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.tiddler .button {padding:0.2em 0.4em;}

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* html .viewer pre {width:99%; padding:0 0 1em 0;}
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table.listView {font-size:0.85em; margin:0.8em 1.0em;}
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* html #backstage {width:99%;}
* html #backstageArea {width:99%;}
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#backstagePanel {display:none; z-index:100; position:absolute; margin:0em 3em 0em 3em; padding:1em 1em 1em 1em;}
.backstagePanelFooter {padding-top:0.2em; float:right;}
.backstagePanelFooter a {padding:0.2em 0.4em 0.2em 0.4em;}
#backstageCloak {display:none; z-index:20; position:absolute; width:100%; height:100px;}

.whenBackstage {display:none;}
.backstageVisible .whenBackstage {display:block;}
StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which use a logographic writing system and need larger font sizes.

body {font-size:0.8em;}

#sidebarOptions {font-size:1.05em;}
#sidebarOptions a {font-style:normal;}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel {font-size:0.95em;}

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/* Fixes a feature in Firefox where print preview displays the noscript content */
noscript {display:none;}
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<div class='subtitle'><span macro='view modifier link'></span>, <span macro='view modified date'></span> (<span macro='message views.wikified.createdPrompt'></span> <span macro='view created date'></span>)</div>
<div class='tagging' macro='tagging'></div>
<div class='tagged' macro='tags'></div>
<div class='viewer' macro='view text wikified'></div>
<div class='tagClear'></div>
<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar +saveTiddler -cancelTiddler deleteTiddler'></div>
<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit title'></div>
<div macro='annotations'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit text'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit tags'></div><div class='editorFooter'><span macro='message views.editor.tagPrompt'></span><span macro='tagChooser'></span></div>
To get started with this blank TiddlyWiki, you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* SiteTitle & SiteSubtitle: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* MainMenu: The menu (usually on the left)
* DefaultTiddlers: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
These InterfaceOptions for customising TiddlyWiki are saved in your browser

Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a WikiWord (eg JoeBloggs)

<<option txtUserName>>
<<option chkSaveBackups>> SaveBackups
<<option chkAutoSave>> AutoSave
<<option chkRegExpSearch>> RegExpSearch
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> CaseSensitiveSearch
<<option chkAnimate>> EnableAnimations

Also see AdvancedOptions
* Salary submission (''submitted'' -> check?)
* CS3108B submission (''done'')
* appreciation letter (''done'')
* RA doc submission
* ACL preparation: error analysis (supporting evidence), finalize the preference model, initial experiment on how column grouping works

1 Dec (Mon)
2 Dec (Tue): BBDC 3.30pm-6.30pm
3 Dec
4 Dec: email report to Min, 3.30pm-6.30pm BBDC
5 Dec
6 Dec (Sat): VNC camp (canceled) -> movie
7 Dec (Sun): 12 T (Singapore Discovery Center)
8 Dec Mustafa
9 Dec: BBC
10 Dec
11 Dec: Meeting Min, Wing dinner
night 12 (Fri) , 13,14: Malaysia?
15: packing
16 leave

* meet aCuong, SK & Julian?
* meet 12T (confirm time & date)? (''done'')

1/ Fải chụp hình trc khi kí contract, có mặt chủ nhà, agent, mình .. chụp tất cả mọi thứ (tường, tủ, bản lề, toilet...) đặc bịt những chỗ đã hư hại. Hình fải có ngày tháng, gửi 1 copy đến landlord, agent and 1 copy for urselves.

2/ ANything should bring agents in or at least the property manager in that estate/condo/HDB ... những ng có exprience về managing nhà cửa

3/ Trc khi trả lại nhà, nên kêu thợ sửa chữa những gì hư hại (rẻ hơn nhìu nếu landlord tính tiền) such as bản lề, tường nhà, tủ , kệ ...

4/ Nên thuê cleaning services (loại rẻ vừa vừa )+ thu receipt, trc khi cleaning services xong thì hẹn landlord xuống .. nếu tụi nó thấy dơ thì prove là tao đã dùng prof cleaning svc, if they want up to their standard, u pay extra

5/ Contract:
- Có penalty : ani party terminating the contract earlier is bound to pay the penalty equal to 1-month rental + deposit
- extended contract : make sure the new contract is EXACTLY the same with the old one coz both parties will skip agent to save money. Hence, some landlord will at their discretion take out the clauses at their advantage (VC's case)

6/ Invetory list/contract : never pass the orginal copies to agent/landlord (landlord alr got another copy)

7/ It's correct tat police here cant interfere landlord-tenant issues. ani thing must go through the lawyers/courts

8/ During the check of landlord, try to ask him to bring along the estate manager (condo or HDB) who has experience in this field.

Hope it helps. 
* HYP w/m hybrid model, phrase table concatenation (''in progress'')
* HYP writeup: Finnish chapter, revised chapter on Preliminaries
* HYP slides
* CS5246 HW2
* CS5206 project (''in progress'')
* CS5240 project

* Motorbike asking + Guitar club  (''done'') + SOC sharing session (''done'')
* StarChallenge data wrapup
* CS3108B experiment result

* NK test facilitites
* eGenting preparation

! 11 October
* Study: 10pm-11.30pm: HYP + CS5246 start
* Goto pgp 11.30pm 
* Lunch: 12pm-12.45pm
* Guitar club: 1pm-4pm
* Paper reading for CS5206 + CS5246
* Dinner: 6pm-7pm
* SOC sharing session: 7pm-10pm

! 10 October 
* Bath: 8.30pm-8.40pm
* Jogging + Super: 1hr.15' (8.45- 10pm)
* HYP phrase table concatenation: 1.30hr (10.20pm-11.50pm)
* CS5206 start: 30' (0am-0.30am)
* Blog: 45' (0.30am-1.15am)
Sleep at 1.30am!
Plan from 3.30pm
Things to do: CS3108A application, printing note, prepare for CS5206
* CS3108A application, printing note: 20' (3.30pm-3.50pm)
* CS5206 preparation: 45' (4pm-4.40pm)
* SHSIG meeting: 5pm
* CS5206 lecture: 6.30pm
Plan from 1:45pm
Misc: 45' (apply media lab, send email to SHSIG group abt finalized ideas and ask Bryan to figure out WorldPress, HYP corpus verify) (1.45-2.20pm)
StarChallenge: 2.5hr:
* scripts to break data
* incorporate IPA component
* Audio module: vary sim function, check MFCC on failed queries
* Text module: try the 2 model, quickly check on the score to vary
* Practice on 4 computer in labs: download eclipse, break data in 4 parts, run system, combine, measure tiem
Start from 1pm
IBM DB2: 30' (1pm-1.45pm)
NK: 1hr (1.45pm-3pm)
Rest: 30' (3pm-3.45pm)
MT: 1hr (3.45pm - 4pm)
Meal: 45' (4pm-5pm)
Todo: chat with family, ibanking Nhat, ibanking Edmun, check result StarChallenge, run data_split script for HYP, get HYP papers
Todo list: 1.15hr (8.45-9.45pm)
Monopoly :D: 1.30hr (10pm-11.30pm) + super
* HYP w/m hybrid model (''in progress'''), phrase table concatenation (''done'')
* HYP writeup: Finnish chapter, revised chapter on Preliminaries
* HYP slides (''done'')
* CS5246 HW2 (''start thinking'')
* CS5206 project (''in progress'')
* CS5240 project

* Motorbike asking + Guitar club  (''done'') + SOC sharing session (''done'')
* StarChallenge data wrapup
* CS3108B experiment result
* CS5240 HW3

* NK test facilitites
* eGenting preparation

! 14 Oct 08 plan from 2pm
* HYP: checking for tuning problem + read Preslav paper + formalize preference model - 2hrs (2pm-3.50pm)
* Rest: 30' (4pm-4.25pm)
* CS5206: implement the greedy algorithms - 1.30hr (4.30pm-5.50pm)
* Dinner: 1hr (6pm-6.45pm)
Back home! Arrive at home 7.30pm
Jogging: 45' (7.45pm-8.15pm)
Chatting + Misc: 1hr (8.15pm-9.15pm)
Start working again at 9.30pm!!!

Plan from 10pm
CS5206: 1hr (10pm-10.50pm)
Supper: 45' (11pm-11.40pm)
CS5206: 45' (11.45-0.20am)
HYP: 1hr (0.30am-1.20am)

! 13 Oct 08 Plan from 2.13pm
* HYP: must run phrase table concatenation + think about preference model - 2.15 hrs (2.13-4.20pm)
* Rest: 15' (4.30pm-4.45pm)
* CS5206: 1hr (4.45pm-5.30pm)
* Dinner
* CS5206 class: 2hrs (6.30pm-8.30pm)

Plan from 11.30pm
Lunch: 45' (11.30am-12pm)
SHSIG: 30' (12.15pm-12.35am)
HYP: 1.5hr (12.45pm-2pm)
NK: 30'
CS3215 meeting:1.5hr (4.30pm-5.45pm)
CS3215 consultation:1hr (6pm-7pm)
Teakwondo club: 2hr (8pm-9.45pm)
Seafood at East Coast: chili crab, pepper crab
Frog porridge: Gey Lang
Bakuteh: Johor
Laupasat: satay
Plan from 1pm-6pm
HYP: 1hr (1pm-1.45pm)
NK: 1hr (2pm-2.45pm)
Meal: 20' (3pm-3.20pm)
Rest: 20' (3.30pm-3.50pm)
CS3242 class: 4pm-6pm
Back home

Plan from 10pm:
NK: 45' (10pm-10.30pm)
HYP: 45' (10.45pm-11.15pm)
Web2.0: 30' (11.30pm-11.50pm)
Toan's problem list: 30'(0am-0.20am)
Sleeppppppp Earllyyyyyy
From 1pm
1pm-1.30pm: to school + settle down
IBM DB2: 2hrs (1.30pm-3.15pm)
Rest: 15' (3.30pm-4pm)
Lyric Alignment: 1hr (4pm-4.45pm)
NK: 1hr (5pm-5.45pm)
Back home + dinner: 1.15hr (6pm-7.15pm)
Rest: 30' (7.30pm-8pm)
Guitar club: 2.5hr (8pm-10.30pm)
Personal hygiene + misc: 30' (10.30pm-11pm)
Chat + misc: 45' (11pm-11.45pm)
MT: 1hr (12pm-1pm)

Sleep!!!!!!!! If I could do all the things, how efficient a day is to me :)
Plan from 8pm
NK: 1hr (8pm-8.45pm): documentation (pics) + website framework
Chat + emails + ivle + misc: 1hr (9pm-9.45pm)
Jogging + meal + bath: 1.5hr (10pm-11.15pm)
Yesterday, I didn't follow the plan for NK (1hr) and MT (1hr). Instead, that 2 hrs go for movie watching :D The movie was suck, no thing special, or meaningful just what so-called hot girls... I have watched a few movies this vacation, some are really worth watching, some are heart-touching, and some looks attractive at the beginning but suck in the end... OK. I'm not gonna discuss abt good movies here (probably for other posts). My decision now is delete all movies that I have downloaded but haven't watched... (around 5 or 6) :D Wowwwww... so great a decision. I could save time for other meaningful things :) take my mother around Singapore when she visit, chat with my girlfriend ^ ^, compose problem list for my brother, plan ahead for my future, so on and so forth.....

Alright, so much for free writing above. Now, I come to the main purpose of this entry, which is .... planning :)

From 1.30pm:
LyricAlignment: 1hr (1.30-2.15pm) - try my best to get the CGI working
IBM DB2: 1 hr (2.30-3.15pm) - try to finish chapter 5
MT: 1hr (3.30pm-4.15pm): finish chapter 3 on Finite State Transducer
Rest: 15'
Swimming: 2hrs (5pm-6.45pm)
Dinner: 30' (7pm-7.30pm)
Alright, just back from my Teakwondo club training, and have a relaxing bath. Though it's late, it's still good to plan ^ ^. Remember the point of this tiddly, Thang, "learning to plan my plans". There're a lot of minor things like reply emails, check ivle, eating supper :D..., but I'll leave them so that later during chatting I could do them all as once to save time ^ ^

Ok, just finish chatting. It eats up me a lot of time.. but never mind, at least after chatting, I'm happy with my brother result (though not so good, but he demonstated his studying willingness), and with my girl friend talk. So now here the ''plan'' comes:
HYP: 20' (0.30am-0.50am)
CS3242: 20' (1am-1.20am)
Misc: 20' (1.30am-2am): emails about CS3215 + CS4248, Toan's problem list
Yesterday planning, I missed the IBM DB2 planning task since it takes me 2hrs to get the LyricAlignment task done. The other tasks are well completed, so ... fairly good :) Though the ideal one is if one task takes up too much time, you should abandon it when it's time for another task; try to solve the rest of the tasks quickly and come back to the abandoned task :).

Ok. Here's a plan for a new day :), which is much earlier than usual from 10.30am. I have a big wandering: whether I should go out to for some bank stuffs (of course, to save time I will go for hair cut + supermarket) ???

MT: 1hr (10.45am-11.30am)
Lunch: 45' (11.45am-12.45am)
Ask Hendra: 45' (1pm-1.30pm)
Plan from 3pm
HYP: 30' (3pm-3.20pm)
CS4248: 30' (3.30pm-3.50pm)
CS3242: 30' (4pm-4.20pm)
Plan from 10am:
Su's task: 1hr (10-10.50am)
Email Min abt future plan: 15' (11am-11.10am)
CS5206: 45' (11.15am-11.50am)
Lunch + sleep: 2hr (12pm-2pm)
Goto school -> 3pm
Start planning from 1pm:
HYP: 1hr (1pm-1.50pm)
CS3242: 45' (2pm-2.40pm)
Meal + drink: 15' (2.45pm-3pm)
NK meeting: 1hr (3pm-3.50pm)
CS3242: 2hr (4pm-5.30pm)
CS3242 project: 30' (6pm-6.25pm)
plan from 8.34pm
8.34-9pm: continue installation of Netbean Ruby + mysql configuration
Bath: 15' (9pm-9.10pm)
CS3215: 45' (9.15pm-9.45pm)
CS3242: 45' (10pm-10.30pm)
Chat + meal: 1hr (10.30-11.30pm)
NK: 30' (11.30pm-11.50pm)
CS4248: 30' (12pm-12.20pm)

1pm: ''SLEEP'' Today, I must be discipline. I swear !!!
* CS5206 project Milestone 2 (''done'')
* HYP writeup: revised chapter on Preliminaries (''in progress''), Finnish chapter, start writing Chapter on Methodology
* CS5246 HW2: wiki survey, and answer for 10 questions (''done'')

* HYP CRF feature
* HYP experiments: run on large data m-m with phrase length 10, distortion limit 6,9, unlimited.
* HYP morpheme concatenation dynamic programming lookup + ending probability

* CS3108B audio experiment result
* CS3108B report

* eGenting preparation
* CS5240 project

* CS5240 HW3
* CS5206 HW3

* Motorbike registration (done this Friday)
* StarChallenge data wrapup

! 19 October - plan from 2.22pm
* CS5206: try to finalize on algorithms, & data structure -> start writing report - 2hrs (2.30pm-4.30pm)
* CS5246 wiki: 45' (4.45pm-5.30pm)
* Rest: 30' (5.30pm-6pm)
* CS5206: 30' (6.15pm-45pm)
Dinner at 7pm!!!
Get on table 8pm !!!
* HYP: revised Preliminaries chapter 45' (8pm-8.45pm)
* Chat: 1hr (8.45pm-9.45pm)
Start working again at 10pm
Plan from 4.07pm (Just now I waste quite much time checking books in the library, I seems to have a bad habit of being so perfectionist!!! I try to check all the books in the library, and borrow 5 books which I might not be able to read all. And that's true for other works as well when I try to spend a lot of additional effort to achieve perfection for something which might be in fact useless (think about 80/20 rule). All right, a remedy for this problem is this wiki where I try to plan what I need to do to sufficiently accomplish a task, and limit amount of time so that when I tends to be perfectionist, I have some notion that I am overtime, and that's a ''helpful alert''. 
Soft meal: 25' (4.15pm-4.35pm)
HYP: 45' (4.40pm-5.45pm)

Plan from 1.10pm-4.30pm
Framework: 50' (1.10pm-1.50pm)
CS4248: 1hr (2pm-2.50pm)
CS3215: 45' (3pm-3.40pm)
Rest: 30' (3.45pm-4.10pm)
Quick meal: 15' (4.15pm-4.30pm)
+ CS3215 meeting: 1.5hr (4.30pm -6pm)
+ CS3215 consultation: 1.5 hr (6pm-7.30pm)
+ CS3215 post-meeting: 7.30-8pm
+ Taekwondo club: 9pm-10pm

Plan from 11.10pm:
+ HYP: 30' (11.15pm-11.40pm)
+ CS4248: 30' (11.45pm-0.10am)
+ Meal: 30' (0.15am-0.40am)
+ CS4248: 30' (0.45-1.15am)
+ Toan's problem list: 20' (1.20am-1.40am)
+ Misc: 20' (send email to Julian, Shawn) (1.40am-2am)
Sleep !!!
Today, jogging with my friend at SRC football field. I keep my record at 4 rounds ^ ^
Let recap, a few day backs on Sunday I go for swimming first time in this semester :D I'll try to swim more often in the coming time. However, by saying that, it doesn't mean I didn't exercise for long time. I did have regular Teakwondo training during term time :)

There're a lot of things I want to express about positive feeling and thinking each time I went back from jogging, especially a few week back when I overcome a few down feeling and thinking in my mind. However, now I don't have the mood to write it, simply because I'm happy now :)
Plan from 2:03pm
Plan: 12' (2.03pm-2.10pm)
CS3215: 30' (2.15pm-2.45pm)
HYP: 1hr (3pm-3.45)
NK: 30' (4pm-4.20pm)
Sleep: 45'(4.30pm-5pm)

Plan form 9.21pm
HYP: 30' (9.30pm - 9.50pm)
NK: 1hr (10pm-10.45pm)
Chat: 1hr (11pm-12.45pm)
CS3242: 20' (1pm-1.20pm)

Plan from 0.15am - 2am:
0.15am - 0.50am: HYP
1am-1.25am: CS4248
1.30am-1.55am: CS3215
Plan from 9.39pm. Today, I'm gonna sleep early ^ ^ at 12pm sharp :)

SHSIG: 15' (9.45pm-10pm)
HYP: 45' (10pm-10.35pm)
NK: 20' (10.45pm-11pm)
CS3215: 20' (11.10pm-11.30pm)
Misc: 15' (11.30pm-11.45pm)
12pm: goto sleep !!!
Plan from 1:06PM
Buy textbook + binding CS3215 project manual: 25' (1:06pm-1.25pm)
CS3215: 30' (1.30pm-1.50pm)
NK meeting: 30' (2pm-2.30pm)
CS3242: 45' (2.45-3.30pm)
Rest: 20' (3.30pm-3.50pm)
CS3242 lecture: 4pm-5.30pm
CS3242 meeting: 5.30pm-6.30pm

Plan from 9:15pm
Plan + bath: 15' (9.15pm-9.30pm)
HYP: 1hr (9.30pm-10.15pm)
CS3215: 30' (10.30-11.20pm)
Meal + Chat: 1hr (11.30pm-12.15pm)
CS3242: 30' (12.30pm-12.50pm)
NK:30' (13pm-13.20pm)

* HYP writeup: revised chapter on Preliminaries (''done''), Finnish chapter, start writing Chapter on Methodology
* CS5246 HW2: html parser (''done'')

* HYP CRF feature (''in progress'')
* HYP experiments: run on large data m-m with phrase length 10 (''done''), distortion limit 6,9, unlimited (''done'').  
* HYP morpheme concatenation dynamic programming lookup + ending probability (''postpone'')

* CS3108B audio experiment result
* CS3108B report

* eGenting preparation ('' in progress'')
* CS5240 project

* CS5240 HW3 (''done'')
* CS5206 HW3 (''done'')

* Motorbike registration (done this Friday) (''done'')
* StarChallenge data wrapup

!21 October - plan from 1.52pm
CS5246: HTML parser - 1.5hr (2pm-3.25pm)
HYP write up: 2hrs (3.30pm-4.50pm)
Rest: 30' (5pm-5.30pm)
Dinner: 5.45-6.30pm
HYP morfessor concatenation: 1.5hr (6.45pm-8.15pm)
Back home
Reach home 8.45pm!
Plan from 12:31pm
HYP: 1.5hr (12.40pm-2pm)
CS3215: 30' (2.15pm-2.40pm)
CS3242: 30' (2.45pm-3.10pm)
NK: 30' (3.15pm-3.40pm)

Meal: 30' (4.15pm-4.45pm)
Buy SS Book + CS3215 manual binding: 10'
SPC talk on PhD studies: 1hr (5pm-6pm)
C# supplementary lecture: 2hr (6-8pm)
Back home:30'

Plan from 8.27pm
Plan:10' (8.27pm-8.37pm)
CS3242: 45' (8.40pm-9.20pm)
Meal: 30' (9.30-9.50pm)
Chat  + Reply to SHSIG + send email to Min + IVLE: 1hr (10pm-10.50pm)
CS3215: 45' (11pm - 11.40pm)
NK: 30' (11.45'pm-12.10pm)
Sleep before 1pm
* Reply Dr. Sai on structure hole program (''done'')
* CS3108B experiment (''done'') & report writing (''done'')
* CS5246 revision (''done'')
* ACL preparation (''in progress'')
* Misc: reply Khoa (''done''), ask Nguyen meeting time (''done''), post CS5246 question1 forum (''done''), reply aHa`o (''done''), msg aTuan ask for Camb plan (''done''), bbdc booking (''done''), salary submission, ibanking to Toan (''done'')
Start 12pm -> 1AM
CS3212: 1hr30'
CS4243: 1hr30'
MA2101S: 2hrs
CS3103: 1hr
NLP: 30'
Chat + check Aus visa + emails : 1hr30'
Sleep: 1hr
Meals: 2hr

plan from 2.45pm

CS3215: 30' (read on Unified Process)
Meal: 30' (3.45pm-4.15pm)
Bind book + renew book + buy SSE1101 book: 15'
CS3215 meeting: 3.5hr (4.30pm-8pm)

Having eaten enough ^ ^ Let's work hard and sleep early. Today I ''must'' sleep early
Plan from 10:58pm
Reply email + msgs: 20' (11pm-11.15pm)
SSA: 30'(11.30pm-11.50pm)
CS4248: 30' (12pm-12.20pm)
HYP: 20' (12.30pm-12.45pm)
CS3215: 20' (12.50pm-1.05pm)
NK: 10' (1.10pm-1.25pm)

Plan from 9.25pm. This week timing is tight, thus I need to plan, plan and plan well.
HYP: 1.5hr. (9.30-10.50pm)
CS3242: 45' (11.15pm-11.50pm)
CS4248: 45' (0am-0.40am)
Plan from 2.52pm:
SSA1202: 1hr (3pm-3.50pm)
Meal: 30' (4pm-4.30pm)
HYP: 2hr (4.45-6.15pm)
Sleep: 30' (6.30pm-7pm)
Bath + Meal: 1hr (7pm-7.55pm)
StarChallenge: 1.5hr(8pm-9.30pm)

