2003 Genomics Track,
Proceedings of TREC 2003, Gaithersburg, MD,
- Barbara Rosario, Marti Hearst, and Charles Fillmore. 2002. The Descent of Hierarchy, and Selection in Relational Semantics. In ACL-02, July, 2002. PDF
Barbara Rosario and Marti Hearst. 2001. Classifying the Semantic
Relations in Noun Compounds via a Domain-Specific Lexical
Hierarchy. In The Proceedings of EMNLP
'01, Pittsburgh, PA, June 2001. PDF PS