Plan from 10.05pm
IVLE feedback + plan + check ticket change: 25' (10.05-10.25pm)
HYP: 1.5hr (10.30pm-11.50pm)
Meal: 30' (0 am-0.25am)
SSA1202: 30' (0.30am-1am)

Plan from 11.10
Arrange luggage: 10' (11.10-11.20)
English correction for my brother: 40' (11.20-11.55pm)
CS5206 writeup: 30' (12pm-12.25pm)
Plan from 10PM-1AM
* Toan: 45' (10pm-10.30pm)
* CS3215: 45' (10.45-11.30pm)
* CS3242: 45' (11.45-12.30pm)
Plan from 2.37pm
HYP: 1hr20' (2.40pm-3.45pm)
Meal: 30' (4pm-4.20pm)
Rest: 30' (4.30-4.50pm)
HYP: 1hr (5pm-5.45pm)
NK: 30' (6pm-6.20pm)
CS3242: 30' (6.30pm-7pm): finish first section on what and why Web2.0
Back home
plan from 11.10am
Email: 15' (11.15-11.25am)
HYP: 30' (11.30am-11.55am)
Lunch: 45' (12pm-12.30pm)
Rest: 45' (12.45-1.20pm)
CS3215: 1hr (1.30pm-2.30pm)
CS3242: 30' (3pm-3.20pm)
CS3242 meeting: 30' (3.30pm-3.55pm)
CS3242: 4pm-5.45pm
CS3215: consultation (6pm-7pm)

Plan from 10.30pm
CS3215: 45' (10.30pm-11.10pm)
Supper & bath: 30' (11.15-11.40pm)
HYP: 45' (11.45-12.25pm)
CS4248: 30' (12.30pm-1pm): text processing code (Java)
Start 12pm -> 1 AM

+ MA2101S: 2hrs (12pm-1.45pm)
+ CS3212: 2hrs (2pm-3.45pm)
+ Meal: 45' (4pm-4.30pm)
+ Sleep: 30' (4.45pm-5.15pm)
+ MA2101S: 1hr (5.30pm-6.15pm)
+ CS3212: 1hr (6.30pm-7.15pm)

Going home:
Misc (chat, mail, blog, ...): 1hr
Meal + cook: 1hr
Toan's problem list: 20'
CS4243: 30'
CS3103: 30'
MT: 30'

The plan are followed very closely until "Sleep" item after which I involved in a 3 hours chat with my girlfriend. Though much time was spent, I'm happy when we understand each other more, solve a big problem and a continue another firm step on our road till ...
Things that haven't been done in the plan are : Cook (anyway I'm out of food :d ), CS4243, CS3103. No problem, tomorrow, I could solve them all since I am encouraged by the love of my girlfriend, and not to forget my family members :)
Plan from 6.51pm:
SSA1202: 30' (7pm-7.25pm)
Rest: 20' (7.30pm-7.45pm)
Bath + Meal: 8pm-9pm
CS3242 revision: 45' (9pm-9.40pm)
Chat + check ticket + cd + email: 1hr' (9.45pm-10.40pm)
CS3242 revision: 45' (10.45pm-11.20pm)
Meal: 30' (11.30pm-11.55pm)
HYP: 30' (12pm-12.25pm)
StarChallenge: 30' (12.30pm-12.55pm)
Plan from 1.25pm:
* Printing & submission: 20' (1.25pm-1.40pm)
* HYP debug morpheme: 2hr (1.45-3.30pm)
* Rest: 30' (3.45-4.10pm)
* Su's task: 45' (4.15pm-4.50pm)
* Star Challenge: 45' (5pm-5.40pm)
* Dinner: 30' (5.45pm-6.15pm)
CS5206 lecture at 6.30pm!
Plan from 11am
CS3242: 1.15' (11.15-12.15pm)
Lunch: 30' (12.20pm)
Cooking + MPH checking: 30'(12.30-12.50pm)
Sleep: 45' (1pm-1.35pm)
HYP: 45' (1.45pm-2.20pm)
NK: 45' (2.30-3.10pm)
Goto school
3.30pm: meeting Sai
Plan from 8.31pm

Misc + plan: 10' (8.31-8.41)
CS3242: 45' (8.45-9.20)
CS3215: 45' (9.30-10.10)
Chat + Solaris + emails: 30' (10.20-10.50pm)
11pm: Guitar club
Plan from 10.20pm
CS3215: 1.30' (10.30pm-12pm)
Lunch: 45' (12pm-12.45pm)

Plan from 2pm:
CS3215: 45' (2pm-2.40pm)
Rest: 30' (2.45pm- 3.10pm)
HYP: 1hr (3.15pm-4.10pm)
CS4248: 45' (4.15pm-4.50pm)
Dinner & move
6pm: UNIX meeting

Plan from 9.40pm:
CS4248: 30' (9.45pm-10.10pm)
CS3242: 30' (discussion, assignment3) (10.15pm-10.40pm)
Bath & supper: 30' (10.45pm-11.10pm)
HYP: 1.5hr (11.30pm-0.50am)
From 2pm to 1AM
CS3212: 1hr (2pm-2.45pm)
MA2101S: 2hr (3pm - 4.45pm)
Rest: 30' (5pm-5.15pm)
MA2101S: 1hr (5.30pm-6.15pm)
Meal: 45' (6.30pm-7.15pm)
MA2101S: 1hr(7.30pm-8.15pm)

Back home
Plan from 4.11pm
HYP: 1hr' (4.15pm-5pm)
CS3242: 1hr (5.15pm-6.15pm)
Sleep: 30' (6.15pm-6.40pm)
Cooking + bath + meal: 1hr (7pm-7.50pm)

Plan from 8.17pm:
CS3242: 1.15' (8.17pm-9.30pm)
Chat + check ticket + find material for Tung: 1hr (9.30pm-10.20pm)
CS3242: 45' (10.30-11.15pm)
StarChallenge: 45' (11.15pm-11.50pm)
Meal: 30' (0am- 0.25am)
CS4248: 30' (0.30am-1am)
Plan 11.30pm:
CS3215: 30' (11.30-11.50pm)
Lunch: 45' (12pm-12.30pm)
Rest: 30' (12.45-1.15pm)
CS3215: 1hr (1.30pm-2.15pm)
HYP: 1.5hr (2.30pm-3.40pm)
Meal: 30' (3.45pm-4.15pm)
CS3215 meeting: 4.30pm-6pm
CS3215 consultation: 6pm-7pm
Taekwondo: 9pm-10pm
From 9pm-12pm

Chatting: unlimited :D with my girlfriend "^^" after I have finished 2 exams today :)
Plan from 5.21pm:
CS3242: 1.30pm (5.30pm-6.50pm)
CS4248: 30' (7pm-7.20pm)
Meal: 30' (7.30pm-7.50pm)
CS3242 discussion with Tuan: 1.5hr (8pm-9.30pm)
Plan from 12.57pm
* HYP: 2hrs (1pm-2.45pm)
* StarChallenge: 3hrs (3pm-5.45pm)

CS5246 lecture from 6.30pm-8.30pm
Reach home at 9.15pm

* HYP: 1hr (corpus finding) (10pm-10.45pm)
* NK: 2hr (11pm-0.45am)
Plan from 1.06pm
Chat + misc: (1.15-2.50pm)
Sleep: 1hr (2pm-3pm)
HYP: 30' (3pm-3.20pm)
CS3215: 30'(3.30pm-4pm)
11 pm. I'm only left with around 2 hours which might seems to be too short to do many things. However, that might also not be true with a good planning. I'm learning that, so  I should plan now even though there's not much time left. Oh I just said a not-to-say phrase which is "there's not much time left". In fact, there's plenty of time and never say some thing that is too late ^ ^. It's my free writings, feel comfortable to spot any grammatical as well as spelling errors I've made :D

Now, it's my planning:
11.10pm-0.20 AM: CS4243
0.25 - 0.50: MT

Then sleep ^^
Yesterday, I did 1 extra work which is to start revise IBM DB2 course. This is to follow my plan on Google calendar. There's a round 3 weeks until the test day of the IBM database certificate. The organization claimed that the highest-score person will receive a prize of an IBM notebook. Wowwww....that's fantastic. Among around 50-80 students, the chance is not too small^ ^ I just try my best with the main purpose of having more knowledge and below is the encouragement of getting the prize :)

Now is the plan for this morning from 10.45AM 
CS4243: 1hr (10.45am - 11.30am)
CS4243: 1hr (11.45am - 12.30pm)
Lunch: 30' (1pm - 1.30 pm)
Return projector: 15'
Rest: 30' (2pm-2.30pm)
CS3103: 1hr (2.45pm-3.30pm)
CS3103: 1hr (3.45pm-4.30pm)

reply to Vikram about the decision not to participate in the ACM event
change Jetstar ticket
rsvp egenting dinner

In the night I revised until tutorial  5 CS3103, then more or less read through chapter 1 of IBM DB2 9 book ^ ^ then sleep. The most critical thing I didn't achieve is not sleep early before 1pm. That's very very very critical !!!!!!!!!!! I need to learn that for a sound mind and health :)
Plan from 1.45pm
Misc: sms Toan, check Y360, transfer photo - 15' (1.45pm-2pm) 
CS5206 algorithm: revise lecture, HW2 - 45'  (2pm-2.40pm)
HYP: find & download corpora, email Min - 1hr' (2.45pm-3.35pm)
HYP: morpheme recovery 1hr (3.45-4.35pm)
Rest: 30' (4.45-5.10pm)
HYP: morpheme recovery 45'hr (5.20-6pm)
CS5206: 20' (6.5pm-6.20pm)
Dinner & back home: 1hr.15' (6.30pm-7.15pm)
Jogging: 30' (7.30pm-8pm)
Plan from 11.11am
StarChallenge: 1.15' (11.15am-12.15pm) (patching, distributed)
Lunch + supermarket + bank (change address 2 accs): 1hr (12.30-1.30pm)
Sleep: 30' (1.45-2.15pm)
StarChallenge: 1hr(2.15pm-3pm)
Goto School: 3.15pm
StarChallenge meeting: 1.5hr (4pm-5.30pm)
reply to Vikram about the decision not to participate in the ACM event
change Jetstar ticket
reply to egcp job offer

From 11AM to 7PM
CS3103: 1hr (11am-11.45am)
CS3103: 1hr (12pm-12.45pm)
Lunch: 30' (1pm-1.30pm)
CS3103: 1hr (3pm-3.45pm)
CS4243: 1hr (2pm-2.45pm)
Rest: 30' ( - 4.30pm)
CS4243: 45' (4.45pm-5.30pm)
MT: 30' (5.30pm-6pm)
Dinner: 6-7pm

7.45pm-8.30: CS3103
8.30-9pm: go back home

Plan from 10.15pm-1am
10.15-11pm: CS3103 goal, finish all tut
12pm-1am: CS3103, or CS4243 or MT
Plan from 7.45pm
SIGIR: 1hr (cont. try audio lib) (7.45-8.40pm)
Financial aid + WWW submission form: 30' (8.45-9.10pm)
Bath: 15' (9.15-9.25pm)
CS3215: 1hr (9.30pm-10.20pm)
HYP: 45' (10.30pm-11.10pm)
Meal: 20' (11.10-11.30pm)
CS3242: 30' (11.45-12.15')
Misc: 15' (12.15'-12.30pm)
Even though it is vacation time now^ ^, it doesn't mean that I will stop planning. I'm learning to plan :) Planning now doesn't mean that I want to keep myself busy without enjoying the vacation time. No, I'm planning so that I could fully enjoy the coming outings, which seem to cram at weekend :D. I have 3 "Do^." to go, but probably I need to refuse one :). I plan also to prepare for some great time ahead when I could indulge myself in happiness of being around with my family and my ... who's that?, my girlfriend ^ ^

Alright? what should I plan now? It's now 9PM
Lyric Alignment: web-based application, check SMIL (9pm-9.45pm)
MT: continue reading chapter 25 Machine Translation 

+ write appreciation letter for the scholarship
+ think about feedback for Min
+ create new problem set for Toan
Plan from 3.40pm
* Misc: mail to sigir-update starchallenge, reply sigir on timing, reply nus guitar abt vn2020gc, reply abt guitar welcome tea, reply biz prof on assistant, reply Thuy - 30' (3.40-4.10)
* HYP: 1.30' (4.15pm-5.45pm)
5.45: Diner
* 6.30pm-10pm: CS5246
plan from 11.38am
Lunch: 30' (11.40am-12.15am)
HYP: 1.5hr (12.30pm-1.45pm)
CS4248: 30' (2pm-2.20pm)
SSA1202: 30' (2.30pm-2.50pm)
Misc: SIGIR reading, Toan's problem list, VN plan
Rest: 45' (3.45pm-4.30pm)
4.30 CS3215 meeting
Plan from 11.30pm:
CS3215: 45' (11.30pm-0.10 am) (implement strategy discussed in consultation, unrelated n related synonyms)
CS4248 reading: algo for contextual spelling correction (0.15am-0.40am)
* HYP writeup: Finnish chapter,  Methodology chapter

* HYP CRF feature regenerate -> train
* HYP check running results: tuning Morfessor parameter, hybrid model
* HYP: analysis to prove about morph BLEU > word BLEU
* HYP experiments: run on large data m-m with phrase length 10, distortion limit 6,9.  

* CS5246 HW2 parsing infobox, and navbox -> evaluation
* CS5206 project: email Prof. Leong Wai ask about data structure & optimal result set (''done'')

* CS3108B report
* CS3108B audio experiment result

* eGenting preparation ('' in progress'')
* CS5240 project
* StarChallenge data wrapup

* Misc: 
** Email: reply Jin, Min on Star Challenges. reply Lawrence Chai about additional girl for interviewing.
** Send CS5246 course to Trung
** Send latex file to Khang
** email Comp Club abt Microsoft conference
** reply Preslav
Plan from 4.05pm
SIGIR: 20' (4.05pm-4.30pm): read SIGIR paper + A star challenge
Meal: 30' (4.30pm-5pm)
back home: 15'
Sleep (5.30pm-6.30pm)
Meal: 30' (6.45-7.15)
HYP: 2hrs (7.45pm-9.45pm)
Plan from 1.07pm
CS3215: 1hr (1.30pm-2.30pm)
CS3242 meeting: 2.45pm-3.30pm)
Rest: 20' (3.30pm-3.50pm)
CS3242 lecture: 4pm-5.30pm

Plan from 9.54pm:
CS3215: 1.5hr (10pm-11.20pm)
CS4248: 45' (11.30pm-0.10am)
HYP: 45' (0.15am-1am)
* Finalize blog (this week!!!) (''done'')
* CS5240 project continue (interim report: due 6 Oct) (''done''): get the lyric model from Min
* HYP: run experiments: w-w on large data (''done''), m-m on large data with simple concatenation approach from Jaakko (''done''), m-m on large data with improved recovered model (''in progress'')
* HYP w/m hybrid model

* CS5246 lecture recording
* HYP revise chapter on preliminary
* StarChallenge data wrapup
* CS3108B experiment result

* NK test facilitites
* Prepare midterm CS 5240
* eGenting preparation
* CS5246 HW2 (''read project specification'')
* CS5206 project (''read project specification'')

! 5 October plan from 2.30pm:
* HYP: check Koehn, 2005 setting, run w-w on large data (4-gram, phrase 7, distortion limit default & -1), check result of morph info + perform simple concatenation - 2hr (2.30-4.25pm)
* Rest: 30' (4.30pm-4.55pm)
* HYP: hybrid model 2hr (5pm-6.50pm)
* Jogging + dinner: 40' + 30' (7pm-8.20pm)
Get on the table: 8.30pm!!!

* CS5240: 1hr (8.30pm-9.20pm)
* Chat + write blog: 1hr (9.30pm-10.20pm)
* CS5240: 1.30hr (10.30-11.50pm)
* Super: 20' (0-0.20am)
* CS5240 report: (0.30am-1.20am)
Sleep at 1.30am!!!

! 4 October plan from 3.47pm:
* HYP: setup git repository to ease Moses modification process,  add control to n-gram in, find out where max phrase table constraint is set, run w-w model on large data with distortion limit & no distortion limit - 1.10' (3.50pm-5pm)
* Rest: 20' (
* CS5240: get Min lyric module, architecture for the system, ideas 1.30' (5.30pm-7pm)
* Jogging: 45' (7pm-7.40pm)
* Dinner: 30' (8pm-8.30pm)
Get on the table at 9pm!!!
Plan from 2.15pm

HYP: Rerun mert on word-morpheme translation, debug giza++ for WARNING: DIFFERENT SUMS: (1) (nan) - 1.30hr (2.30pm-3.50pm)
CS5240: assignment1 - 1.30hr (4pm-5.30pm)
5.45 dinner
6.30pm: CS5240
* HYP w/m hybrid model
* HYP finnish chapter
* Prepare midterm CS 5240 (''done'')
* CS5246 lecture recording (''done'')

* HYP revised chapter on Preliminaries
* StarChallenge data wrapup
* CS3108B experiment result

* NK test facilitites
* eGenting preparation
* CS5246 HW2
* CS5206 project

!8 October plan from 12.53pm
* HYP checking: 10' (1.36'-1.45pm)
* CS5240 midterm: 1hr (1.45-2.40pm)

* Dinner: 5.45pm
* CS5246 class: 6.30-8.30pm

!7 October plan from 1.34pm
* HYP: 2hrs (1.34-2.20pm)
* CS5240 midterm preparation: 1hr (2.30pm-3.25pm)
Rest: 30' (3.30pm-3.55pm)
* HYP: 1.30hrs (4pm-5.30pm)
Dinner at 5.30pm!!! -> Back home
Arrive home at 6.30pm

* HYP: 1hr (6.45pm-7.45pm)
Jogging: 45' (7.45pm-8.30pm)
Chatting + bathroom: 1hr (8.45pm-9.45pm)
* CS5240 midterm preparation: 1hr (10pm-10.50pm)
Supper: 45' (11pm-11.40pm)
* CS5246 recording + HW2: 1.30hr (11.45pm-1.15 am)
* Misc: 15' (1.15-1.30am)
Sleep at 1.30am!!!

Busy with outings and other stuffs, I seemed to feel lazy to update this page. But of course, it only *seemed*. Haha... now I get back the learning process

What I have done today:
+ Get the skeleton for LyricAlignment done, and figure out how SMIL files are generated. The next step is to make use of the SMIL generator file, figure out CGI, and integrate all them
+ I finish the questions on Chapter 3 of the IBM DB2 book. I need to check out the answers, and get another chapter read :)
+ I and my girlfriend today seemed to be very satisfied with each other after a long-enough talk :). I end with a sentence "em la bong hoa dep nhat trong long anh", which I shyly said that in love :X
+ oh ya... the last thing is I went to Australian High Commission. I turned out that I applied the visa too early :D However, it doesn't really waste my time as I know more about what I suppose to do. I knew that besides seeking parental statement saying that "they financial support my studying and Australian trip with the amount of money in my bank account", I could use my own money when working part-time :). And there's a very very good news that ..... I got a prize from the eGenting competition, which offer me a job ^ ^, and a round ~1000sgd or even more. So now, I have enough money and evidence to demonstrate to the Australian Officer that I am well supported by myself.
Oh ... I seemed a bit unfair to mention only my girlfriend :D. Of course, I should also be fair with my family members. I sent a msg to my Mom telling the good news :), and she said that she's so happy about the news that she want to talk to me tonight. That makes me feel happy as well :).
+ I have created the problem list for Toan for 3 weeks ^ ^, and I'll continue to expand it. He seemed to be exciting with what I have done for him :). I'm happy with that too :)
Yea...I'm a happy person, and wish that I could share that happiness to anyone else, which I did :)

What I haven't done:
+ I need to finish Machine Translation chapter otherwise I'll fall behind the schedule
Alright. Let wake up this tiddlywiki!!!

Planning from 10.30am
planning + CORS + email: 30' (10.30am-11am)
HYP: 1hr (11am-11.45am)
Lunch: 45' (12pm-12.30pm)
HYP: 1hr (1pm-1.45pm)
Back home
Plan from 2.14pm
WWDC app submission + SHSIG + chat: 45' (2.15pm-2.55pm)
CS4248: 1hr (3pm-3.50pm)
CS3215: 30' (4pm-4.25pm)
Rest: 30' (4.30pm-4.55pm)
Meal: 30' (5pm-5.20pm)
QPS meeting: 45' (5.30-6.10pm)
SHSIG meeting: 1.5hr (6.30pm-8pm)
Up and down feelings :( ..... Arrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh.......... I hate it. I hate it as well. I seemed to be very tired. Is that love so hard ?............Alright, I won't be depressed. My life is probably short, and I never know when it will ends, that is when I'm no longer in this world. At that time, I would lie deeply in the earth, thinking about what has happened, and would be too much regretful if I had wasted my time for not loving some one that I should love. So, I continue to love until I am unable. Thing's gonna be fine soon, I believe, and I'm looking for a way to solve it which I believe it exists :)
Plan from 2.50pm
StarChallenge: 30' (3pm-3.20pm) (overtime)
HYP: 1hr (3.30pm-4.20pm) (little time)
NK: 1hr (4.30-5.20pm) (not achived)

Plan from 8.15pm:
StarChallenge CVS setup: 15' (8.15-8.25pm)
HYP: 1hr (get a small data set, add lowercase code, add tunning code; run word, and morph translation without tunning) (8.30-9.20)
NK doc: 30 (9.30-9.50pm)
Plan from 10.08 pm:
* Picture uploading, record file transfer: 15' (10.15-10.25pm)
* CS3215 report combining: 20' (10.30pm-10.45pm)
* CS3215 with: 1hr (10.45pm-11.40pm)
* Meal: 30' (11.45-12.10pm)
* CS4248: 25' (12.15-12.35')
* Star challenge: 15' (12.40-12.55')
Plan from 11.40pm
* Misc: 15' (check HYP result, run StarChallenge framework)
* Lunch: 40' (12pm-11.30pm)
* Misc: return lib books, go to pgp get mailbox key, change Singtel address)
* upload wav file for star challenge & send email (''done'')
* send email to feedback for Sam (''done'')
Min-Yen KAN

* anthology as corpus
* build corpus from own own publications
* scientific discourse

Parscit: open-source reference segmentation
iOpener: summarization 
Record linkage: using web data to match articles
citation function classification
! 5 June
* modify recurrent relation to display option for local alignment (comparing to 0)
* mention about offset in Local alignment
* remove range-shift & thresholding
* mention able to capture chorus segment, haven't used labeler
* many spurious segments, find those with many repetition

chorus end is detected better than chorus start. this is due to Verse-Chorus go together

Songs are in V-C form
detect compound structure, detect chorus & outro chorus

* Segmentation works extremely well
* Alignment is not well yet, this is because of repetitive values has noise

* segmentation reduce duration error significantly, and on the other hand improve starting point accuracy

why starting point is not as accuracy as LyricAlly
Min's suggestions

- You don't need a nav paragraph for such a short paper.  You can
delete the last paragraph of the intro.

- I will probably rewrite your intro/conclusion.  You need to be less
technical here and convincingly say what's new about your work and why
it deserves publication. You want to emphasize that 1) previous works
are compute intensive, yours is not , 2) you take the idea of
repetition farther than it has been done before (using music structure

- It's not clear which parts of fig 1 are discussed in Sections 2.x.
It would be good to label figure 1 (or caption) with labels that point
to the various sections. (''done'')

- Many of the lyric/chroma graphs could be placed side by side
instead.  You need to label axes on these graphs. (''done'')

- It's still not clear that Section 2.3 takes as input Figure 4 and
Figure 5.  You need to make clear that the previous sections deal with
each modality separately and that the alignment stage is the first
step in pulling them together.

- How exactly the segmentation works to provide extra data for the
edit distance alignment is unclear.  The way the text reads now
implies that segmentation is done only after global alignment is
finished and that it outputs the final result, rather than providing
input to the alignment process.  You need to reinforce this in the
text rather than rely on Fig 1 as the only confirmation of this.

- The discussion looks pretty good for now.  As you've put me as a
co-author you can remove me from the acknowledgments.  We may want to
credit Denny Iskandar or Dr Wang Ye for helping us with the chroma
vector extraction as well as getting the dataset. (''done'')

* Temporarily, leave out song 30 (can't generate chroma vector) -> to use 44.1 kHz songs

* Latex Table: spanning row for alignment analysis, center alignment for header only
* Ask Min about paper author

* Paper weaknesses
Before you read the paper, I'd like to point out several places that I'm going to revise:
* Repetition plot for chromas doesn't look convincing, so I will generate a new one. The solution for it is to consider only elements having high repetitive values, which will results in more regular graph.
* Segmentation section doesn't sound clear, so I will try to use some illustrating graph instead of words, and reduce several redundant details.

In overview, there are several weaknesses, which I probably will try to see if I could fix them:
* Segmentation: my previous work could segment lyrics without using any line-break information between paragraphs, so I didn't use that information. The weakness is I did not make full use of the resource, line-break info, which is readily available in many lyrics. Moreover, the automatic segments have errors, and the fine-grain level of the segmentation is not under our control.
-> The solution for that is to use the line breaks on lyric side, which give us a segmentation of Sec1, Sec2, .., SecN. So the job now is to segment the audio file, and align the most repetitive audio segment with the most repeating lyric section. That means we will have:
** ''Alignment at segment level'' (I didn't explicitly mention this in the current paper)
** ''Alignment at word level''

* Alignment at word level: I take an example of a song section "Paint my love A B C. Paint my love X Y Z". Previously what we did is we align the 2 repetitive sequences of values: one for all lyric words, and one for all chromas that correspond to the song section. This causes us troubled because even though in audio A, B, C sounds the same as X, Y, Z, artists could put whatever they like for A, B, C, X, Y, Z. What I think is there’s no point trying to align A, B, C, and X, Y, Z. What should be done is to align the repeated phrases “Paint my love”, and the ''estimate the time scale for A, B, C, and X, Y, Z like in the LyricAlly paper''.
! My
* ''The Tepper School of Business'' - CMU
** Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) or Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
** ''Three'' Tepper School of Business evaluation forms must be completed by individuals who are able to provide specific and relevant information about their intellectual ability, performance, maturity and motivation. 
** The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is required of applicants whose native language is not English. There is only one instance where this requirement will be waived:  for applicants who have successfully completed at least one year of full-time study at a university in a country where the official language is English.
The Tepper School of Business Ph.D. application deadline is ''January 15, 2009.''

* The Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon offers an outstanding financial aid package to its doctoral candidates. All doctoral candidates receive full tuition, plus a stipend for three years, through the William Larimer Mellon Fund.
In addition to tuition remission and stipend, our Ph.D. students also receive an IBM Thinkpad notebook computer free of charge, to support their computing needs while they are in residence.

''The Robert H. Smith School of Business'' - University of MaryLand
''January 2''   	Final deadline for all international applicants seeking admission under F1 (Student) or J1 (Exchange Visitor) visas.
Final deadline for all students wishing to be considered for financial aid awards.
#   Complete Application Form
# Application Fee ($60)
# Official Academic Transcripts (undergraduate and graduate)
# Official GMAT or GRE Test Score Report from ETS (less than 5 years old)
# Statement of Goals, Research Interests, and Experiences
# 3 Recommendation Letters with Recommendation Forms
# TOEFL score or ELTS score (international students; TOEFL is preferred; scores must be sent electronically by ETS)
# Certification of Finances Form (international students)
# Copies of I-20, I-94 and Passport Visa Stamp (international applicants in U.S.)
# Residency Information Form (Maryland residents) 
Every student admitted to the PhD Program will receive full financial support in the form of a graduate assistantship or fellowship. The financial support packages range in amounts between $14,355 and $21,355. Base stipends of $14,355 are often supplemented with an additional $7,000 in Fellowship Research funds. Support packages also include tuition remission and health benefits. 

''Haas Ph.D. Program''
The application deadline for Fall 2010 admissions is ''December 10, 2009''.
GRE or GMAT test score.
You may take the TOEFL, iBT TOEFL (also called Next Generation TOEFL) or the IELTS. 
Waiver of TOEFL or IELTS If you have completed at least one year of full-time academic course work with grades of B or better at a recognized US university, or have received a degree from a recognized English speaking institution in your country, you do not need to take a standardized test. Instead, you must submit an official transcript from the US school. The following courses will not fulfill this requirement:
Submit ONLY ''three letters of recommendation'' evaluating your academic performance and promise
Financial aid: this usually takes the form of a financial aid package over four years of study at Berkeley and includes stipends, grants, fellowships, and other awards plus tuition and fees.

''The University of Edinburgh - business programme''
The programme entry date is September of each year. Applications for September 2009 entry will be considered from November 2008.
The closing date for applications is 31 May 2009

    *  A completed University of Edinburgh application form together with proof of qualifications as required on the form
    * A research proposal or plan of approximately 1,000 words
    * Reports from ''two referees''. Alternatively, the system can send emails directly to your referees on submission requesting reports
    * Applicants whose first language is not English must supply evidence of their competence in English

Both the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and the English Language Testing System (ELTS) test available through the British Council are acceptable.

''Melbourne Business School''
Aplications for 2009 commencement will be considered from ''July 2008''.

Applicants are normally required to have completed at least a four-year honours degree at H2A (75-79%) standard from an Australian university, or a qualification or combination of qualifications considered by the Research and Higher Degree Committee to be equivalent. 
Applicants should have achieved an overall H1 (80-100%) or H2A (75-79%) grade in the relevant honours or masters degree.
have completed a research project/component that accounts for at least 25% of their year’s work at 4th year or at Masters level. 
Meeting the University's TOEFL or IELTS requirements in a test taken no more than 24 months prior to application. Your original TOEFL or IELTS test report form must be included with your application.

International students - International scholarships
International students may apply for admission on a full-fee-paying basis (approximately $23,520). Information about fees for International Students is available from the International Office and at

International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS) The IPRS cover full tuition fees for each year of the course and the annual Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC). Usually coupled with an MIRS, which provides a living allowance.
Melbourne International Research Scholarships (MIRS)
The MIRS provides a living allowance of $18,660 p.a. (2006 rate). The value is reviewed annually.
Melbourne International Fee Remission Scholarship (MIFRS)

These scholarships are normally only available to international students commencing a research higher degree course. They cover full tuition costs, but not overseas student health.
Application closing date:
''September 15th'' for International Scholarships.


1  	University of Texas--Austin (McCombs)
Austin, TX
2 	University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)
Philadelphia, PA
3 	University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, IL
4 	University of Chicago
Chicago, IL
5 	University of Michigan--Ann Arbor (Ross)
Ann Arbor, MI
6 	University of Southern California (Marshall)
Los Angeles, CA
7 	Stanford University
Stanford, CA
8 	Brigham Young University (Marriott)
Provo, UT
	New York University (Stern)
New York, NY
10 	Northwestern University (Kellogg)
Evanston, IL

Adoption of activity management practices: a note on the extent of adoption and the influence of organizational and cultural factors
Kevin M. Baird, Graeme L. Harrison and Robert C. Reeve
Division of Economic and Financial Studies, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia

 Yew Ming    Chia   1    Hian Chye    Koh   1*
  1 The Management School, The University of Edinburgh and School of Business, SIM University, Singapore 

Extending Institutional Analysis through Theoretical Triangulation: Regulation and Activity-Based Costing in Portuguese Telecommunications
Authors: Trevor Hopper abc; Maria Major d
Affiliations:   	a Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK
	b Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
	c Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
	d Departamento de Financcedilas e Contabilidade, ISCTE - Escola de Gestatildeo, Lisboa, Portugal

The New Cost Management Culture: Where Are We Going?
James B. Edwards, MBA, Ph.D., CPA
William W. Bruner Distinguished Faculty Fellow, Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina

Discovering its Own Relevance? Reflections on the 'New' Management Accounting in the Public Sector
 Amanda  Ball
  1 School of Management, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK 

Activity based costing, modernity and the transformation of local government
Authors: Michela Arnaboldi a; Irvine Lapsley b
Affiliations:   	a Dipartimento di Economia e Produzione, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
	b University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Browse through the book, and interestingly find the chapter on "Planning", excellent writting !!!
* need a plan for 1, 5, 10, & 15 years
* "There's no way for you to fail unless you give up"
* make quantum goal not just incremental goal -> force to think out-of- the-box
* it's your fear that hamper you to dare to dream

I'll think each night abt my plan ^^
Manifesto for Agile Software Development (see,
whose new core values are:
 Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
 Working software over comprehensive documentation
 Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
 Responding to change over following a plan.
* Linh e Hoang: 9889 4579 
* Bac Chau- me Linh : 0913 587 588

*The Ghan train: Darwin - Adelaide
Route: Adelaide – Alice Springs – Darwin
Duration: 2 nights in either direction
Distance: 2979 kilometres
Frequency: Twice weekly Adelaide - Alice Springs - Darwin.
*The Overland train: Adelaide-Sydney
* Jetstar:
Sydney-Cairns: 169AUD ~ 220sgd
Cairns-Sydney: 169AUD ~ 220sgd

Sing-Cairns: too much expensive !!!

Sing-Perth: 100 + 150 = 250sgd
Perth-Sing: 100 + 200 = 300sgd

Sing-Melbourne: 150 + 150 = 300sgd
Melbourne-Sing: 170 + 180 = 350sgd

Train Sydney-Melbourne: 77AUD ~ 100sgd

* Skilled – Independent (Residence) visa (subclass 885)  	120  	120 
* Accountant: a 60 point occupation

Australian permanent residents can:

    * live and work in Australia on a permanent basis
    * study in Australia at school or university
    * receive subsidised healthcare through Medicare and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS)
    * access certain social security payments (subject to waiting periods)
    * be eligible for Australian citizenship (subject to the residency eligibility criteria)
    * sponsor people for permanent residence.

Proficient  	25 points  	

You must provide one of the following:

    * IELTS Test Report Form (TRF) Number to show you have a band score of at least seven (7) on each of the four (4) components – speaking, reading, listening and writing

Age  	Points
18 to 29 years 	30

You have undertaken study for a period totalling at least three (3) years, during which you:

    * met the requirements for award of an honours degree (second class (division 1) level or above) by an Australian educational institution as a result of course study:
          o of at least one (1) year
          o undertaken while you were present in Australia.


    * met the requirements for award of an undergraduate degree by an Australian educational institution as a result of course study:
          o of at least one (1) year
          o undertaken while you were present in Australia.

You have met the requirements for award of an undergraduate degree with honours (second class (division 1) level or above) by an Australian educational institution as a result of course study:

    * of at least three (3) years
    * undertaken while you were present in Australia.

You have met the two (2) year study requirement. 	5

Fluency in one of Australia's community languages as evidenced by a qualification (of equivalent standard to an Australian degree) gained from a university where instruction was in one of the above listed languages
be accredited with the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) at the professional level (translator/interpreter level).
Service Standard for High Risk Countries
Visa type 	Onshore

(If your visa can be granted while you are in Australia)

(If your visa can be granted while you are outside Australia)
General Skilled Migration 	six (6) months 	15 months
Skilled Regional Sponsored 	five (5) months 	seven (7) months 

Skilled - Independent (Residence) visa (subclass 885)
Charge Type 	Charge Amount
1st instalment 	$2105

Skilled – Graduate (Temporary) visa (subclass 485)
Charge Type 	Charge Amount
1st instalment 	$195 

This visa allows you and any secondary applicants included in your visa application to remain in Australia for up to 18 months with no restrictions on work or study.  During this period you may choose to:

    * travel
    * work
    * study to improve your English skills
    * complete a professional year.
      See: Professional Year
Science Secondary by Arlyana Sallyman
Challenging English Essays Sec 3
* Amazon 99.9% reliability
* Key principles
** Workload-driven design
** Component failures is the Norm, hugh files, new file access pattern
* Distributed storage
** Google file system: 40000-50000 servers, workload = large sequential appending writes, concurrent writes (consistency), no caching (applications used don't need caching)
*** Single master + multiple chunkservers. Clients ask the master (manage meta-data) for the chunk servers to retrieve data
** Google Bigtable (petabytes): used for web-indexing, Google Earh & Google Finance, Orkut, Google Analytics. Distributed database
*** Multi-dimentional sorted map: row, column, timestamp
*** Webtable: URL -> row, properties column
*** built on top of GFS
** Amazon Dynamo
*** Measure latency at 99.9 percentile
*** primary-key interface -> no need for relational database
*** interface: get(key), put(key, context, obj) -> distributed hash table
*** Quorum-based system: R+ W > N -> sloppy quorum: allow  R+ W < N for improved performance
*** Data versioning: vector lock
* Distributed computation
** Google MapReduce
*** Map: (key, value) -> (key1, value1)
*** Reduce: combine all (key1, value1) pairs into a combined pair

Linux FS -> GFS -> Bigtable
* Mehmet Ali Yatbaz
Dept. of Computer Engineering
Koc¸ University

* Deniz Yuret
Dept. of Computer Engineering
Koc¸ University
Network 2 module
+ BGP path advertisement (tut 11, qn1)
Software engineering module
Appeal reason & suggestions to compenstate:
* well fit my plan for UE
* CS3215: get acceptance from teammate
* CS4248: NLP knowledge in HYP
* check venues for 2 modules: if they next to each other

CS3215 lecture plan:
17/1: introductory lecture (skip)
24/1: lecture (attend)
31/1: lecture (attend)
13/3: mid-course briefing (tentative)
10/4: course-end briefing (tentative)
Attend all make-up and supplementary lectures which are not overlapping with CS4248 (total 2 lectures)
Computer vision module
Naturall language processing module
Bạn cần trầm tư, mặc tưởng hay "hâm nóng" tình yêu đã có phần phôi pha theo năm tháng mưu sinh. Bạn muốn tìm ý tưởng mới cho công việc, trau dồi ngoại ngữ hay mua vài món nội thất xinh xinh. Mời bạn hãy ghé qua những quán cà phê Hình Như Là có một không hai ở TP HCM.

8 giờ tối, tại quán cà phê Tưởng Niệm, số 155 đường Trần Bình Trọng, quận Gò Vấp đã đông khách. Phần lớn khách đến quán cà phê khác thường đi có đôi hoặc cả nhóm bạn bè, nhưng khách đến với Tưởng Niệm thường đi một mình. Mỗi người ngồi một góc, theo đuổi những suy tư và chiêm nghiệm theo cách riêng. Không gian nơi này dường như cách biệt hẳn với thế giới nhộn nhịp và sôi động bên ngoài.

Lặng lẽ, u hoài - đúng như tên gọi của quán, trước khi vào quán cà phê, khách phải đi qua một khu đất còn vài ngôi mộ cổ (hình như là mộ của người Hoa) được quét vôi màu trắng, vì vậy quán còn có một cái tên khác do chính những người khách đặt là quán Cổ Mộ. Vào trong quán dễ nhận thấy một không khí tĩnh lặng bao trùm. Khách đến đây, ngoài việc ngồi một mình để tưởng niệm, còn một thú vui khác là có thể tìm hiểu về nghệ thuật thư pháp qua nhiều bức trướng trang trí treo khắp quán. Đặc trưng của quán còn là những bản nhạc tiền chiến luôn réo rắt như nhắc về quá khứ vừa u hoài, vừa bi tráng. Quán chia làm ba khu, khu dành cho những người đàm đạo theo kiểu Nhật, khu mái hiên treo nhiều ảnh trắng đen và khu sân vườn với thiên nhiên thoáng đãng. Một nhà thơ trẻ khá nổi tiếng cho hay: "Dù yêu thích quán này nhưng tôi chỉ đến quán lúc nào cần suy tư, bởi nếu không có tâm trạng đó thì chính tôi sẽ phá hỏng không khí nơi đây. Vì vậy chỉ khi nào muốn "Ta nghiêng vai soi lại đời mình..." thì tôi mới tìm đến quán".

Cũng với gu tương tự như Tưởng Niệm, nhưng Cõi Riêng (371/D1 Nguyễn Cảnh Chân, quận 1) lại là cõi dành riêng cho... hai người nên khách đến đây thường là những cặp tình nhân. Điểm nổi bật của Cõi Riêng là rất kén khách bởi không gian rất yên tĩnh khác hắn với khuynh hướng hôm nay. Như luật bất thành văn, khách vào quán không nói chuyện ồn ào. Khi bạn cần được phục vụ, sẽ có ngay một nhân viên đứng... im lặng ngay bên cạnh... kiên trì chờ đợi "lệnh" (tất cả cũng chỉ là lệnh thì thầm). Nền nhạc chủ đạo của quán là những giai điệu bài hát của Trịnh Công Sơn. Chính những bài hát bất hủ của nhạc sĩ này đã trở thành nét độc đáo dành cho những người mê nhạc Trịnh. Sen xanh, ly trắng, cỏ lau bày ở các góc tối, góc sáng trong căn phòng là cách trang trí ấn tượng tại đây. Chị Hoàng Hương, một khách hàng quen thuộc của quán, nhận xét: Ai không thích chỗ quá lặng lẽ thì đừng đến. Nhưng ai đã sợ ồn ào, từng bị ám ảnh khung cảnh náo nhiệt của phố xá thị thành thì nơi đây sẽ là... thiên đường.

Chộp bắt ý tưởng, chỉ với diện tích gần 100m², nhưng quán La Fenêtre de Soleil (Cửa Sổ Mặt Trời) nằm ở tầng 2 trong một khu chung cư trên đường Nam Kỳ Khởi Nghĩa, quận 1 (góc ngã tư Lê Thánh Tôn) luôn đông khách. Với ý tưởng sắp đặt những vật dụng tưởng như "bỏ xó", anh Takayuki Sawamura, một nhà thiết kế nổi tiếng của Nhật, đã biến căn hộ chung cư này thành một quán cà phê "không giống ai". Cửa Sổ Mặt Trời như một ngôi nhà hoang sơ với cầu thang ọp ẹp, tường gạch thô, cửa ra vào ố vàng, cũ kỹ. Cách bài trí ở đây thật lạ: Mỗi thứ chỉ một món. Ở góc này là một chiếc giường cổ giăng mùng dành cho khách ngồi thưởng thức cà phê, ở góc kia là một mặt bàn được làm từ khung cửa rỉ sét. Chiếc đồng hồ quả lắc cách đây vài thập kỷ là điểm nhấn, gợi nét hoài cổ về nội thất thời thuộc địa. Phần đông khách đến đây đều là dân làm trong ngành quảng cáo, vì vậy họ coi Cửa Sổ Mặt Trời như là nơi lý tưởng để gợi tư duy và tìm thông tin về một ngành hiện được xem là thời thượng. Nguyễn Quí, nhân viên một công ty quảng cáo, cho biết: Nơi đây có thể xem là một trường học dành cho người muốn hiểu biết thêm về các kỹ xảo, kỹ thuật trong quảng cáo. Nhiều người đang làm nghề copywriter (viết bài quảng cáo) còn xem quán là nguồn cảm hứng để sáng tạo. Tại đây, khách còn có thể trau dồi khả năng ngoại ngữ của mình vì ngôn ngữ được sử dụng nhiều ở quán là tiếng Anh và tiếng Pháp. Điểm khiến Cửa Sổ Mặt Trời trở thành quán lạ còn ở chỗ, do phục vụ chủ yếu cho người làm công ty nên quán chỉ mở cửa từ 11 giờ 30 đến 19 giờ mỗi ngày. Sau 19 giờ là hoạt động của quán bar và đóng cửa vào ngày chủ nhật.

Quán Hình Như Là trên đường Nguyễn Đình Chính, Phú Nhuận lại dành riêng cho các bạn trẻ. Quán không rộng nhưng lúc nào cũng đông khách. Mới 19 giờ, nhưng quán đã không còn một chỗ ngồi. Điểm thu hút khách chính là... những cuốn nhật ký. Mỗi người khách đến đây đều có thể trải lòng mình trên những trang giấy, từ những khoảnh khắc hạnh phúc của một đôi bạn trẻ đang yêu đến những phút giận hờn vu vơ hay đơn giản chỉ là những khi bị điểm kém trong học tập..., tất cả đều được lưu lại đây. Quán sẽ chọn lọc những đoạn nhật ký hay nhất để chuyền đọc. Có thể tìm ở đây một cảm nhận dễ thương như: "Sao hẹn anh mà em lại không đến? Ngoài trời đang mưa, chẳng biết em có nhớ mang theo áo mưa không hay lại lấy cớ quên để thỏa thích vùng vẫy trong mưa, để mặc mưa tạt vào mặt, vào người mình... Một thói quen mà từ khi yêu anh, em phải từ bỏ...". Có thể nói những câu viết ở đây khá văn vẻ mùi mẫn, toát lên một cõi lòng... không hề sợ ai đàm tiếu. Vợ chồng anh Nghĩa - chị Xuân, cặp khách hàng lâu năm của quán, cho biết: "Thỉnh thoảng chúng tôi quay trở lại quán, đọc những dòng lưu bút dành cho nhau thời đang yêu... để "hâm nóng" lại tình yêu của mình".

Mua gì-bán nấy, khó có thể kể hết, đi hết các quán cà phê lạ. Cách đây hai tháng, tại 37 Nguyễn Đình Chiểu, quận 1 mới khai trương quán Nirvana (có tên tiếng Việt là Niết Bàn). Dù nằm ở trung tâm TP nhưng rất ít người biết đến quán bởi nhìn từ bên ngoài, quán giống như một ngôi biệt thự khép kín. Đúng như cõi Niết Bàn, không khí trầm mặc, tĩnh lặng, ánh sáng hư ảo của căn phòng từ hàng trăm ngọn đèn dầu. Nội thất nơi này là đồ gỗ giả cổ với những tấm phản lớn, ghế bành, rương, gụ... Khách đến quán thích không gian góc tối, góc sáng của Niết Bàn, họ ngồi hàng giờ trong tư thế thiền và hít thở không khí trong lành từ khu vườn cây, tiểu cảnh trồng đầy hoa sen và hoa súng. "Nhưng điểm đặc biệt nhất của quán lại là dịch vụ bán hàng nội thất. Khách có thể chọn mua vật dụng bày tại đây, từ chiếc quạt cổ, đèn cổ hay bàn ghế với nhiều kiểu khác nhau". Một nhân viên phục vụ quảng cáo như vậy.

Riêng quán I-box (135 Hai Bà Trưng, quận 1) lại thiên về xu hướng nội thất châu Âu. Khách vào quán có cảm giác như được uống cà phê ngay tại nhà của mình bởi kiểu trang trí của quán như căn nhà thu nhỏ với những bộ sofa, bàn ăn, bàn phấn, gương soi.. Toàn bộ nội thất và các vật dụng ở đây đều được bày bán nên khách có thể chọn mua bất cứ món nào. Mỗi món hàng đều được ghi sẵn giá bán, món đắt tiền có giá từ vài chục đến vài trăm đôla như bộ xa-lông, tủ kệ, ghế, đèn ngủ... đến những món chỉ vài đôla như gối ôm, khăn trải bàn, khăn ăn, rèm cửa... thậm chí bán luôn cả ly, chén... nếu bạn muốn mua. Chị Liên Hoa, một khách hàng thích sưu tập đồ trang trí nội thất, thỉnh thoảng vẫn đến quán để chọn mua những vật dụng nội thất mới được bày bán.

Sài Gòn cà phê lạ không chỉ dừng lại ở vài quán trên đây. Vào những điểm khác nhau, một số quán vẫn có những hình thức phục vụ độc đáo. Như quán Yoko trên đường Nguyễn Thị Diệu, quận 3 là nơi tụ họp của các sinh viên ngành xây dựng, kiến trúc, bởi chủ quán này là những chàng sinh viên trường kiến trúc. Vào những tối cuối tuần, chính những chàng trai này tự đàn, tự hát những nhạc phẩm Beatles bất hủ để phục vụ khách. Gần đây, nhiều người hay nhắc đến quán Yesterday (trên đường Nguyễn Đình Chiểu, quận 1) bởi sự xuất hiện một lồng chim bồ câu lớn - biểu tượng của hòa bình - được treo trước cửa quán.

Quán café Sài Gòn cũng như mọi nơi khác, cũng chia làm nhiều tầng lớp với mức giá cũng khác nhau một trời một vực. Nổi tiếng nhất tại Sài Gòn là Tiếng Tơ Đồng ( 104 Nguyễn Huệ ) và M và tôi ( 37 Lê Duẩn ). Đây thực chất là hai quán bar lớn của Sài gòn, nơi mà bạn có thể gặp mặt hầu như tất cả các sao trong làng ca nhạc cũng như người mẫu Việt nam. Tuy nhiên giá cả thì khá đắt đỏ, trung bình từ 50 - 80.000đ một món, ngày nào mà có "sao" tới trình diễn thì sẽ tính thêm phụ thu, cũng khoảng 50 - 100.000đ nữa. Vậy nên một khi tiền trong túi phải cộm cộm một chút thì hãy vào những quán này, không thì hãy kiếm những quán nhẹ nhàng hơn mà tui đã lần lượt nói như trên..

Có một số quán lại chọn cho mình một phong cách nhẹ nhàng hơn như Yesterday, Bodega, Carmen. Nơi đây bạn có thể thả hồn trong tiếng đàn dương cầm trầm lắng, hoặc ngồi ngắm khung cảnh đường phố nhộn nhịp ( tất nhiên là sau khung cửa sổ, không thì hít bụi chết ). Thức uống ở đây rẻ hơn một chút, chỉ khoảng trên dưới 20.000đ một món, rất thích hợp cho những cặp tình nhân đến đây tâm sự, vì những nơi này khá ư là lãng mạn mà hihi.

Còn bạn là những người sôi nổi và trẻ trung, hãy đến với Nhạc trẻ No.1 ( ở Sài gòn có tới 2 cái No.1, một cái trên đường Nam kỳ khởi nghĩa, còn một cái nằm trên đường Lý tự trọng, cái nào cũng nổi tiếng cả ). Giá cả ở đây cũng kha khá, từ 25 - 50.000 một ly nước tùy loại, bạn cứ chọn vô tư nhé.

Còn một khi bạn muốn đến những nơi hơn bình dân hơn một tí, hãy đến khu cư xá Bắc Hải phường 15 quận 10, nơi đây có hai quán nổi nhất, đó là Thảo Ly và Trùng Dương . Giá cả thì chỉ 5 -15.000 một ly nước mà thôi. Ngoài ra thì toàn bộ khu vực này mọc lên nhan nhản những quán café "gác tay", cứ uống café là gác thoải mái ( nhưng chỉ có gác bình thường thôi chứ xúc than kiểu bác bơlờ thì không có đâu ).

Bên cạnh đó, cũng phải nên nói đến hệ thống café vườn, café hộp và café võng ở Thủ Đức và Thanh Đa. Nơi đây là nơi lý tưởng nhất để tâm sự trong an toàn và kín đáo ( người ta thường hay dắt nhau ra gốc cây, công viên ... để tâm sự, nhưng những nơi này rất dễ bị ăn cướp xin đểu hoặc trấn lột cả người lẫn phương tiện, lâu lâu lại bị đèn pha rọi vào, chán chít đi được, còn những nơi này ấy à, bảo đảm nhé, chỉ cần 30.000 cho 2 ly café, bạn sẽ tận hưởng một bóng tối như đêm 30, có đưa tay trước mặt cũng không biết số mấy nữa, thoải mái nhé ....). Có một điều là bạn phải đi một nam một nữ vào, chứ không thì sẽ bị đuổi ra ngay lập tức đấy, không vào xem được đâu , hihi.

Cuối cùng, cũng nên nói đến các quán café vỉa hè, những quán này thì vô cùng thoải mái về mặt giá cả, thoải mái về thời gian ngồi đồng. Và bạn cũng hít bụi thoải mái luôn. Quán còn trang bị thêm báo, bài và bàn cờ tướng cho khách sát phạt nhẹ nhàng với nhau mà quên đi thời gian nữa. Mà hình như ở đây, trà đá miễn phí đó ( ở ngoài Bắc thì khái niệm trà đá, nhưng trong Nam thì nóng lắm nên đi đâu cũng có trà đá cả, ngay cả khi đi nhậu thì cũng cần có trà đà để chữa cháy nữa )

À, chút xíu nữa thì quên, ở Sài Gòn bạn còn có thể đi uống café 33 tầng. Tên của nó là gì thì tui quên mất rồi ( hình như là Panorama thì phải ) chỉ biết là bạn có thể vừa uống cafévừa ngắm toàn cảnh Sài Gòn ( đây là tòa nhà cao nhất Sài Gòn mà ). Nhưng giá cả cũng khá chóng mặt như độ cao của nó, thêm vào đó, bạn chỉ được ngồi trong khoảng 30 phút đến một tiếng cho một lần gọi nước uống. Nếu ngồi lâu hơn sẽ bị nhân viên đến nhắc nhở, thành ra cũng chán. Còn thử kêu một bình trà đá xem, bạn sẽ biết rằng giá của nó khá rùng rợn, tới 100.000đ ( giá bình thường là 1000đ thôi ). Nhưng hồi đó thì vậy, còn bây giờ ra sao thì tui không biết nữa.

Điểm qua một vòng café Sài Gòn là vậy, tất nhiên là sẽ còn nhiều thiếu sót, ai biết thêm nữa thì xin giới thiệu thêm, còn ai thích thì mời vô đây đi uống thử cho biết nha.
* book ticket Sinh cafe
* planning
* ask Nga and check SEA book

6.30am-8.30pm: go to SiemRiep (14hrs :-o)
Red Piano restaurant: Amok fish 
New world's wonder - Angkor Thom
tuktuk $15 all day
Angkor Wat : watch sunset on Siemriep
đi tàu qua biển hồ thằng hướng Phnompenh
* Distributed computation: Google MapReduce
* Distributed storate: Google File System, Google BigTable, Amazon Dynamo

* Amazon Dynamo
rendering 150 services
high reliability
latency guaranteed 99.9%
strong in collaboration
key observation: most applications only need a primary-key interface
* Design considerations
"always writable" data store
applications decides on how to resolve conflicts
incremental scalability
exploit heterogeneity: add new hardwares
* system interface
put(key, context, object): context contains metadata
MD5 applied to the key to determine 128-bit identifier - indicate the place to store: load balancing, randomness in storage 
* Distributed Hash Table (DHT)

* Problem 1 - Data loss: replication, consistent hashing, replicates to N-1 consecute nodes
* Problem 2 - consistent hashing -> uneven loading: virtual nodes - assign several identifiers using different hash functions
new node come -> heterogenieity
* Problem 3 - one node fails, which copy of replicated data are correct: sloopy quorum
quorum-based system: R+W > N   (R and W always overlap) (W = 1, R>=N read all the nodes, guaranteed 
allow R+W < N for improved performance
pick the first W healthy nodes
hinted handoff
* Problem 4 - alllow concurrent writes: data versioning
modification -> new immutable object
* multiple versions
* vector clocks
list of (node, counter) pairs
when update an object , specifiy which version to be updated
garbage collection by comparing vector clocks
Psychometric function: function that relates an observer's performance to the "intensity" of the stimulus C
Common functions: Weibull, Quick

Weibull(C) = 1 - e^((-C/C_0)^beta)

Probability of being correct P(C) = 0.5 + 0.5 Weibull(C)

Linear summation is consistent

how to get the image that's just barely recognizable?
* degrade image by 
** signal-based image representation: treat images as signals and employ V1 characterization
** structured-based image representation: smoothed using total variation minimization with decreasing smoothing
eg smoothed images which contains shapes or blobs

measure perceived threshold, utility (how useful, how much informative), quality (how good)
experiment results -> quality does not match utility
be careful to use quality-assessment algorithm
e.g SSIM (structure similarity metric)
SSIM(x, y)
 Maintain student records
 Data Compression
 Traveling Salesman
 Shortest Route Planning
 Program Halting Problem
 VLSI Chip Layout Problem
 Examination Time Table Scheduling
 Job Assignment Problem
Computer Deadlock Problem
 Sorting records in a Database
 Finding patterns in a text
* Machine Translation Summit XII August 26-30, 2009
   Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
April 28, 2009	Deadline for Research paper submissions

11:59PM April 26, 2009 Singapore time (GMT+8)
* Rank1:

* Rank 2
Database 2

I may have a solution that doesn't involve modifying the base files.  In "Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> VC++ Directories -> Include Files" make sure the default include folders are first, and put any extra include folders you want here.

In the project properties under "C/C++ -> General" make sure the "Additional Include Directories" is empty.  Any additional include directories should be in the folder above. 

This solved all my problems.  Hope it solves yours!

* If hcw.exe missing error, install hcw here. and include the folder in the project
* 3-4 cái áo trắng ngắn tay, không được có ly
* Giày: phải có ít nhất 1 đôi giày trắng đi đến trường
* áo trắng, quần tây, giày đen, cà vạt, áo vest theo ý mình
* mang theo đồ bơi thì cuối năm sẽ bị bắt học bơi 
* dập ghim, bấm lỗ  (anh hai co')
* tô nhựa để ăn mỳ, 1 vài đôi đũa, 2-3 cái cốc (anh hai co')

+ 2 chai sua tam xanh duong Palmolive
+ 1 chai thuoc nhuom mau hong 10do
+ 2 chai dau gio
+ mua sach cho Toan
Doc on how to install EPIC plug-in in Eclipse: 
Ctrl + Shift + L: list out all possible shortcuts (this is the shortcut in Winedt to compile the tex files :D)
computation thinking,  Jeannette Wing 2006
Computing is a natural science, Peter Denning 2008
By Paul Cohen
+ details about the job e.g. building IT infrastructure for Sentosa Resort, or develop game engine in the Casino etc.
+ working environments
+ any exciting work opportunity such as oversea training, support higher study, or any other incentives
+ my preference which might seem to be contradicting is that I would like to work on or develop something new, innovative (probably towards the research-oriented end). On the other hand, I'd love to do some thing exciting like meeting people, or traveling, and not just sitting in one place doing coding and studying

+ I want to check out other opportunity when I graduated, either for further studies or working.
+ graduate one semester earlier which is on Dec 2008, so probably use this 1 semester to consider. The latest time to answer is on July
+ make sure that the job is really well-fit me.
+ job specifics
+ working environments
+ career path

ex‧a‧cer‧bate  [transitive]
to make a bad situation worse:
The recession has exacerbated this problem.
 I don't want to exacerbate the situation.


Interestingly, "picnic" in past-tense form and progressive form are "picnicked", and "picnicking". I had been thinking that they were "picniced" and "picnicing", but now, it turns out to be wrong. This is due to the fact that words ending at "-c" are changed in other forms by changing "-c" into "-ck"

*Stifling*. It is spelled stai-fling not stif-ling
hot and uncomfortable that seems difficult to breadth
+ a stifling, crowded train
+ the stifling heat of the trophics

stifling situation stops you from developing ideas and character
+ an emotional stifling relationship

*Sublime*: so good or beautiful that affects you deeply
+ Her songs are a sublime fusion of Pop and Brazilian music
+ an air of sublime contentment

*Poignant*: sad or full of pity
A poignant reminder of our nation's great sacrifices

*SAT word of the day*
The voice of gospel singer Marion Williams has been captivating listeners since 1947; it is lyrical in its expression of joy, yet (        ) when singing of life’s sorrows.

Before that:
+++Word of the day+++
+ Jack-o-lantern:  A lantern made from a hollowed pumpkin or other vegetable, with openings representing eyes, nose, and mouth - a symbol of Halloween. 

It is the reduction of an old phrase, "jack with a lantern," spelled in a peculiar way. It is currently used as a single noun, so the plural is "jack-o'-lanterns;" that is, "jack" is no longer pluralized as it was in the past. 

Question: Because he felt intimidated in his new position, he was (          ) divulging his frank opinions of company proposals.
   scurrilous about 
   candid in 
   chary of 
   fervid about 
   precipitate in

+ divulge:  divulge information/secrets/details etc (to somebody)
to give someone information that should be secret [= reveal]
Ex : It is not company policy to divulge personal details of employees.
Clare divulged that she was recovering from a nervous breakdown
The Pentagon refused to divulge what type of plane it was.

+ scurrilous: scurrilous remarks, articles etc contain damaging and untrue statements about someone:
Ex: a scurrilous attack on his integrity

+ candid: telling the truth, even when the truth may be unpleasant or embarrassing [= frank]
She was quite candid about the difficulties the government is having

+ chary of: unwilling to risk doing something
Banks were chary of lending the company more money.
!2 May:
* CS4248: all lectures (except 1-5), all tuts except 1-2
Todo: check answer for Tut7-qn1, tut4, chart parsing, chunking algo, CNF conversion algo, PCFG, Colin Parser
* SSA: finalize all important exam topics, and necessary reading -> find supporting examples

!30 April
* CS4248: lec 16-21, tut3, tut7. Need to confirm answer of tut7 (''done'')

! 29 April
CS3242 (''exam done'')

! Progress 27 April
SSA: done summarization of all lecture
CS3242: lecture 5,6,8,9; tutorial 5, 6, 3
CS4248: lecture 21

21/4 (Mon)
22/4 (Tue)
23/4 (Wed)
24/4 (Thu)
25/4 (Fri)
26/4 (Sat)
27/4 (Sun)
28/4 (Mon)
29/4 (Tue): 9AM CS3242
30/4 (Wed)
1/5 (Thu)
2/5 (Fri)
3/5 (Sat)
4/5 (Sun)
5/5 (Mon): 9AM CS4248, 5PM SSA1202

CS3242: lecture 7-12; tutorial 5, exam paper Apr07, Apr06, Apr04; lecture 1-6;  1-4; 
CS4248: p7; lecture 21; Exam Apr07; lecture 1-5, 12-20; 
SSA1202: recognize topics in exam, find examples, read book, mock exam. exam Apr06, Dec06, Apr07, Dec07; tut 4-6;
Facebook Developers' Wiki
Anatomy of a Facebook Application
Facebook Developer’s Platform
Getting Started with FB App Development
How To Write a Facebook App in 10 Minutes

* Facebook toolkit .Net VS2008:

* video:

* Info:
* wish list and market watch
* ScanScout: online US video ad. Understand video content to display appropriate ads, in-depth video analysis (speech, audio, text, ...)
* Viable business product (ad revenue for mass apps, pay for searvice ,paid search, peer to peer ad) , Singapore-centric apps is an untapped market
* The idea of customization: people don't really rely on company designers to design for them, they want a platform to design on their own (jewelry, cake, gifts, ...) => design engine => relating to my project: let people design and mix their music
* Web 3.0: content creation + mass customization + online communities
* Co-wiki on facebooks => my thinking: how abt a multimodal wiki pages where audio + image + text + symbol could be symply drag and drop to create a facebook page. Ex: people could open their wiki pages, surf through different facebook pages, drag interesting images about tourism, insert local songs that're pertaint to the place...
diskmonster# cat /usr/benchmarks/filebench/config/ 

        runtime = 120;
        dir = /tmp;
        stats = /tmp;
        filesystem = tmpfs;
        description = "fileio tmpfs";

CONFIG seqread1m {
        function = generic;
        personality = multistreamread;
        filesize = 40g;
        iosize = 1m;

stats: dir to store the result

* notice not enough space problem

     UID   PID  PPID   C    STIME TTY         TIME CMD
    root     0     0   0 00:02:48 ?           0:15 sched
    root     1     0   0 00:02:50 ?           0:00 /sbin/init
    root     2     0   0 00:02:50 ?           0:04 pageout
    root     3     0   0 00:02:50 ?           2:45 fsflush
  daemon   273     1   0 00:03:21 ?           0:00 /usr/lib/nfs/lockd
    root     7     1   0 00:02:52 ?           0:14 /lib/svc/bin/svc.startd
    root     9     1   0 00:02:52 ?           0:18 /lib/svc/bin/svc.configd
  daemon   268     1   0 00:03:20 ?           0:00 /usr/lib/nfs/statd
  daemon   262     1   0 00:03:20 ?           0:00 /usr/sbin/rpcbind
    root   446   444   0 00:12:42 pts/1       0:00 bash
    root   216     1   0 00:03:13 ?           0:00 /usr/lib/efcode/sparcv9/efdae                                                         mon
  daemon   124     1   0 00:03:10 ?           0:00 /usr/lib/crypto/kcfd
    root   146     1   0 00:03:11 ?           0:00 devfsadmd
    root   150     1   0 00:03:11 ?           0:00 /usr/sbin/nscd
    root   289     1   0 00:03:22 ?           0:01 /usr/lib/inet/inetd start
    root   256     1   0 00:03:17 ?           0:02 /usr/lib/inet/xntpd
    root   129     1   0 00:03:10 ?           0:00 /usr/lib/ldoms/drd
    root   142     1   0 00:03:11 ?           0:01 /usr/lib/picl/picld
    root   290     7   0 00:03:22 ?           0:00 /usr/lib/saf/sac -t 300
    root   135     1   0 00:03:10 ?           0:00 /usr/lib/sysevent/syseventd
    root   184     1   0 00:03:12 ?           0:00 /usr/sbin/mdmonitord
  daemon   267     1   0 00:03:20 ?           0:00 /usr/lib/nfs/nfs4cbd
    root   225     1   0 00:03:13 ?           0:00 /usr/sbin/cron
    root   238     1   0 00:03:14 ?           0:00 /opt/SUNWldm/bin/ldmd
    root   297     7   0 00:03:22 console     0:00 -sh
    root   632   446   0 00:21:25 pts/1       0:00 /usr/bin/perl ../bin/filebenc                                                         h fileio
    root   296   290   0 00:03:22 ?           0:00 /usr/lib/saf/ttymon
    root   295     1   0 00:03:22 ?           0:00 /usr/lib/utmpd
    root   313     1   0 00:03:22 ?           0:00 /usr/lib/autofs/automountd
    root   326     1   0 00:03:22 ?           0:00 /usr/sbin/syslogd
    root   315   313   0 00:03:22 ?           0:00 /usr/lib/autofs/automountd
    root   456   446   0 00:14:21 pts/1       0:00 emacs
    root   352     1   0 00:03:23 ?           0:00 /usr/lib/sendmail -bd -q15m
    sadm   442   439   0 00:05:14 ?           0:01 /usr/lib/ssh/sshd
    sadm   444   442   0 00:05:14 pts/1       0:00 -bash
    root   369     1   0 00:03:23 ?           0:00 /usr/sfw/sbin/snmpd
   smmsp   354     1   0 00:03:23 ?           0:00 /usr/lib/sendmail -Ac -q15m
    root   458   446   0 00:14:49 pts/1       0:00 emacs
    root   439   341   0 00:05:08 ?           0:00 /usr/lib/ssh/sshd
    root   371     1   0 00:03:23 ?           0:05 /usr/lib/fm/fmd/fmd
    root   341     1   0 00:03:23 ?           0:00 /usr/lib/ssh/sshd
    root   638   632   0 00:21:25 pts/1       0:47 /opt/filebench/bin/go_filebench -f /home/sadm/Thang/benchmark/                        fileio_tmp/t2-ldo
    root   651   641   0 00:27:25 console     0:00 sh -c more -s /tmp/mpEGaiqb
    root   641   297   0 00:25:51 console     0:00 man tail
    root   692   446   0 01:24:21 pts/1       0:00 ps -ef
    root   652   651   0 00:27:35 console     0:00 more -s /tmp/mpEGaiqb

* prstat
   698 root     3512K 3504K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% prstat/1
   699 root     3512K 3504K cpu8    59    0   0:00:00 0.0% prstat/1
   638 root     1570M 1496K sleep   59    0   0:00:47 0.0% go_filebench/3
   341 root     4272K 2624K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% sshd/1
   371 root       16M 2608K sleep   59    0   0:00:04 0.0% fmd/20
   439 root     9072K 3696K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% sshd/1
   458 root       13M 1464K stop    49    0   0:00:00 0.0% emacs/1
   354 smmsp    8200K 2656K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% sendmail/1
   369 root     9720K 1920K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% snmpd/1
   444 sadm     3192K 1416K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% bash/1
   442 sadm     8672K 2672K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% sshd/1
   352 root     8136K 2392K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% sendmail/1
   456 root       13M 1440K stop    59    0   0:00:00 0.0% emacs/1
   315 root     5464K 3136K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% automountd/3
   326 root     3936K 2016K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% syslogd/13
   313 root     5112K 1280K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% automountd/2
   295 root     1384K 1096K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% utmpd/1
   296 root     2504K 1568K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% ttymon/1
   632 root     5352K 1440K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% filebench/1
   297 root     1456K 1400K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% sh/1
   238 root     9112K  976K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% ldmd/8
   225 root     2952K 1264K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% cron/1
   267 daemon   2408K 1424K sleep   60  -20   0:00:00 0.0% nfs4cbd/2
   184 root     3488K 1568K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% mdmonitord/1
   135 root     2672K 1272K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% syseventd/14
   290 root     2168K 1464K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% sac/1
   142 root     5880K 1704K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% picld/5
   129 root     2184K 1104K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% drd/2
   256 root     2512K 1872K sleep  100    -   0:00:01 0.0% xntpd/1
   289 root       11M 6112K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% inetd/4
   150 root     8208K 4672K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% nscd/27
   146 root     3456K 1464K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% devfsadm/6
   124 daemon   4680K 3208K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% kcfd/5
   216 root     1352K  200K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% efdaemon/1
   446 root     3192K 2496K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% bash/1
   262 daemon   2792K 1544K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% rpcbind/1
   268 daemon   2864K 1472K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% statd/1
     9 root       11M 7552K sleep   59    0   0:00:17 0.0% svc.configd/19
     7 root       20M   15M sleep   59    0   0:00:13 0.0% svc.startd/13
   273 daemon   2392K 1464K sleep   60  -20   0:00:00 0.0% lockd/2
     1 root     2664K 1464K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% init/1

Total: 41 processes, 172 lwps, load averages: 0.05, 0.04, 0.04

   tty        md10          md11          md12          md30           cpu
 tin tout kps tps serv  kps tps serv  kps tps serv  kps tps serv   us sy wt id
   0  112  48   2   11   39   1   10   39   1   10    4   0   22    0  0  0 100

* vmstat
 kthr      memory            page            disk          faults      cpu
 r b w   swap  free  re  mf pi po fr de sr m1 m1 m1 m3   in   sy   cs us sy id
 0 0 0 1868256 1400336 4 16 22 552 556 0 265 2 1  1  0  399  217  473  0  0 100
Variations on a theme:  independent set.

Interval scheduling:  n log n greedy algorithm.
Weighted interval scheduling:  n log n dynamic programming algorithm.
Bipartite matching:  nk max-flow based algorithm.
Independent set:  NP-complete.
Competitive facility location:  PSPACE-complete.
GRE Prep Materials - latest additions:
Download 25 free GRE Practice Tests and a free GRE email course from GreGuide:

Don't like filling out complicated forms? Quick Add can (almost) read your mind. If you type in something like [Brunch with Mom at Java 11am Sunday], Quick Add can figure out what you mean and pop the new event right onto your calendar.
Basic Tips

The recipe for events is to enter “what,” “who,” “where” and “when.” However, only “what” and “when” are required.

    * What: This can be any text; the event title is created from this.
    * When: This can be nearly any date and/or time expression. Using “at” and/or “on” can help the recognition.
    * Who: This should begin with “with” followed by a list of email addresses; these are added to the guest list.
    * Where: This can be any text following “at” or “in.”

How Quick Add Works and How To Use It

If you have a name of a location that includes a date or time word, such as “Taco Tuesdays” or “Café 3pm”, use quotation marks around the name to avoid Quick Add from creating the event on Tuesday or at 3pm.

    * Enter [lunch with John at "Taco Tuesdays" Friday 12 pm]

If you enter a time with no date, Quick Add will create the event on the earliest date that puts the event in the future; the present day if the time is later, or the next day if the time has already passed:

    * Enter [Volleyball at 5pm]

If you do not enter a start time or end time, Quick Add will create an All Day event:

    * Enter [Bank holiday 8/14]

If you do not enter an end time, Quick Add will create a one hour long event:

    * Enter [Staff meeting next Monday at 13:00]

You can specify start and end times using either time ranges or time intervals:

    * Enter [Running w/ Pat 2:15 tomorrow for 45 minutes]
    * Enter [Running w/ Pat 2:15 – 3 pm tomorrow]

Multi-day events can be specified using date ranges:

    * Enter [National Conference 9/23 – 9/26 in Atlanta]

If you'd like someone added to the guest list, enter his or her email address.

    * Enter [Lunch at Charlie's tomorrow noon]

Three-letter time zone abbreviations can be recognized following the time:

    * Enter [Call New York at 3 pm EDT]

Creating Recurring Events

When creating recurring events, the time expression has three parts: the start, the repetition, and the end.

Example: [Gardening Monday at 10 am repeats weekly for 8 weeks].

The start is “Monday at 10 am,” the repetition rule is “repeats weekly,” and the end is given by “8 weeks.” Quick Add understands many kinds of repetition rules covering daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly repetitions. Examples are given below. We also encourage you to try various texts to explore this feature further.

To create a weekly recurring event:

    * Enter [Meeting at work every Monday at 2pm]
    * Enter [Tennis practice Tuesday 7pm to 9pm weekly]

To create a monthly recurring event:

    * Enter [Dinner at Mom’s on the first Tuesday of every month]
    * Enter [Manicure on 9/1 every month]

To create a yearly recurring event:

    * Enter [Mom's birthday June 19 yearly]
    * Enter [Wedding anniversary July 3 yearly]

To create an event that repeats a certain number of times:

    * Enter [Baseball Game every Thursday for 10 weeks]
    * Enter [Language Class every Wednesday 7-8pm for 5 months] 

Please note that when entering recurring events, don't enter a location in the middle of a time expression. For example, don't enter [dance practice every Tuesday in the gym at 8pm]. This event should be entered [dance practice at the gym every Tuesday 8pm].

Also, if you do not specify an end date, duration, or number of times the recurring event occurs, it will repeat for 365 times, which is the maximum number of instances currently allowed for a recurring event.
!05 August
* Lee Kong Chian Graduate Scholarships
** Award Amount
A monthly stipend of S$3,300;
Tuition, examination fees and other approved fees at NUS; 
An annual book allowance of S$500;
A one-off air travel allowance of 2 return tickets of up to S$4,000 (only for overseas students subject to a maximum of S$2,000 per ticket); and
A one-off laptop allowance of S$1,500.	
** Application deadline: 15 November

*President Graduate Fellowships
   1.  A monthly stipend throughout the period of award as follows:
      International Student                     S$3,000
      Singapore Permanent Resident       S$3,200
      Singapore Citizen                          S$3,300
   2. Tuition fees at the University;
   3. A one-off air travel allowance for 1 one-way ticket of up to S$750 (only for overseas students); and
   4. A one-off settling allowance of S$1,000 (only for overseas students)

**  Application deadlines:
August intake: 15 November
January intake: 15 May

! 04 July
* MIT EECS Department
The deadline for applying for September 2009 admission is December 15, 2008.

13. What tests are necessary for applying to EECS?
EECS will accept both the TOEFL and the *IELTS scores.  For the TOEFL we require a score of at least 600 on the paper based test, 250 for the computer-based test, and 100 for the internet-based test.  We require a minimum score of 7 on the IELTS.  We ''do not use any of the GRE test scores''.
*IELTS is jointly owned by the British Council, IDP:  IELTS Australia, and the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations.

* Endinburg Informatics school
#  two academic references;
# if you are applying for an MSc, list your chosen specialisms in order of preference in your answer to question 21 on the application form;
# if you are applying for a research degree (MRes/MPhil/PhD), please take a look at our research directory and our list of current topics of research, identify your research interests and which of our six research institutes is most closely aligned with those interests, and perhaps get in touch with a potential supervisor. Your answer to question 21 on the application form should indicate your proposed research topic (which need not be one of the ones in our list!) and which institute(s) you feel would be most interested in your application. You should provide a research proposal on a separate sheet of paper.
# in your answer to question 24 on the application form, tell us your source of funding or indicate that you wish to be considered for one of our scholarships;
# if English is not your first language, please supply evidence of proficiency in English. You will need an IELTS score of 6.5 or a TOEFL score of 580 (paper-based) or 237 (computer-based). Further information.

	Deadline for applications for European Masters in Informatics (EUMI)
31 January 	Deadline for applications to the MSc/PhD in Neuroinformatics programme
	Deadline for applications which involve an Overseas Research Student Award
	All other applications
	Academic year starts for MSc students. Research students are also encouraged to start.

* Endinburg's scholarship
Overseas Research Students (ORS) Awards Scheme

Applicants must be liable to pay tuition fees at the rate applicable to overseas students and must have already applied for admission to a full-time MPhil/PhD research programme of study or currently be pursuing such a programme. They must be of outstanding academic merit and research potential. Although candidates with an upper second class honours Bachelor's degree (or the overseas equivalent) can be considered, in order to be competitive you should really have a first class Bachelor's degree supplemented by an excellent Master's degree. Other factors such as financial status, nationality and the proposed field of study are not taken into account.
Each application form must be supported by two references, and these must be attached to the application form.

* Chevening scholarship
How to apply If you want to apply for a scholarship, you will have to contact the British Embassy/High Commission or The British Council in the ''country of which you are a citizen''. Please use the country selector below by selecting the first letter of the country for which you are a citizen and then selecting the appropriate country for the application procedure.

!16 April
Dear Graduating Honours and Post-Graduate Students:
CS and IS Departments are recruiting Teaching Assistants for the Academic Year 08/09 Semester 1 and beyond. If you plan to continue your studies at SoC as a PhD student on a part-time basis with the Departments, and have obtained a second-upper or first-class honors, you may like to apply. We accept any computing degree (eg. IS, CS, etc).
Senior PhD students who are doing well in research and who have good part-time teaching records may apply.  PhD students should discuss with the supervisors before applying.
A Teaching Assistantship is an excellent starting point for a career in academic teaching.   Teaching Assistants gain teaching experience during graduate studies, which is welcomed by future employers in academia and beyond.
Interested applicants, please submit the following documents to Mdm Nasila Samuvallu, (Tel: 65164597, COM1-03-57) by 25 April 08 :

1.         Detailed Curriculum Vitae (please indicate student Matriculation Number)
2.         Attached Personal Particulars Form (PPF HR047/08)
3.         (a) Transcripts for the past semesters
(b) Educational certificates (please also forward the official translated   copies in English if certificates are in other languages)
4.         Teaching statements
5.         Two referee's reports*
6.         (a) Passport copies (front page with personal particulars details for non-Singaporeans)
            (b) NRIC copies (for Singaporeans)
*You may request your referees to send their recommendation emails/letters directly to HR Office, Ms Nasila at
Short-listed candidates will be notified by 2 May 08 on the interview date/time.    Interview will be scheduled in the week beginning 5 May 08. 
Thank you.
Best regards,
SoC HR Office
School of Computing

* PhD study at Edinburgh for 3 years only


    * Singaporeans, Singapore Permanent Residents and ASEAN Nationals. Successful candidates who are not Singapore Citizens are expected to take up Singapore Citizenship.
    * Candidates must have a first degree in relevant disciplines, and have obtained First Class Honours, GPA of 3.8 and above from US universities or a CAP of 4.5 and above from local universities.
    * Awardees are expected to attain good GRE scores.   The average scores of successful awardees for the combined Verbal and Quantitative components for the last 2 batches (2005 and 2006) were 1440 with a standard deviation of 70. All successful awards would also have to obtain a score of at least 4.5 for the Analytical Writing components.  Applications without GRE test scores will still be considered but successful candidates will have to satisfy the GRE requirement prior to them embarking on their PhD studies.
    * Candidates should have gained or be in the process of gaining admission into a relevant PhD programme at a top overseas university/laboratory. 
    * Preference will be given to those with a strong interest in a research career.
    * Successful candidates are required to undergo a one-year research attachment at an A*STAR research institute, prior to their PhD studies. Exceptions may be granted but will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.  

Sing citizenship ??? waiver?
Ask Tung about the waiver of citizenship
CSF : contrast sensitive function
VT visibility threshold: point at which the stimulus just becomes visible

CT: contrast threshold = 1/VT

* classical psychophysical result
human CSF : the HVS has a low-pass response at the detection threshold
summation: the CT for a given sinusoid is 40%lower when it is shown simultaneously with other another, different sinusoid

* displayed luminance L = (b + k*p)^T
b: black-level offset
k: voltage-to-pixel scaling factor
p: pixel value
T: monitor's luminance-to-voltage response

contrast = luminance change / mean background luminance

summation in natural images

(C_A / CT_A)^beta + (C_B/CT_B)^beta = 1
beta in (2, 4)

global precedence: the addition of high frequency content visually degrades the image

overhead-free optimal spatially localized quantization
Interesting pic ^ ^ that would be more suitable for my gf than me :D
* Register Mac address
* Boot from CD, install through eth0
* Make sure that the server is configured in the right vlan to connect to the dhcp server
* Install through ftp, ftp:, dir: pub/fedora/8/Fedora/i386/os
Excellent guide here, which I have been looking for !

In order to get OpenCV to see ffmpeg, you must install ffmpeg first. This can be done by first changing to the directory and then configuring and installing the package.

      cd ffmpeg
      ./configure - -prefix="/home/ffmpeg" - -enable-shared
      make install 

Without knowing where the ffmpeg libraries are, the configure script for OpenCV will not know how to use ffmpeg. Using the bash shell, the next line you need to enter on to the command line is:

      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/ffmpeg/lib:/home/opencv/lib 

 # NON-ROOT ONLY: Create a new folder somewhere you have access to - the desktop or your home folder are good places. Try to give the folder a suitable name, something that will help you identify it at a later date. (For the sake of continuity I will use /home/opencv/ in all examples on this page. Simply substitute your directory for that one.) Then type:

      ./configure - -prefix=/home/opencv - -enable-apps - -enable-shared - -with-ffmpeg - -with-gnu-ld - -with-x - -without-quicktime CXXFLAGS=-fno-strict-aliasing CFLAGS=-I/tmp/ffmpeg-bin/include CPPFLAGS=-I/tmp/ffmpeg-bin/include LDFLAGS=-L/tmp/ffmpeg-bin/lib

 # ROOT ONLY: Configure the installation:

      ./configure - -prefix=/home/intel/opencv-0.9.7 - -enable-apps - -enable-shared - -with-ffmpeg - -with-gnu-ld - -with-x - -without-quicktime CXXFLAGS=-fno-strict-aliasing CFLAGS=-I/tmp/ffmpeg-bin/include CPPFLAGS=-I/tmp/ffmpeg-bin/include LDFLAGS=-L/tmp/ffmpeg-bin/lib 

 # Assuming all goes well, the configuration program will end with a prompt to 'make'. Do that and then register the libraries (make install).

      make install

 #  Copy the documentation from your decompressed folder to the folder made during configuration.

NON-ROOT:       cp -R docs/  /home/opencv/

ROOT:       cp -R docs/ /home/intel/opencv-0.9.7/

 # ROOT ONLY: If you wish to do so at this point, a simlink can be handy when updating to new versons and builds. (A simlink is a virtual link to somewhere, essentially creating another way of referring to it.) If you want to put one in, first change directory to the installation's parent folder. For root users this will be /home/intel/. Then use:

      ln -s opencv-0.9.7 opencv

The next time you update to a newer version of OpenCV, simply do the same but substituting the new folder name/version number. Provided you have used the simlink in paths then all your programs should still work, regardless of what version you're using.

 # ROOT ONLY: You need to add a line to a config file so that linux knows where to find the new libraries, so open '/etc/' in your favourite text editor and add '/home/intel/opencv/lib' to the end of the file (or '/home/intel/opencv-0.9.7/lib' without the siml ink). Then use the command:

      ldconfig -v

(If linux can't find ldconfig you get an error, in which case you can type 'locate ldconfig' and use the path it gives you.) 

Finally, you will need to add a line to your shell's rc file (e.g. .bashrc, .cshrc, etc): 
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/opencv/lib
      export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/home/opencv/lib/pkgconfig 


The problem was a lot more complicated than that. As the latest version
(1.0.0) of OpenCV was released in 2006, the FFmpeg project has moved on
rapidly, and in the process, changed quite a few things. Firstly, the
directory /usr/local/include/ffmpeg no longer exists, the header files went
to the directories /usr/local/include/libavcodec,
/usr/local/include/libavdevice, /usr/local/include/libavformat, and
/usr/local/include/libavutil instead, causing the OpenCV configure script
not to find the FFmpeg installation. Secondly, the FFmpeg implementation
also changed, leading to compilation errors when OpenCV is compiled with
FFmpeg support.

Fixing the problems required changing the configure script as well as the
source code. The fixed version of OpenCV 1.0.0 may be found at:
The following URLs helped me in patching the code:
Configuring OpenCV was done by the following command:
  ./configure --enable-apps --enable-shared --with-ffmpeg --with-gnu-ld \

    --without-quicktime CXXFLAGS=-fno-strict-aliasing

Commands in this list are more advanced than those on the first list, but in some cases (e.g. "mail"), these may no longer be the optimal commands to choose for many users.
who                     . . .   WHO is currently on your workstation
w                       . . .   similar to "who" but different format
finger                  . . .   what users are currently logged-in at WPI
finger username         . . .   display info on user USERNAME
last | more             . . .   display all recent logins
last -n                 . . .   display LAST "N" logins
last                    . . .   a very silly command to enter from a terminal

mail                    . . .   enter MAIL to read your own mail
mail  user@address      . . .   enter MAIL to send a message to USER at ADDRESS
write  user             . . .   enter WRITE to send message to a logged-in USER
talk  user              . . .   enter TALK to open two-way channel with USER

pine                    . . .   read your mail with PINE (an easy mail reader)
elm                     . . .   read your mail with ELM (more powerful reader)

df                      . . .   Display Filesystem status
du                      . . .   Display sizes of files/subdir in current dir
du  dirname             . . .   Display sizes of files/subdir in DIRNAME
du  -s                  . . .   Display total size of current DIRNAME

ps                      . . .   display information on current users ProceSses
ps -aux | more          . . .   display much info on all ProceSses on sun

diff  file1  file2      . . .   compare DIFFerences between ascii FILE1 & FILE2

passwd                  . . .   set PASSWorD
chmod  XXX  file        . . .   CHange MODe (permissions) on FILE using XXX
chown  newowner  file   . . .   CHange OWNer of FILE to NEWOWNER
chgrp  newgroup  file   . . .   CHange GRouP of FILE to NEWGROUP

cat  file               . . .   display FILE ("more" and "less" are superior)
cat  file1  >  file2    . . .   same as "cp file1 file2"
cat  file1  >>  file2   . . .   append FILE1 to the end of FILE2
cat  >  file            . . .   create FILE and open it to typed terminal input
cat  >>  file           . . .   append typed terminal input to FILE

cal  XXXX               . . .   display CALendar for year XXXX
cal  n  XXXX            . . .   display CALendar for Nth month of year XXXX
date                    . . .   display current DATE and time

spell  file             . . .   check SPELLing in an ascii FILE
ispell  file            . . .   check spelling in an ascii FILE with ISPELL

alias  name  'string'   . . .   make NAME equivalent to STRING (often in .cshrc)
unalias  name           . . .   UNdo an ALIAS

compress  file          . . .   replace FILE by smaller file.Z to save diskspace
uncompress  file.Z      . . .   return FILE.z to original state, i.e., file
gzip  file              . . .   replace FILE by smaller file.gz
gunzip  file.gz         . . .   return FILE.gz to original state, i.e., file

grep  express  file     . . .   display all lines of FILE containing EXPRESSion
                                (from "Get Regular Expression Please" maybe)

chfn                    . . .   CHange FiNger information
gred                    . . .   GRoup file EDitor
* Language weaver

* Xerox


* Google Sydney NLP, check abt MT?

"${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java" ....

to check if the system is cygwin
case "`uname`" in
  CYGWIN*) cygwin=true;
* hyperref: cause problem with yap display
* to add new sty file: put into C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.6\tex\latex\, and use Miktex settings in start menu to refresh the database
* High priority
7) Graduate Scholarships GraduateScholarships
8) GRE [[GRE]]
9) Research assistant position
10) idea for web 2.0 application

* Middle priority
2) Website creation [[WebsiteCreation]]
3) Try some great ideas on search engine (Nutch, Lucene, image retrieval) SearchEngine
4) Research on new direction for Lyric Alignment

* Low priority
5) Investment (check on unit trust, and probably stock market)
6) Translate my website into Vietnamese automatically using machine translation

* Postpone
1) Australia visa application AustraliaVisa

1) Ok, almost documents for Aus visa are ready. Tom, I will get the bank statement and proceed to Australian High Commission for the submission :)
4) I started working on LA last night
5) I borrowed a few books on the investment topic
Oh this is me. Because this program asked me to create this tiddler for any automatic link, so I created it ^^
DC9JQH: Thang, ba Noi, Vinh-Saigon
G368JF: Me + Toan, Hanoi - Saigon

* short-term, emergency money
* mid-to-long term money (growth) : global bond funds, global equity funds, balanced funds -> stability, diversification, expertise
* Unit trust: investors -> manager -> (global bonds, global equities, money market instruments, emerging market debt, european equities)
* Money market, cash management -> global bonds -> global equity, global balanced -> regional equity -> country/sector equity (increasing level of risks, and decreasing level of diversification)

* Benefits of Unit trusts: diversification, professional management (make sure the money makes profit, not all unit trusts make money), access to products with minimum investment amounts, potential higher returns, access to global & restricted markets, convenience, cooling-off period.

* Cost of investing
** bid & offer spread: offer - price at which the manager sell units, bid - price at which the manager buy units
** nav (net asset value): some funds are priced on the single pricing, the net asset value.
** Front end fees or back end fees
** Management fees: either fixed percentage or fixed percentage plus performance fees
** Trustee fees (for monitoring the investment management)


By Zhao Jin 12 June

* Math-unaware, syntactically math-aware, syntactically math-aware
* expression matching: text-based approach (notational variation problem a^2 + b^2 = c^2 != x^2 + y^2 = z^2)
* query language: text keywords, math authoring language, expression-input friendly language

* user study (findings): 
** keyword search: fast, available, but disorganized
** browsing: more effective but costly to compile
** personal contacts: most effective, requires more effort and commiment
** Expression search: attractive, but utility is unknown -> keyword search is more popular and preferred (well-known expression has name)

* prototype implementation:
** multi-collection search: meta-search, easier
** resource categorization: domain-specific, more interesting research problem
-> go for ''resource categorization''

**  webpage segmentation: vision-based segmentation (VIPS)
** labels: definition, example, problem/solution, ..
** features: word, image, formatting, hyperlink, layout, context
** machine learner: SVM (due to high dimension)

* Future work: 
** text-to-expression linking: resolve text keywords to expressions
* use mex -setup to choose the installed compiler
* modify option file for MATLAB to locate the compiler

Current problem is the compiler of VS is not specified correctly. what is the current version? is the compiler missing for VS2005?
+ 1 SS
+ 1 Breath
+ 3 4-level modules
+ 6 MCS for UE

Sem 6 07/08
+ CS4248 - Natural Language Processing
NG Hwee Tou
Group 1: Thu 1100-1400 COM1/212
Exam: 05 MAY 2008 Morning

+ HYP 

+ CS2281: programming in UNIX
TOK Wee Hyong
Group 1: Tue 1200-1400 LT19
Exam: 28 APR 2008 Evening

+ CS3242 - Hypermedia Technologies
CHUA Tat Seng
Group 1: Mon 1600-1800 COM1/204
Exam: 29 APR 2008 Morning

+ SSB2216: Employee Management In Singapore
Exam: 28-04-2008 AM
WEDNESDAY From 900 hrs to 1200 hrs in BIZ SR11,
Week(s): EVERY WEEK.

WEDNESDAY From 900 hrs to 1200 hrs in BIZ SR12,
Week(s): EVERY WEEK.

THURSDAY From 1400 hrs to 1700 hrs in BIZ SR20,
Week(s): EVERY WEEK.

THURSDAY From 1400 hrs to 1700 hrs in BIZ SR11,

+ CS1280: Java to C++
Group 1: Tue 1200-1400 COM1/206

+ FNA1002X: Financial accounting
LECTURE Class [B2]
TUESDAY From 1000 hrs to 1200 hrs in BIZ LT16,
Week(s): EVERY WEEK.

LECTURE Class [B3]
TUESDAY From 1400 hrs to 1600 hrs in BIZ LT16,
Week(s): EVERY WEEK.
28-04-2008 EVENING

+ ST2132: mathematical statistics
TUESDAY From 1200 hrs to 1400 hrs in LT22,
Week(s): EVERY WEEK.
FRIDAY From 1200 hrs to 1400 hrs in LT22,
Week(s): EVERY WEEK.

TUESDAY From 1500 hrs to 1600 hrs in S16-5102,
Week(s): EVERY WEEK.
07-05-2008 PM

+ ST4240: Data mining
MONDAY From 1000 hrs to 1200 hrs in S16-6118,
Week(s): EVERY WEEK.
THURSDAY From 1000 hrs to 1200 hrs in S16-6118,
Week(s): EVERY WEEK.
02-05-2008 AM

Sem 7 08/09
+ CS4222 Wireless Computing & Sensor Networks
+ CS5244
 	   	NRIC or valid Passport
	  	1 recent colour passport size photograph (Photograph can be taken at the photo booth located at our centre. Charges apply)
	  	Glasses/Lens (if needed) must be put on for eye-sight check.
	  	Valid Qualified or Provisional Driving Licences, Theory Test Certificate(s), if any
	  	For foreigners: valid passport and valid work-permit / student pass / employment pass / dependant's pass / PR pass. 
Enrolment Fees
	Fees 	Fees with GST
Enrolment (valid for 1 year)
{Payable during enrolment}
	S$40 	*S$42.80
4 Theoretical Lessons (each lesson)
	S$7.50 	S$8.03

Practical Fees
	Fees 	Fees with GST
Off-Peak Practical Sessions
100 minutes (Circuit)
	S$20 	S$21.40
100 minutes (Road) 	S$29 	S$31.03
Peak Practical Sessions
100 minutes (Circuit)
	S$22 	S$23.54
100 minutes (Road) 	S$31 	S$33.17
70 minutes (Circuit) {Session 8} 	S$16 	S$17.12
70 minutes (Road) {Session 8} 	S$22 	S$23.54

Test Fees
	Fees 	Fees with GST
Riding Theory Test 	S$6 	S$6.00
Practical Test Fee 	S$20 	S$20.00
Vehicle Rental 	S$15 	S$16.05

MembershipRenewal Fees
	Fees 	Fees with GST
Membership Renewal Fee
(6 Months)
	S$20 	S$21.40
Just accidentally press Ctrl + Enter in Tiddlywiki and realizes that it's a shortcut in Tiddlywiki to finish composing a tiddler ^ ^
I then tried other combinations with Ctrl and notice down here a few shortcuts for Mozzila:
* Ctrl + Q or Ctrl + W: close windows
* Ctrl + E: google search
* Ctrl + R: refresh
* Ctrl + T: new tab (guess everyone all know this, and probably others :D)
* Ctrl + U: view page source
* Ctrl + I, or Ctrl + B: view bookmark list
* Ctrl + O, Ctrl + P: you know them !!!
* Ctrl + D: add bookmark
* Ctrl + F: search
* Ctrl + H: history
* Ctrl + J: download window
* Ctrl + L: go to address bar
* Ctrl + N: new window
* Uh uhm have different meaning: Clark and Fox Tree (2002)
"I do uh main- mainly business data processing"
* disfluencies: fragment (main-), fillers or filled pauses (uh)
* Output for
** Common normal run
** Selection
** Change one coupling
** Calculate integration
** Avalanche (not involved)
** Peak config count (not involved)

A SPARC Enterprise T5120 or T5220 server with the Solaris OS installed operates at different run levels. For a full description of run levels, refer to the Solaris system administration documentation.

Most of the time, you operate a SPARC Enterprise T5120 or T5220 server at run level 2 or run level 3, which are multiuser states with access to full system and network resources. Occasionally, you might operate the system at run level 1, which is a single-user administrative state. However, the lowest operational state is run level 0. At this state, it is safe to turn off power to the system.

When a SPARC Enterprise T5120 or T5220 server is at run level 0, the ok prompt appears. This prompt indicates that the OpenBoot firmware is in control of the system.

There are a number of scenarios under which OpenBoot firmware control can occur.

    * By default, before the operating system is installed the system comes up under OpenBoot firmware control.

    * When the auto-boot? OpenBoot configuration variable is set to false, the system boots to the ok prompt.

    * When the operating system is halted, the system transitions to run level 0 in an orderly way.

    * When the operating system crashes, the system reverts to OpenBoot firmware control.

    * During the boot process, when there is a serious hardware problem that prevents the operating system from running, the system reverts to OpenBoot firmware control.

    * When a serious hardware problem develops while the system is running, the operating system transitions smoothly to run level 0.

    * When you deliberately place the system under firmware control in order to execute firmware-based commands.

It is the last of these scenarios which most often concerns you as an administrator, since there will be times when you need to reach the ok prompt. Several ways to do this are outlined in Reaching the ok Prompt. For detailed instructions, see Getting to the ok Prompt.
Reaching the ok Prompt
Min-Yen KAN
* find relevant documents
* find relevant authors / organization

PDF to Text module, heuristic section delimiter, CRF based labeler, CRF trained model, XML output
1) hop lop (26/7)
2) tham tha^`y (Nam Dung (Thay Duong))
3) tha(m chi. Ba 
4) mua ba lo^
5) gap Lud + chu.p hi`nh
6) chu.p hi`nh sticker
7) di xem phim Ra.p
8) coi 3 phim o nha`
9) chinh ma'y ti'nh, iPod
10) xem hinh
11) Gio Bac + an kem nhieu qua'n ^ ^
12) mua day guitar
13) mua ne^'n, do trang tri'
14) sieu thi mua quan a'o
15) di an nha hang

Toi thu sau (25/06): di an ngoai; mua nen, do trang tri', sieu thi; xem phim (1 bo)
Sang thu bay (26/06): hop lop nha Trang, toi chinh ma'y tinh
Chu nhat (27/06):

* sang len Saigon
* trua an com + xem phim + ngu
* chieu: xem hinh, chinh may tinh
* 5h di an
* 7h.30 xem phim
* 10 ve trang tri phong chup hinh

* sang di mua quan ao, balo
* trua di an, an kem, roi ve ngu
* chieu thu do ^^
* 4h di voi lop
4.30-6pm: hat Karaoke
6.30-8h an toi
8.30-9.30 tham thay
+ ve sua soan do di choi
Things in consideration:
1) CS5240 assignment 1 (done)
2) CS5206 HW1 (done)
3) HYP experiment (in progress)
4) NK (done)
5) Suggest persons to BIZ prof (done)
6) Blog
7) CS5246 HW1 (in progress)
8) Start CS5240 main project
9) Guitar club welcome tea (done)

!6 September
1) Finish 1/2 CS5240, to try
2) Solve 2 problems CS5206. 1/3
3) Running HYP
5) To sms Huong & Trung
9) finished

! Plan from 2.20pm 5 Sep 08:
* HYP: 35'hr (2.25-2.55pm)
* CS5240: assignment - 2hr (3pm-4.50pm)
* CS5206: 1.30 hr (5pm-6.20pm)

Misc: taks 5, remove irrelevant contacts in guitar google group

7pm jogging to PGP for guitar club meeting
7.30pm: dinner
8pm-9.30: GC meeting
Jogging back home

+ Rice table: 2 Minh, N.Quang, c.Quyen, Giang, Vi
+ Supermarket :23, 29
+ Singapore Science Center: 26
+ Orchard road on 24 Dec
+ Firework 31 Dec

23 (Sun): 3pm-6pm (supermarket) Vivocity
24: Suntec + Chirstmas (8pm-11pm)
25: 6pm-10pm: Rice table
26: Jogging
28: NTU (evening)
29 (Sat): Supermarket
30 (Sun): Sushi (cQuyen)
31: Marina Square (firework)
1: Sentosa ?
2: Supermarket
3: Airport

Singapore Science Center
NUS highschool
* HYP write-up: table of corpora, experiment setup
* HYP word-word, morph-morph experiments (''done'')
* HYP morph-morph n-best-list, word/morph-word/morph
* CS5206 Leda assignment (''in progress'')
* NK recheck & refactor code
* NK update new code & test setup (''done'')
* CS5246 baseline (''in progress'')
* Finalize blog (this week!!!)
* Correct Toan's essay & search for IQ questions (''done'')
* SHSIG: apache script (''done'')

!14 Sep, plan from 3.20pm 
Misc: add guitar member 10', antivirus-spyware download, vista download - 25' (3.20pm-3.40pm)
CS5246: 30' (3.45-4.10')
CS5206: 1hr (4.15pm-5.10pm)
Rest: 30' (5.15pm-5.40pm)
HYP: 30' (5.45-6.10pm)
NK: 30' (6.15pm-6.50pm)

Dinner 7pm!!!

Plan from 10.09PM
*CS5206: report part a, print code part b - 50' (10.10-10.55pm)
* HYP: check result, run with large corpus, write-up - 30' (11pm-11.25pm)
* NK: 45' (11.30pm-12.10pm)
* Super: 15' (12.15-12.30pm)
* SHSIG: 20'(12.40pm-1am)

!13 Sep, plan from 11.35pm (very late!!! yeah I've just played poker :P)
* HYP: change to load new Moses file, use binary table, and modify to load different language models - 45' (11.45'-0.25am)
* CS5246: finish general pipeline 1hr' (0.30am-12.55am)

! 11 Sep
Plan from 1.35pm
* Sleep: 20' (1.35pm-1.55pm)
* Fix Toan's essay: 30' (2pm-2.25pm)
* HYP experiment setup: 45' (2.30pm-3.10pm)
* Star Challenge slides: 45'(3.15pm-4pm)
* HYP write-up: table of corpora (''done''), experiment setup
* HYP morph-morph n-best-list, word/morph-word/morph
* CS5206 Leda assignment part a (''done'')
* CS5206 Leda assignment part b (''done'')
* CS5246 baseline (''almost'')
* Finalize blog (this week!!!)
* NK recheck & refactor code
* NK test facilities
* CS5240 ideas & started

!18 Sep
Write up table-of-corpora

!17 Sep Plan from 2.50pm
HYP: 2hr (3pm-4.50pm)
CS5246: add Lucene to the code + print lecture note (45' (5pm-5.40pm)
5.45pm: Dinner (45' (5.45-6.25pm)
6.30pm Lecture

!16 Sep
Done CS5206 leda assignment

!15 Sep, plan from 11.30pm
HYP: check running - 30' (11.30pm-11.50pm)
CS5206: part a - 1hr (12pm-12.50pm)
Lunch: 30' (1pm-1.20pm)
Sleep: 1hr (1.45'-2.40pm)
* HYP: write up, methodology, experiment setup (''done'')
* HYP microanalysis 
* HYP morph-morph n-best-list, word/morph-word/morph
* HYP oracle inflection prediction
* CS5246 baseline (due 1 Oct) (''done'')
* Finalize blog (this week!!!) (''in progress'')
* NK test facilitites
* NK recheck & factor code
* CS5240 ideas & started
* CS3108B report
* CS5240 assignment 2 (due: 29 Sep)

!21 Sep plan from 3.20pm
HYP: micro analysis - 1.30' (3.20-4.50pm)
Rest: 30' (5pm-5.20pm)
HYP: writeup 1.30' (5.30pm-6.50pm)
Dinner: 1hr (7pm-7.50pm)
HYP again: 1.30hr (8pm-9.30pm)
Chat + misc: 1.30hr (9.30pm-10.50pm)
Super: 30' (11pm-11.20pm)
CS5240: 1.30hr (11.30pm-1AM)

!20 Sep
Done CS5246 baseline

! 19 Sep Plan from 3.10pm
* Misc: 15' (sms new members GC, sms aTuan, reply Thien Ngan, reply Jin) (3.10-3.25pm)
* CS5246: 1hr (3.30pm-4.20pm)
* Rest: 15' (4.30pm-4.40pm)
* HYP: 1hr (4.45-5.45pm)
* HYP microanalysis (''done'')
* HYP morph-morph n-best-list, word/morph-word/morph
* HYP oracle inflection prediction
* Finalize blog (this week!!!) (''in progress'')
* NK test facilitites
* NK recheck & factor code
* CS5240 ideas & started (interim report: due 6 Oct) (''in progress'')
* CS3108B report (''draft'')
* CS5240 assignment 2 (due: 29 Sep)
* Structural hole (''done'')

!25 Sep Plan from 2.12pm
HYP: 30' (2.15pm-2.45pm)
CS3208 writing: 30' (2.45pm-3.15pm)
Sleep: 45' (3.15pm-3.55pm)
4pm: go for NRF briefing

Big progress with HYP microanalysis :)

!24 Sep plan from 2.31pm
* HYP microanalysis: 1.5 hr (2.31-3.55pm)
* StarChallenge: shorten slides 30' (4pm-4.25pm)
* Rest: 30' (4.30pm-4.55pm)
* HYP: 1.5 hr (5pm-6.20pm)
* Dinner: 6.30pm-7pm

!23 Sep
* Draft CS3108B
* Set up HYP micro-analysis

! 22 Sep Plan from 3.28pm
* HYP: microanalysis & data processing English-Greek, English-Czech baseline - 1.5hr (3.30pm-4.50pm)
* CS5240 project: 1.30hr (get started & planning) (5pm - 6.25pm)
* Rest: 30' (6.30-6.55pm)
* Dinner: 1hr (7pm-8pm)
* 8.30pm: structural hole, NK test facilities - 1hr (8.30pm-9.20pm)
* Chat + misc: 1.5hr (9.30pm-11pm)
* Super: 30' (11pm-11.20pm)
* HYP: 1.30hr (11.30-1AM)
* Finish HYP microanalysis (''done'')
* HYP: implement simple model to beat w-w baseline 
* HYP morph-morph n-best-list, word/morph-word/morph
* HYP oracle inflection prediction
* Finalize blog (this week!!!) (''in progress'')
* NK test facilitites
* CS5240 project continue (interim report: due 6 Oct) 
* CS5240 assignment 2 (due: 29 Sep) (''done'')
* CS5246 finalize (''done'')
* Prepare midterm CS 5240
* StarChallenge data wrapup
* CS3108B experiment result

! 30 Sep plan 1.10pm
HYP: 1hr40' (1.15-3.55pm)
CS5240: (4pm-4.50pm)
Rest: 30' (5pm-5.20pm)
CS5246: 45' (5.30-6.10pm)
Dinner: 6.15pm-6.45pm
Back home -> 7.30pm
Jogging: 45' (7.30pm-8.10pm)
8.15pm: online
! 29 Sep plan from 3.34PM
* Misc: email Luan, Tuan. check email YeeFan (3.35-3.45pm)
* HYP: 1hr (3.45pm-4.45pm)
* CS5246: 30' (4.50pm-5.20pm)
* 5.20PM: Printing, dinner
* 6PM: CS5206

! 28 Sep plan from 3.50pm
* Misc: sms, reply aTuan, get CS3242 lecture, commit CVS (10')
* CS5240 assignment 2: 1.30pm (
* Rest: 30' (5.30-5.50pm)
* CS5240: 1hr (
* Dinner: 1hr (7pm-7.50pm)
* HYP: 1hr (8.30pm-9.30pm)
SMIL on Mozzila?
Thang Luong: ua WING servers chua fix xong ha a?
Le Thanh Trung: uh
Le Thanh Trung: Yee Fan fix ko dduoc
Le Thanh Trung: 
Le Thanh Trung: chiu thoi
Le Thanh Trung: sunday night anh len server room fix vay
Le Thanh Trung: 
Thang Luong: hehe
Thang Luong: phai doi den dai ca ra tay moi dc 
Le Thanh Trung: 
Le Thanh Trung: tai anh la`m quen thoi
Le Thanh Trung: 
Le Thanh Trung: ai la`m nhieu thi` cung biet a`
Thang Luong: ua ma sao ko fix dc vay a?
Thang Luong: follow may steps cua a ko dc a?
Le Thanh Trung: a`
Le Thanh Trung: gap truc trac ti'
Le Thanh Trung: ca'i driver no' viet ko co' tot
Le Thanh Trung: nen moi lan compile roi
Le Thanh Trung: thi` ko compile la.i dduoc
Le Thanh Trung: roi unzip ca'i source driver la.i
Le Thanh Trung: roi moi compile dduoc
Le Thanh Trung: ddai loai vay
Thang Luong: ua vay sao ko lam 
Le Thanh Trung: co`n them va`i ca'i di'nh toi logical volume manager
Thang Luong: co phai chinh parameter trong Makefile ko?
Le Thanh Trung: ca'i lvm ddo' kinh di lam 
Thang Luong: vay a 
Le Thanh Trung: uh
Le Thanh Trung: dden lvm thi` admin nao cung nga.i thoi 
Thang Luong: da 
Le Thanh Trung: tru*`u tu*o*.ng + kho' xa`i
Le Thanh Trung: nhung ma server thi` phai xai thoi 
Le Thanh Trung: storage server thi phai xai
Le Thanh Trung: hehehe
Le Thanh Trung: em biet lvm ko ?
Thang Luong: da em ko biet a 
Thang Luong: em con ngu may cai nay lam
Le Thanh Trung: no' ta'ch hard disk voi storage ra la`m 2 phan kha'c biet
Thang Luong: nhung ma luc nay em dg lam viec voi may staff soc
Thang Luong: hy vong trong thoi gian toi du ngu hon 
Le Thanh Trung: 
Le Thanh Trung: noi qua' 
Le Thanh Trung: hehhehe
Le Thanh Trung: zfs cua solaris hay hon
Le Thanh Trung: lvm old roi
Thang Luong: lvm la cua fedora ha a?
Le Thanh Trung: ko
Le Thanh Trung: lvm la do redhat la`m
Le Thanh Trung: giong nhu em co' the^? ghe'p nhieu hdd hay nhieu raid array lai voi nhau dde tao thanh 1 file system bu*. a'
Le Thanh Trung: voi lai em co' the thay ddoi capacity cua file system dduoc
Le Thanh Trung: chu giong nhu em xa`i tren laptop
Le Thanh Trung: em co' 1 hdd
Thang Luong: da a
Le Thanh Trung: em ta.o ext3
Le Thanh Trung: roi sau ddo' em muon extend
Thang Luong: da
Le Thanh Trung: ga('n them hdd
Le Thanh Trung: hay gi gi ddo'
Le Thanh Trung: thi` em ko co' lam dduoc
Le Thanh Trung: lvm la` 1 cai layer o giua physical hdd voi lai filesystem
Le Thanh Trung: 
Thang Luong: da a
Thang Luong: coi nhu la nhieu hdd bay gio dc view nhu 1 phai ko?
Le Thanh Trung: go^.p het capacity la.i
Le Thanh Trung: data thi` lvm no' se~ tu*. distribute
Le Thanh Trung: nhung ma` ddo' chi moi la` 1 ca'i thoi
Thang Luong: da
Le Thanh Trung: co`n hien gio ddang xa`i la` hdd  << raid << lvm << file system
Le Thanh Trung: gio co' the^m ca'i raid layer o giua lvm voi hdd nua
Le Thanh Trung: dde khi hdd die thi` chi viec replace hdd
Le Thanh Trung: data ko bi anh huong
Le Thanh Trung: 1 ddo'ng bu`i nhu`i 
Thang Luong: da hieu ^^
Thang Luong: ua ma em van dg thac mac do a
Thang Luong: la cai he thong raid do
Le Thanh Trung: ma` kho' nhat la` a^?u ta? ti' thi` ma^'t het data 
Le Thanh Trung: uh
Le Thanh Trung: sao em ?
Thang Luong: da thi cung ve vu data
Thang Luong: neu 1 cai hdd bi hu
Le Thanh Trung: um
Thang Luong: thi data tren hdd do se bi mat phai ko a?
Le Thanh Trung: a`
Le Thanh Trung: raid = redundant array of inexpensive disks
Le Thanh Trung: co' nhieu loai raid
Le Thanh Trung: raid 0, raid 1, raid 5, raid 6, raid 10
Thang Luong: da a
Le Thanh Trung: co' loai no' se~ boost performance cua em
Le Thanh Trung: co loai no' se~ cho em fault tolerance
Le Thanh Trung: raid 0 thuong goi la` strip
Le Thanh Trung: data se~ ddi parallel qua 2 hdd
Le Thanh Trung: nen write IO se~ double
Le Thanh Trung: read cung almost double luon
Le Thanh Trung: nhung ma neu 1 trong 2 hdd cua em die, thi` data em ma^'t het
Le Thanh Trung: raid 1 co`n goi la` mirror
Thang Luong: da
Le Thanh Trung: thi` no' cho data tren 2 hdd y het nhau
Le Thanh Trung: write thi` speed = speed cua 1 hdd binh thuong
Le Thanh Trung: read thi` nhanh hon
Thang Luong: da a
Le Thanh Trung: tiep theo la` raid 5
Le Thanh Trung: raid 5 co`n hieu la` (N - 1)
Thang Luong: ua khoan a
Le Thanh Trung: sao em ?
Thang Luong: cai raid1 a'
Le Thanh Trung: uh
Le Thanh Trung: 2 hdd se~ co' data y het nhau
Le Thanh Trung: giong nhu tu*`ng sector 1 luon
Thang Luong: vay la luc nao anh cung store double het
Le Thanh Trung: luon luon giong het nhau
Le Thanh Trung: uh
Le Thanh Trung: store double het
Le Thanh Trung: nen die 1 hdd thi` ma'y van chay binh thuong
Le Thanh Trung: ko mat data gi het
Le Thanh Trung: chi viec replace cai hdd hu* roi rebuild raid la.i thoi
Le Thanh Trung: 
Thang Luong: con cai thang o tren no di parallel qua 2 hdd la sao a?
Le Thanh Trung: giong vay ne`
Thang Luong: e nghe parallel thi cu nhu la no write vo thang 1
Thang Luong: roi write y het vo thang 2
Le Thanh Trung: em ghi 2 so^' 0, 1 vao hdd
Thang Luong: da
Le Thanh Trung: thi` neu em co' 1 hdd, em se~ ghi 0, roi em wait ti', roi em ghi 1
Le Thanh Trung: co`n co' 2 hdd
Le Thanh Trung: 0 se~ vo 1 ca'i
Le Thanh Trung: 1 vo 1 cai
Le Thanh Trung: nhanh hon nhieu
Thang Luong: ah ok
Le Thanh Trung: 
Thang Luong: vay la raid0
Le Thanh Trung: uh
Le Thanh Trung: raid0
Le Thanh Trung: 
Thang Luong: no write 0 vo thang 1, write 1 vo thang 2
Thang Luong: con raid 1
Thang Luong: no write 01 voi thang 1, write 01 vo thang2?
Le Thanh Trung: yes
Le Thanh Trung: 
Thang Luong: hieu a 
Le Thanh Trung: raid 5 thi` con goi la` N-1
Thang Luong: da
Le Thanh Trung: em se co' N hdd
Le Thanh Trung: tong dung luong em dduoc xa`i se~ la` N-1 hdd
Thang Luong: da 
Le Thanh Trung: neu co' 1 hdd na`o die, thi` data va^~n nguyen ven
Le Thanh Trung: hieu hong ?
Le Thanh Trung: co' nghia la data tren ba^'t ki` hdd na`o cung co' the dduoc ti'nh ra tu*` data cua N-1 hdd co`n la.i
Thang Luong: oh
Thang Luong: hay vay 
Le Thanh Trung: uu ddiem cua no' la` write + read kha' ho*n 1 hdd
Le Thanh Trung: nhung ma slow hon raid 0
Le Thanh Trung: raid 5 thi` popular nhat
Le Thanh Trung: 
Thang Luong: da a
Le Thanh Trung: raid 6 thi` la` N-2
Le Thanh Trung: tai vi trong nhung lu'c mission critical
Le Thanh Trung: co' nhieu luc tham chi' 2 hdd hu* cu`ng luc
Le Thanh Trung: nen raid 6 giai quyet cai ddo'
Thang Luong: da a
Le Thanh Trung: co`n em rich thi` em choi raid 10
Thang Luong: la sao ha a?
Le Thanh Trung: raid 10 la` raid 0 + raid 1
Le Thanh Trung: 
Le Thanh Trung: vua parallel cua raid 0 cho 2 array, moi array lai la` 1 cai raid 1
Le Thanh Trung: 
Le Thanh Trung: vay a'
Le Thanh Trung: hieu hong ?
Thang Luong: doi xiu a
Le Thanh Trung: ok 
Le Thanh Trung: thong tha
Le Thanh Trung: hi`hi`
Thang Luong: lay cai vi du 0,1 hoi nay di a 
Le Thanh Trung: um
Thang Luong: coi nhu la 2 array
Thang Luong: write 0 vo array 1, write 1 vo array2
Le Thanh Trung: roi sao em ?
Thang Luong: trong array 1 thi write 0 vo nhieu thang
Thang Luong: trong array2 thi write1 vo nhieu thang
Le Thanh Trung: um
Le Thanh Trung: um
Thang Luong: da vay dc roi a ^^
Thang Luong: de em copy cai nay vo note ^^
Le Thanh Trung: ngoai ra co`n raid 50 nua
Le Thanh Trung: 
Thang Luong: la gi a 
Le Thanh Trung: raid 50 = raid 5 + raid 0
Le Thanh Trung: 
Thang Luong: ah
Le Thanh Trung: um
Le Thanh Trung: 
Le Thanh Trung: raid 50 thi` thuoc loai kinh di. roi
Thang Luong: da a 
Thang Luong: WING dung raid5 ha a?
Le Thanh Trung: um
Le Thanh Trung: raid 5
Le Thanh Trung: 
Le Thanh Trung: co' 2 option dde build raid
Le Thanh Trung: 1 la` em xai software raid
Le Thanh Trung: 2 la em xai hardware raid
Le Thanh Trung: co ba?n thi` ddau tien la` ca^`n phai co' ddu port dde^? ga('n hdd
Le Thanh Trung: sau ddo' la` dden phan xu ly' cac IO operation cua raid
Le Thanh Trung: software raid thi` ca'c operation na`y no' cho CPU la`m
Thang Luong: da
Le Thanh Trung: co`n hardware raid thi` no' cho 1 con micro-controller tren card raid la`m
Le Thanh Trung: nen trong hardware raid thi` no' ko ca^`n phie^`n toi cpu
Le Thanh Trung: nhung ma bu` lai con micro-controller thuong thi` yeu
Le Thanh Trung: voi lai thiet ra bay gio cpu ma.nh lam roi, nen co' cha.y tren cpu thi` cung chang co' va^'n dde^` gi`
Le Thanh Trung: tiet kiem tien nhat la` software raid
Le Thanh Trung: voi lai speed cua software raid cung kha'
Thang Luong: da a
Le Thanh Trung: em mua 1 cai hardware raid ma` do?m thi` speed le` te`
Le Thanh Trung: zfs cua solaris cung la` software raid
Le Thanh Trung: 
Thang Luong: da a
Thang Luong: thi xua gio em nghi ve raid thi chi nghi no la mot cach setup
Thang Luong: tuc la software raid nhu a noi a'
Le Thanh Trung: um
Le Thanh Trung: 
Thang Luong: da hom nay biet nhieu day chac du roi a ^^
Le Thanh Trung: 
Thang Luong: em copy vo cai note cua e 
Le Thanh Trung: 
Le Thanh Trung: uh
Le Thanh Trung: biet chung chung vay ddu xai roi
Le Thanh Trung: 

Reaching the ok Prompt

There are several ways to reach the ok prompt, depending on the state of the system and the means by which you are accessing the system console. In decreasing order of desirability, these are:

    * Graceful shutdown

    * ILOM service processor set /HOST send_break_action=break and
      start /SP/console command pair

    * Break key

    * Manual system reset

!Getting to the ok Prompt.
*Graceful shutdown of the Solaris OS
From a shell or command tool window, issue an appropriate command (for example, the shutdown or init command) as described in Solaris system administration documentation.

* Break key
From an alphanumeric terminal configured to access the system console, press the Break key.

* ILOM commands
From the -> prompt, type the set /HOST send_break_action=break command. Then issue the start /SP/console command, provided the operating system software is not running and the server is already under OpenBoot firmware control.

* Manual system reset
From the -> prompt, type:
-> set /HOST/bootmode script="setenv auto-boot? false"
Press Enter.
then type:
-> reset /SYS

Thin is a new Web server / daemon written in Ruby by Marc-André Cournoyer that uses the EventMachine, Rack, and Mongrel libraries. EventMachine makes it super fast at processing network I/O, Rack makes it easy to integrate with existing Ruby Web app frameworks, and Mongrel helps it parse HTTP. So, yes, the title is slightly misleading. Thin actually relies on Mongrel, but is ultimately faster than it, even against Mongrel's EventMachine-enhanced guise.

You can get started with Thin with a simple sudo gem install thin and then you can use it with any Rack supporting Web app / framework. With a Rails app, for example, a simple thin start in the base directory will get things moving.
OK something to remind:
* /usr/local/apache/htdocs/index.html: is the file will be displayed when open
* /opt/soc/install: is the directory containing setup scripts
* svcs: view running services

* Network group meeting:
** Tembusu: new nodes, FC6->FC8
** Zones: maintenance, new web services
** Teaching: intro to UNIX, intro to Zone (the purpose is not to teach what's UNIX, zone, but what can be done with UNIX and Zone)
** Benchmarking: TSB, hypervisor technology (hardware manage TSB), to replace 8-10 servers with 1 server with virtualization technology. 3 benchmark: 1 virtualization OS, 2 virtualization OS (run tests on only one OS), 2 virtualization OS (tests on both)

* ''Hypervisor'' (also: virtual machine monitor) is a virtualization platform that allows multiple operating systems to run on a host computer at the same time
** A Type 1 (or native or bare-metal) hypervisor is software that runs directly on a given hardware platform (as an operating system control program). A guest operating system thus runs at the second level above the hardware.
Ex: Xen, VMware's ESX Server, L4 microkernels, TRANGO, IBM's LPAR hypervisor (PR/SM), Microsoft's Hyper-V (currently in Beta), and Sun's Logical Domains Hypervisor (released in 2005)

** A Type 2 (or hosted) hypervisor is software that runs within an operating system environment. A "guest" operating system thus runs at the third level above the hardware.
Ex: VMware Server (formerly known as GSX), VMware Workstation, VMware Fusion, the open source QEMU, Microsoft's Virtual PC and Microsoft Virtual Server products, InnoTek's VirtualBox, as well as SWsoft's Parallels Workstation and Parallels Desktop.

* ''Filebench'' (I/O benchmark) 

Filebench is quick to set up and use unlike many of the commercial benchmarks which it can emulate. It is also a handy tool for micro-benchmarking storage subsystems and studying the relationships of complex applications such as relational databases with their storage without having to incur the costs of setting up those applications, loading data and so forth.

Filebench uses loadable workload personalities in a common framework to allow easy emulation of complex applications upon file systems. The workload personalities use a Workload Definition Language to define the workload's model. 

* ''Netperf'' is a benchmark that can be used to measure the performance of many different types of networking. It provides tests for both unidirecitonal throughput, and end-to-end latency. The environments currently measureable by netperf include:
** TCP and UDP via BSD Sockets for both IPv4 and IPv6
** Unix Domain Sockets
** SCTP for both IPv4 and IPv6

* ECT ''memperf'' is a method to characterize the performance of memory systems (ISCA95 and HPCA97). It captures two aspects of the memory hierarchy, its behavior with ''temporal locality'' by varying the working set size and the ''spatial locality'' by varying the access pattern (in our case we work with strides). The calculated value is the transfer bandwidth (for a large amount of data). Furthermore we can use the same chart for characterization of local and remote transfers in other words accesses from computation and from communication. And we can do this regardless of the underlying architecture.

* Ruby support in Zone /opt/ruby

* dsniff
* tcpdum -i eth1 -n
* UPS in data center uses True Online type
* command to display smmp info, interface information of switches?
* IDS: instruding detection service
* IPs: instruding protection service (IDS + ...)

* Windos: nbtstat
* nslookup
set qu=ns
set nonrecurse: if no answer in the cache, say no
set recurse: if no answer in the cache, go and search for it
* access to ?
* SOC network
** Edge = access layer -> Distribution layer -> Core -> Server Farm
** Not clear distinction between core and distribution
Core: high-speed forwarding. Merely moving data
Distribution: where traffics could be directed (multicast routing, policy routing), put more intelligence

* how to setup SSH tunneling?
* command to filter on Wireshark
* smtp protocol
telnet 25
HELO host_name
MAIL FROM: from_mail address
RCPT TO: to_mail_address

** what can be put inside the RCPT TO ?: relay policy might prevent sending email

* telnet www 80
GET / HTTP/1.0: for the whole packet
HEAD / HTTP/1.0: for the header

* host: DNS lookup utility
[lmthang@aye ~]$ host has address mail is handled by 10 mail is handled by 20

host -a: all information MX, A, NS, HINFO

* dig: DNS lookup utility. flexibility, widely used for troubleshooting

* tcmpdump: dump traffic on a network 
how to use?

* how to check physical interface statistics?

* Wireless Installation and Setup Guides
* SSH Tunneling HOW-TO

* Problem solving:
** Complaints
** Symptoms
** Defects
** Problems

* Install SSL shared library:
./config shared
make test
make install

* After SSL shared library, configure Apache
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/httpd --enable-ssl --enable-rewrite --with-port=80 --enable-suexec --enable-shared=ssl --with-ssl=/usr/local/ssl --enable-so

* Sun freeware site:

* ldd /usr/bin/ls: show dependency
* pkgadd -d pkg_name: install package
* pkginfo -l SMCwget: get info about the pkg

* how to deploy Tomcat, J2EE apps?


* To configure Tomcat run with Apache: modify the apache httpd.conf to uncomment the line 
Include conf/extra/httpd-proxy-ajp.conf

* SunApp or JBoss

JBoss run on top of Apache: to serve CGI, webpage, etc. + J2EE stuff

Apache: static webserver

* config for ssl: /usr/local/apache/conf/extra
* configre Apache for PHP: /usr/local/apache/conf/php.ini
* service status

* tomcat runs under 2 modes: as the server itself, and as the service provider (provide JSP services for other webserver)

* /opt/apache/bin/httpd -l: list those installed modules
* check apache/logs/error-log: to diagnose on webserver issues
* svcs -vx system-log
* svcadm: use to enable, disable, restart, etc. for those services (listed through svcs)
svcadm disable system-log
* svcs : report service status
* enable authentication system log
modify /etc/syslog.conf: uncomment auth.notice
svcadm	restart system-log

* system log is stored in var
cron ~ scheduler
*groupadd -g 500 test
useradd -u 60016 -g 500 -d /home/newuser2 -c "New user example 2" -m -s /bin/bash newuser2: create new user

-u: userid
-g: groupid
-m: if home dir not exist, create new one
-s: user's shell (default /bin/sh)

* zone + resource management: solaris container
* zoneadm: administer zone
* processes: zsched (zone scheduler), zone

* Water exhibition 17 May - 17 Oct 08
* Dinosaurs alive exhibition
* Climate change exhibition
* Living with viruses exhibition
* Omni theater: Grand Canyon adventure - River at risk, Dinosaurs alive
The Omni-Theatre, part of the Singapore Science Centre, is a specially designed theatre equipped with state-of-the-art IMAX dome technology. It is Singapore's only dome-shaped, 5-storey high theatre with a capacity of 276 seats.
The Omni-Theatre provides audiences with an immersive, premium cinematic experience, which is both exciting and educational.

Personal taste, highlight: iSpace, iFuture

* Time & fare
Singapore Science Centre
10.00am to 6.00pm
Closed on Mondays except school and public holidays
10.00am to 8.00pm
Closed on Mondays except school and public holidays

Science Centre and Snow City 	
(3-16 yrs)
Science Centre and 40 min IMAX movie 	
$6.40 child
(3-12 yrs)

15 Science Centre Road
Singapore 609081

Direct public buses:
66, 178, 198, 335

MRT Train:
Alight at Jurong East Station on the East West Line, and transfer to no. 335.

Singapore Science Centre is just 8-minute walk from the Jurong East Bus Interchange/MRT Station.
Guo Lew Min - Min-Yen KAN

feature extraction: textua, image (NPIC image type), presentation
* Textual: current + next, previous slide's text (~HMM model)
* NPIC image type
* Presentation: slide order (beginning, end, middle), slide image portion, number of images
Chi Ba cam on nha. Q1:Commercial bank management, Peter S.Rose. Q2:Risk Management and shareholders' value in banking, Resti and Andrea Sironi.
* To be done
** Reinstall Nutch
** Reinstall Lucene
** Simple prototype of an app that could paste links, crawl that list of websites => ability to search within the site
* CS5246
Text Processing on the Web
Modular Credits = 4
KAN Min Yen
Group 1: Wed 1830-2030 AS6/211
Exam: 26 NOV 2008 Evening

* CS5249
Audio In Multimedia Systems
Modular Credits = 4
Group 1: Mon 1830-2030 COM1/206
Exam: 24 NOV 2008 Evening
* CS5240
Theory and Practice Of Multimedia
Modular Credits = 4
Group 1: Thu 1830-2030 COM1/211
Exam: 27 NOV 2008 Evening

* HYP (6MCs): 6hrs/week + 1hr meeting = 7
* CS3242 (4MCs): 4hrs/week + 2hr lecture + 1hr tutorial = 7
* CS4248(4MCs): 4hrs/week + 3hrs lecture + 1hr tutorial = 8
* CS3215(8MCs): 6hrs/week + 3hrs consultation/meeting = 9
* SS (4MCs): 3hrs/week (tentative, SU)
* SHSIG: 2hrs/week
* NK: 2hrs/week
* SIGIR: 1hr/week

Officially, total = 39 hours + 3hrs (make-up) = 42 hrs => avg 6hrs/day of works including weekends

* Teakwondo: 4hrs/week
* Cooking: 1.5hrs + 1.5hrs = 3hrs/week
* Supermarket: 2hrs / 2 weeks => 1hr/week
* Meals + drink: 4hrs/day => 28hrs/ week
* Chat: 1hr/day => 7hrs/week
* Sleep: 8hrs/day => 56hrs/week
* Guitar: 3hrs/week

Total time: 144hrs/week
Having: 24hrs * 7 = 168hrs/week

Oh, I have 168-144 = ''24hrs'' spare time !!! a lot to make up for wasting time, entertainment, and other stuffs (love, teaching brother, going out,...) ^ ^
CS5206: 5 HW + LEDA assignments
CS5240: 1 main project (UROP extension) + 3 assignments
CS5246: 2 projects
StarChallenge (CS3108B)
NK: release soon
learning to plan my plans ^^
LuongMinhThang's tiddlywiki
Solaris Containers (including Solaris Zones) is an implementation of operating system-level virtualization technology first made available as part of Solaris 10.

A Solaris Container is the combination of system resource controls and the boundary separation provided by zones. Zones act as completely isolated virtual servers within a single operating system instance. By consolidating multiple sets of application services onto one system by placing each into isolated virtual server containers, system administrators can reduce cost and provide all the same protections of separate machines on a single machine.
+ Up and down feelings keep intermixed.....arrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhh...I hate it as well. Yes, I feel tired ... But I won't be depressed. I must look for some way to solve it :)
/* horizontal main menu */

#displayArea { margin: 1em 15.5em 0em 1em; } /* use the full horizontal width */

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.viewer .FOO table tr.oddRow { background-color: #bbbbbb; }
.viewer .FOO table tr.evenRow { background-color: #fff; } 

/*Invisible table*/

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border-color: white;

.viewer .invisibletable table td { 
font-size: 1em;
font-family: Verdana;
border-color: white;
padding: 10px 20px 10px 0px;
text-align: left;
vertical-align: top;

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color: #005566;
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border-color: white;
font-family: Verdana;
font-size: 1.2em;
font-weight: bold;
padding: 10px 20px 10px 0px;
text-align: left;
vertical-align: top;

/* GIFFMEX TWEAKS TO STYLESHEETPRINT (so that nothing but tiddler title and text are printed) */

@media print {#mainMenu {display: none ! important;}}
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@media print {#messageArea {display: none ! important;}} 
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 border: 0;


/*Color changes*/

#sidebarOptions input {
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#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel {
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#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a {
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#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a:hover {
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#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a:active {
	color: [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];
	background: [[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]];

/*Makes sliders bold*/

.tuduSlider .button{font-weight: bold;

/* (2) Adjusts the color for all headlines so they are both readable and match my color schemes. */

h1,h2,h3,h4,h5 {
 color: #000;
 background: [[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]];

.title {
color: [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];

/* (2) Makes text verdana. */

body {
/* font-family: verdana;*/
font-size: 9pt;

/* (4) Allows for Greek - one way */

   .greek {
      font-family: Palatino Linotype;
      font-style: normal;
      font-size: 150%;

/* (5) Shortens the height of the Header */

.headerShadow {
 padding: 1.5em 0em 1em 1em;

.headerForeground {
 padding: 2em 0em 1em 1em;

/* (8) Makes ordered and unordered lists double-spaced between items but single-spaced within items. */

/*.viewer li {
   padding-top: 0.5em;
   padding-bottom: 0.5em;

} */

/*Makes block quotes line-less*/

.viewer blockquote {
border-left: 0px;

/* Cosmetic fixes that probably should be included in a future TW... */

.viewer .listTitle { list-style-type:none; margin-left:-2em; }
.editorFooter .button { padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom:0px; }

Important stuff. See TagglyTaggingStyles and HorizontalMainMenuStyles

[[Styles TagglyTagging]]
[[Styles HorizontalMainMenu]]

Just colours, fonts, tweaks etc. See MessageTopRight and SideBarWhiteAndGrey

body { 
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.headerShadow { 
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.siteSubtitle { 
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.shadow .title {
  color: #999; }

.viewer pre { 
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.tiddler {
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#messageArea { 
  background-color: #eee; 
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#messageArea .button { text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; background:transparent; border:0px; }

#messageArea .button:hover {background: #acd; }

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.editorFooter .button:hover { 
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.tagged {
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.selected .tagged {
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Clint's fix for weird IE behaviour
body {position:static;}
* Check proof on monotonous functions
* Check on Steiner-Lemus theorem
Evening: set 7 (1.5hr)
Check set 7 - Revising
Morning: set 8
Afternoon: Check set 8
Evening: set 9
Morning: set 10
Evening: Check set 10
Today is a very successful performance of my Teakwondo team ^ ^everyone has done their great jobs with no mistake, with the wow from the audience :) On top of that lie a spiritual feeling among all members right after they finish the performance. Everyone is exciting, we cheers (in silence since other performance is still going on), and really we want to shout very very loud....
Ok just some quick note, one of the most important thing I learn is how a leader should be. Waikit, has done an excellent job as leader. How should I describe? He's cheerful, and very amiable as we're joking during meal. However, when I comes to performance or preparation, being firm, disciplined, yet enthusiatic, being able to pass the spirit to all others is some thing a good leader must definitively have. The way he gives his commands is something good to learn. It get all concentrated, put focus on what is coming, and more importantly, not feeling being forced or uncomfortable when someone order...
Ok again, I need to work hard now. It takes me the whole day for this performance :d
* return Mining the web (''done'')
* ask for Cuong on NUS administration
* return book to Vi (''done'')
* get cash from cheque (''done'')
* call Singtel on plan & deposit
* borrow book for Tung (''done'')
* meet Min to talk about HYP and StarChallenge (''done'')
* move part of luggage to new place (''done'')
* buy small batteries at Sheng siong (''cancel'')
* Transfer important files to portable disk (HYP, picture) (''done'')
* export phone msgs (''done'')
* buy more shampoo for Mum (''done'')
* ask Julian for lunch (''done'')
* cancel pgp room (''done'')
* bring books to spc room (''done'')
* try to install Fedora for SHSIG (''done'')
* get mailbox key (''done'')
* update address (''not urgent'')
* money changer (''done'')
* photo contract & return to Duong (''done'')
* download "tro chuyen dem khuya" (''done'')
* upload wav file for star challenge & send email
* send email to SHSIG group abt Linux installation (''done'')
* send email to feedback for Sam

 Shortcut 	 Action
Ctrl-Enter 	Accept Changes
Shift-Ctrl-Enter 	Accept Minor Change (Don't update timestamp)
Esc 	Abandon Changes
TiddlyWiki for the rest of us  An easy-to-use entry-level TiddlyWiki tutorial from giffmex
+ CS3211: 
print out midterm answers

+ MA2101S:
finish chap 5
work on tutorial first
check Jordan Canonical Form application

* NK: compute redundant hole (''done'')
* SHSIG: UNIX slides (''done'')
* StarChallenge: color coherent vector, color histogram
* HYP: general model, train 4 phrase tables, test on English-Finnish & the possibility to do word recovery from morphemes
* ask for Cuong on NUS administration
* call Singtel on plan & deposit
* Get 2 books to return to lib
* mua sach O-level cho Toan
* meet ShenKiat
* check Sharp translator for Mai
Phuong Mai: Papyrus PW-LT300
Phuong Mai: Papyrus PW-AT750
Phuong Mai (30/6/2008 10:00:43 PM): chac co~ 4 trieu VND
Phuong Mai (30/6/2008 10:02:02 PM): Anh- Anh
Phuong Mai (30/6/2008 10:02:05 PM): Anh- NHat
Phuong Mai (30/6/2008 10:02:09 PM): Nhat-Nhat
Phuong Mai (30/6/2008 10:02:16 PM): Nhat-anh
Phuong Mai (30/6/2008 10:02:25 PM): Han'-Nhat
Phuong Mai (30/6/2008 10:02:53 PM): man hinh cam? ung'
Phuong Mai (30/6/2008 10:02:57 PM): co' loa
Phuong Mai (30/6/2008 10:02:58 PM): ^^
ifconfig ipge0:888 plumb
ifconfig ipge0:888
Student visa
Students should note that Embassies and Consulates are able to issue your student visa 120 days or less, in advance of the course of study registration date.

Exchange Visitor (J) Visas
Two-Year Foreign Residency Requirement

An exchange visitor is subject to INA 212(e) requirement, if the following conditions exist:

    * The program in which the exchange visitor was participating was financed in whole or in part directly or indirectly by the United States government or the government of the exchange visitor's nationality or last residence;
    * The exchange visitor is a national or resident of a country designated as requiring the services of persons engaged in the field of specialized knowledge or skills in which the exchange visitor was engaged for the duration of their program (Exchange Visitor Skills List 9 FAM 41.62, Exhibit II);
    * The exchange visitor entered the United States to receive graduate medical education or training.

Ministry of Education, Singapore
1 North Buona Vista Drive
Singapore 138675
Tel: +65 68722220
Fax: +65 67755826

Tel: (65)-6476-9100 (public inquiries 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. only)
Fax: (65)-6476-9232
Email: (Use e-mail for the quickest and most complete reply) 
UK Equity Income fund
Jupiter Income Fund

* Develop a Strategy: invest for your age and your financial requirement
* The Basics: understand how a unit trust work
* Buy the Right Unit Trust (BRUT)
* Get it Right: minimise tax and the fees; and time, not timing

* accumulate shares of approximately 30 companies -> achieve the benefits of diversification

Download p7zip and build it using:

make install

Use it like this to extract the files from the big zip archive:

7za x
* Bay 4pm 
* Toi: an tiec.
* Khuya: xem tinh hinh bai vo Toan
* Sang
** cho 1 de^` toan, day Toan
** photo tai lieu tieng Anh
** tham Ngoai (neu chua gap)
* Chieu: 
** cho Toan 2 de Toan
** di Sai Gon (tham thay Thanh Dung, sua dien thoai)
* Sang: gap aKhang mua dan guitar
* Chieu: o Sai Gon ve
* Toi: sua de^` Toan, cung co kien thuc
* Sang: 1 de^`
* Chieu: sua bai, cung co kien thuc
* Toi: 1 de^`
* Toi: hoc nhe nhang
* Khuya: giao thua, di chu`a ^ ^
7/2: mung 1
* Sang: xuong Ngoai
* Chieu: di ve que (tham mo Le Hien Can)
* Toi: cho 1 de^` Toan
8/2: mung 2
* Toi: cho 1 de^` Toan
9/2: mung 3
* Sang: tham thay co
* Chieu: ve nghi ngoi
* Toi: tong ket lai kien thuc
10/2: bay ve Sing 2.05pm
To be consider:
+ IBM database certification (c)
+ HYP (c)
+ NK (c)
+ Mom visit (c)
+ Teakwondo club (c)
+ Guitar (c)
+ Lyric Alignment (c)

+ Getting a head start
+ UDL interview
+ egenting ceremony

Friend gathering
+ Julian, Shen Kiat
+ Anh Cuong, William
+ 12 Toan
* Pictures with links when hovering over

* To be done
** Snap preview
** Ajax
** Ruby on Rails

* To be done:
** RSS

* Alright!!! get all the stuff that I have done last summer working, so the site looks good now ^ ^. With those CSS stuff, templates, and synchronize from Dreamweaver. I'm heading toward to a greate site

* Some ideas: 
** add Starting page, where putting all the links I'll start when surfing web, of course no trivial school trivial links, or ... some body put Google link ???
** web statistics
** timming
** sound
** background
** family members (including gf)
** pics: teakwondo, cooking
   1.  Unzip the package in an empty directory.
   2. Open up wp-config-sample.php with a text editor like WordPad or similar and fill in your database connection details.
   3. Save the file as wp-config.php
   4. Upload everything.
   5. Open /wp-admin/install.php in your browser. This should setup the tables needed for your blog. If there is an error, double check your wp-config.php file, and try again. If it fails again, please go to the support forums with as much data as you can gather.
   6. Note the password given to you.
   7. The install script should then send you to the login page. Sign in with the username admin and the password generated during the installation. You can then click on 'Profile' to change the password.

* install MySQL
* HYP: 
** Train morpheme model -> baseline mor-mor system
** parallel running in MOSES
** divide job to run on Tembusu
** learn to use Moses' analysis tool
** read papers

* StarChallenge:
** check video data download
** integration Jin's system
** error analysis

* Dr. Sai:
** NK documentation
** email Zhu Hongjin (g0300243) for new programming task (''done'')

** workshop slide update
** install WordPress
* st00
* chowww-z

* Be careful of : zfs, zone, rm

* zonecfg -z luongmin-z info: get info for a zone

* luongmin-z: ip

* find . -type f | xargs grep find all normal file in the current directory recursively and find the pattern

./inet/hosts:      loghost
./inet/ipnodes:      loghost

* Move zones:
** Shutdown the zones
** zonecfg
** zonecfg select physical=ipge0
** set address=
** end
** exit
** zoneadm -z chowww-z list -v

** modify files hosts, ipnodes to change the ip addresses in /etc/inet
** change netmasks in /etc/netmasks

** zoneadm -z chowww-z boot

* here document (here document)
zonecfg -z <zone> << eof
comand lists

"eof" could be any identifier as long as there's a matching

* sed/ex
* School
1) 2 My
''The Language Technologies Institute (LTI) at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)''
Pittsburgh, the second largest city in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania[
lications and supporting documents for the Doctoral Programs in the School of Computer Science and for the Masters Programs in the Robotics Institute and the Language and Technologies Institute must be received by December 15.

Letters of recommendation are due by December 20.
''three letters of recommendation''
All applicants must take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) general test and have scores sent directly to Carnegie Mellon University (Institutional Code 2074, Departmental Code 0402).
 It is recommended that applicants to The Language and Information Technologies program submit a subject test
All students whose native language is not English or have not earned an undergraduate degree from a U.S. educational institution must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Request your score be sent directly to Carnegie Mellon University (Institutional Code 2074, Departmental Code 78).

For all LTI PhD students, full funding (tuition plus stipend) is guaranteed for five years, if they continue to make satisfactory progress. Typically this has been extended longer, as long as satisfactory progress is maintained, as  described above. 

''Computer Science Department at the University of Maryland, College Park.''
''Three letters of recommendation''
Standardized Test Scores. General and subject (if taken) GRE; TOEFL, TSE and TWE  (for international students).

Dates & Deadlines  	Fall Semester Admission 
Deadline for applications and all supporting material due at Graduate School and Computer Science Department 	December 15
Admission offers sent by Department (dates tentative) 	March 8
Deadline for applicant to reply to offer 	April 15
Maryland English Institute and IES Orientation for Students 	August 17-21 and 24-26, 2009
Computer Science Department Orientation 	August 27-28, 2009
Classes begin 	August 31, 2009
Classes End 	December 11, 2009
Within the University of Maryland, limited fellowships are available from the Graduate School. To apply for Graduate School fellowships, submit the Merit-Based Award Form when you file your application.

Fellowships are also available from a number of sources outside the University of Maryland, for example, National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowships, Fulbright Fellowships, etc. To apply for these fellowships, you should contact the agency which administers them, check with the financial aid office in your current university, or contact the Fellowship Office at the University of Maryland. 

''Johns Hopkins University''
The PhD deadline for Fall 2009 is Friday, December 19
GRE's, personal statement, transcripts, and ''three letters of recommendation'' (two for MSE applicants) which include the rating table.

''The Natural Language Group at the USC Information Sciences Institute''
Summer 2009 Internships, Natural Language Processing
3 letters of recommendation
Valid score report for the GRE general test.
Valid score report for the TOEFL test (you need this only if you are not a US citizen or a US Permanent Resident)
Score report for the subject GRE in any of the following - Computer Science
The application deadline for Ph.D.:
Fall semester - January 15 (''December 15'' for Graduate Fellowship consideration)
A student must pass the qualifying exam within  four years of being admitted to the Ph.D. 
program.  The defense must be completed within seven years of being admitted to the Ph.D. 
program (six if the student arrives with a relevant M.S. degree).

''UC Berkeley''
Applications for this term will be available in September 2009 at

The online application is due: December 16, 2009, at 11:59:59 pm, Pacific Standard Time.
Applications submitted after this time will not be accepted. You will not be informed if your application is submitted late--it simply will not be processed.

Supporting data, such as transcripts, recommendation letters, and GRE and TOEFL scores, should arrive no later than January 8, 2010.

Though we do not have a rolling application process, it is always best to apply as early as you can. That way, if there are errors, we can let you know in advance.

Berkeley natural language processing group

The online application is due: December 15, 2008, at 11:59:59 pm, Pacific Standard Time.
Applications submitted after this time will not be accepted. You will not be informed if your application is submitted late- -it simply will not be processed.
Supporting data, such as transcripts, recommendation letters, and GRE and TOEFL scores, should arrive no later than January 9, 2009.

   1.  Online Application (
   2. Three (3) Letters of Recommendation
   3. A Completed Recommendation Waiver Form (to be completed online after you apply- -it should arrive via email about a week after you apply)
   4. Official Transcripts
   5. Graduate Record Exam (GRE)
   6. The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) (for international students)
   7. Application Fee

The application website (see link below) will become available on September 15, 2009 for students who wish to apply for graduate admission in September, 2010. The deadline for submitting completed applications will be December 15, 2009.

The application consists of four parts: The biographical section, 3 letters of recommendation, “Record of Subjects” with grades, and a “Statement of Objectives”. 

EECS will accept either the TOEFL or the *IELTS scores for the English evaluation test. For the TOEFL we require a score of at least 600 on the paper-based test, 250 for the computer-based test, and 100 for the internet-based test. We require a minimum score of 7 on the IELTS. We do not use the GRE test scores during the admission process—regardless of citizenship. 

The Department will grant an automatic waiver to any student whose first language is English, any student who has been studying or working in the US for two or more years, or whose undergraduate institution uses English as the language of instruction. The ETS code for sending TOEFL scores to MIT is 3514, and the code for the EECS Department is 66 (or 78). The IELTS scores are mailed by the agency directly to the MIT Admissions Office.

2) 2 Anh
''Edinburgh University's School of Informatics'' : machine translation group

Your application form should be returned by mid-March. Earlier applications have access to a wider range of sources of financial aid. Applications for an Overseas Research Student award should be completed by mid-February at the latest, with an application submitted at the same time or earlier


Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme (ORSAS) 2009
in order to be competitive you should really have a first class Bachelor's degree supplemented by an excellent Master's degree.
Deadline for receipt of applications by Colleges/Schools  	27 February 2009
Receipt of College nominations and associated ORS applications to the Scholarships & Student Finance Office 	23 March 2009
ORS result letters to applicants 	April 2009
ORSAS applicants are asked to send their completed ORS Application , together with two references

IELTS 6.5 (with 6.0 in each section)
TOEFL 580 (with 55 in each section and 4.0 in TWE)
TOEFL 237 in CBT (with 21 in each section)
TOEFL-iBT 92 (with at least 20 in each section)
CPE Grade B or higher
CAE Grade A

''University of Cambridge''
 Natural Language and Information Processing Group
* Minimum requirement: an overall band score of 7.0 with not less than 7.0 in speaking, listening and writing, and 6.5 in reading.
    *   Minimum requirement: 600 in the paper-based TOEFL test with 5.0 in the Test of Written English or 250 in the computer-based TOEFL test with 5.0 in the Essay Writing Test; the minimum score must be achieved in both parts of the test in the same sitting.
    * TOEFL internet-based Test (iBT) minimum requirement: overall score of 100.

Admission is usually for October, the beginning of the academic year. The deadline for applications for this is ''March 31'', but earlier application, in January or February, is strongly recommended. 

''University of Oxford''

The scholarships available for full-time D.Phil. study include EPSRC Doctoral Training Awards (DTA), Clarendon scholarships and departmental awards. DTA scholarships are of three and a half years' duration and include college and university fees and maintenance of at least £12,940 per annum.
There are three application deadlines, 21 November 2008, 23 January 2009 and 13 March 2009. Scholarship applications must be received by 23 January 2009 at latest to be considered for 2009 start. Additional D.Phil. studentships may be advertised from time to time as they become available. 

3) U'c
38 	27	''The University of MELBOURNE''	Australia
''Language Technology Group''
Scholarship  	Closing date
IPRS 	''31 August 2008''. International applicants who wish to be considered for the IPRS should apply for admission well before 31 August. 
- Full fee remission for each year of the course within candidature requirements
- Overseas Student Health Cover (OSH
Students awarded an IPRS by the University of Melbourne normally receive a MIRS as well which provides a living allowance, thesis allowance and other benefits.
- The MIRS provides a living allowance ($20,427 p/a full-time#) and most other benefits as per the MRS

* Work
4) Big4 U'c
5) Big4 Sing

1) em lo task 4,5 nhe'
Thang Luong: lo tim hieu ve timeline cua may cong ty
Thang Luong: nop ho so khi na`o roi bat dau la`m khi na`o
2) anh lo chon ra may cai truong, de coi cai requirement cua no'
mooncat1489: em co tim hieu roi
Thang Luong: may cai hoc bong voi lai thoi han nop don
mooncat1489: Uc thi thang 3-4 nay no nhan
mooncat1489: con Sing thi thang 8-9 gi do

1) GRE a tai tro
2, 3) IELTS e day hoc :P
4) PR em
5) a contact if neccessary
Start with activities that are useful and exciting to Freshmen. Through the activities, introduce concepts of zone and UNIX basic
* Create a basic homepage (used SOC normal account, and webpage accessible through
** basic UNIX command to move around, create folders 
** editor basic (vim, or emacs)
** upload files using SSH
** file permission

* Create a more intermediate-advanced homepage
** zone concepts are introduced
** move the whole homepage directory from SOC account to zone account
** Find a simple service (application) that requires Apache, or JBoss to run -> this is to show the benefit of zones, and with interesting apps, freshmen will find zones helpful
Cyclic Dependency

Cyclic dependency exists between class X and Y in the following example. This dependency is handled by using forward declarations.
x.h and y.h

/* ====== x.h ====== */
// Forward declaration of Y for cyclic dependency
class Y;

class X 
    Y *m_y;

/* ====== y.h ====== */
// Forward declaration of X for cyclic dependency
class X;

class Y 
    X *m_x;

// in header file
class GameEnumerations {
public: static const int AnyList[];

// in source file
const int GameEnumerations::AnyList[] = { 6 ,5 , 3 , 1 };

int **dynamicArray = 0;

//memory allocated for elements of rows.

dynamicArray = new int *[ROWS] ;

//memory allocated for  elements of each column.

for( int i = 0 ; i < ROWS ; i++ )
dynamicArray[i] = new int[COLUMNS];

//free the allocated memory

for( int i = 0 ; i < ROWS ; i++ )
delete [] dynamicArray[i] ;
delete [] dynamicArray ;
 #include <iostream>
 #include <fstream>

std::ofstream out("log.txt");
out << "Testing\n";
/ / The Code is Borland's, I just modified it
/ / to make it Standard C++

 #include <direct.h> / / for getcwd
 #include <stdlib.h>/ / for MAX_PATH
 #include <iostream> / / for cout and cin

using namespace std;

/ / function to return the current working directory
/ / this is generally the application path
void GetCurrentPath(char* buffer)
getcwd(buffer, _MAX_PATH);

int main()

/ / _MAX_PATH is the maximum length allowed for a path
char CurrentPath[_MAX_PATH];
/ / use the function to get the path

/ / display the path for demo purposes only
char temp[_MAX_PATH];
cout << CurrentPath << endl;
cout << "Press Enter to continue";
return 0;
 #include <list>

list<Result> oResults;
Result* tmp;
for {
tmp = new Result(songName, simival1, numSong);

for(list<Result>::iterator listIter = oResults.begin(); listIter != oResults.end(); listIter++){
* my code
** h file
bool operator < (const Result &);
friend ostream& operator << (ostream &, const Result &);
** cpp file 
bool Result::operator <(const Result & r){
	if(this->sim > r.sim)
		return true;
		return false;

ostream& operator <<(ostream& out, const Result& result)
	out << "(" << result.sim << ", " << result.songName << ")"; //<< << ")" ;
	return out;

* Further reference

//return true if the messages are equal, false otherwise
    inline bool operator == (const PlMessageHeader &b) const
        return ( (b.m_ThreadSender==m_ThreadSender) &&
                (b.m_ThreadReceiver==m_ThreadReceiver) );
    //return true if the message is for name
    inline bool isFor (const std::string &name) const
        return (m_ThreadReceiver==name);
    //return true if the message is for name
    inline bool isFor (const char *name) const
        return (;

   // binary operator as member function
    Vector2D Vector2D::operator+(const Vector2D& right) {...}
    // binary operator as non-member function
    Vector2D operator+(const Vector2D& left, const Vector2D& right) {...}
    // unary operator as member function
    Vector2D Vector2D::operator-() {...}
    // unary operator as non-member function
    Vector2D operator-(const Vector2D& vec) {...}
Let say, you have
int * categories;
int numCat
You want to pass to method, say initialize(), to read a file fileName and initialize categories + numCat, what you could do is call
initialize(fileName, numCat, &categories)

Your method:
initialize(string fileName, int & numCat, int** categories){	
	ifstream in(fileName.c_str());
	in >> numCat;

	*categories = new int[numCat];
	for(int i=0; i < numCat; i++){
		in >> (*categories)[i];	

	fstream in(featureFile.c_str() ,ios::in);
	while( getline(in, feature) )
Ctrl + tab: list opened files and window
To not using in Visual Studio 2005, in the project select Properties
Under Configuration Properties/C/C++/Precompiled Header, select "Not using Precompiled Headers" in Create/Use Precompiled Header


 Why is Visual C++ ignoring my header file?
I'm getting a "Fatal error C1020: unexpected #endif" but I don't understand why. My #ifdef and and #endif statements match just fine.

Chances are your code looks something like this:
Example 1:
#ifdef DEFINED
#include "stdafx.h"

Example 2:
#include "myheader.h"
#include "stdafx.h"

And you are compiling with the /Yu"stdafx.h" compiler option.

New projects in Visual C++ set this option by default to increase compilation speed. If you want to change the option, use the Project.Settings.C++.Precompiled Headers dialog.

The help topic "The /Yu (Use Precompiled Header) Option" from the Creating Precompiled Header Files part of the Visual C++ Programmer's Guide explains the behavior you see:
"For /Yu, the compiler assumes that all code occurring before filename is precompiled. The compiler skips to the specified #include directive, uses the code contained in the precompiled header file, and then compiles all code after filename."

That is, everything in your code file before the #include "stdafx.h" line is completely ignored, because the compiler assumes that the necessary information is in your precompiled header.

You can fix problems caused by this behavior several ways:
* For example 1, move the #include "stdafx.h" outside of the #ifdef
* For example 2, move the #include "myheader.h" into the stdafx.h file
* For example 2, move the #include "myheader.h" after the stdafx.h file
* For either example, turn off precompiled headers option for the module that's causing problems. (This will make compilation of that module take longer.)

 #include <iostream>
 #include <string>
 #include <sstream>

int main()
   std::string token, text("Here:is:some:text");
   std::istringstream iss(text);
   while ( getline(iss, token, ':') )
      std::cout << token << std::endl;
   return 0;

/* my output
tab2=`echo "$tab" | sed 's/\//\\\//g'`
 MD/SC Books 	  TK5105.888 Hen 2006    	   	   AVAILABLE
I hope to plan better with this nice software :)
:-? ....
this is some formal thinking for an interview, you may find it boring and repeitoire :P

Singapore is a well-known to be a vibrant and cosmopolitan city in Asia, and also one of the economical and educational hub in Asia.

I choose NUS in particular, and Singapore in general because: 
* the educational system here is internation-wide and competitive with other university around the world. I'm doing research, so talking in terms of research, Singapore might not the be the best compared to others university like US, or UK, but yet NUS, Singapore is offering high-quality research. NUS has transformed into research university several years back, and I believe that it is well on track to catch up with other research universities around the world. Yet, NUS, Singapore has a much better infrastructure compared to many famous universities. This is true, and I heard similar commment frome friends who're currently at places like Cambridge, University of Maryland, etc, they have visisted or been in Singapore for sometime. Some mentioned "they are alllowed to consume more that what they need" ...
* personal reason is that Singapore is within the vinicity of my country. The government has offered study grants that allow students to study here, and the living expenses here, though high, is much more affordable compared to US or UK.
F2: Đặt lại tên file trong lúc vội vàng có thể khiến bạn dễ dàng thao tác sai - click quá nhanh và bạn tình cờ mở một file. Đơn giản hơn là hãy nhấn phím F2 trên bàn phím khi file được chọn.

Ctrl + F2: Preview (xem lại) văn bản. Muốn bỏ chế độ preview, làm lại Ctrl + F2.

Shift + F3: Để làm nổi bật đoạn văn bản bằng chữ in hoa, đơn giản là bôi đen đoạn văn bản, nhấn đồng thời phím Shift + F3. Nếu muốn cho đoạn văn bản trở lại chữ thường, hãy lập lại động tác nhấn đồng thời Shift + F3. Muốn cho chữ cái đầu tiên trở thành chữ in hoa, đặt con trỏ trước chữ đó và nhấn phím Shift + F3.

Windows + E: Windows Explorer là cổng tới file và tài liệu của bạn song để mở nó thường phải liên quan đến desktop hoặc thanh Start Menu. Có một cách khác nhanh hơn là nhấn phím Windows-E và nó sẽ đưa bạn đến ngay Computer (Vista) hay My Computer (XP), một vị trí mặc định sẵn.

Windows + F: Tìm kiếm file có thể là một rắc rối nếu bạn là một người tích trữ tài liệu và cách không lãng phí thời gian săn tìm file là sử dụng phím tắt <Windows-F>, sẽ mở ra một cửa sổ tìm kiếm và điền vào càng nhiều thông tin có thể về file bạn đang cần tìm.

Windows + L: Động tác này sẽ khóa ngay PC của bạn mà không cần chờ cho đến khi chế độ bảo vệ màn hình hoạt động.

Windows + M: Vào cuối ngày làm việc, mọi người bị bội thực với một bộ sưu tập các cửa sổ đang mở. <Windows-M> sẽ thu nhỏ những cửa sổ này để lộ ra màn hình chính (desktop) và <Shift-Windows- M> sẽ khôi phục lại những thứ bạn đã bị thu nhỏ trước đó.

Windows + R: Hộp Run này là cách tiết kiệm thời gian cực lớn với XP. Từ đây, bạn có thể mở tất cả loại ứng dụng mà không cần chuột.

Windows + F1: Trong khi F1 sẽ đưa ra cho bạn file Help (Hỗ trợ) trong hầu hết các ứng dụng, <Windows-F1> sẽ mở cửa sổ Windows Help. Điều này có thể giúp bạn tiết kiệm thời gian khi bạn không thể nhớ làm thế nào thay đổi một sự sắp đặt hoặc tìm một tính năng nhất định.

Windows + Tab: Chuyển dịch giữa các chương trình bạn đang sử dụng. Ở XP, bạn có thể chuyển các cửa sổ bằng cách nhấn phím <Windows-Tab> để chọn đơn vị taskbar với màu sắc khác (xám hoặc xanh) để nhấn mạnh, rồi dùng các phím điều hướng lên hoặc xuống. Nhấn phím Enter sẽ đưa bạn đến cửa sổ đã được lựa chọn.

Windows + Pause/Break: Với những người nâng cấp và điều chỉnh phần cứng, truy cập quản lý thiết bị Device Manager và các cài đặt là một nhiệm vụ thường xuyên. Phím tắt này sẽ đem lại ngay cửa sổ cần thiết cho họ trong nháy mắt.

Shift + Delete: Thùng rác Recycle Bin là chỗ tuyệt vời dành cho những ai hay xóa các file mà không suy nghĩ song nó cũng tiềm ẩn nguy cơ cho phép người khác có thể truy cập vào các file nhạy cảm. Giữ phím <Shift-Delete> (hoặc giữ phím Shift trong khi kéo file hoặc tệp vào thùng rác). Các file sẽ bị xóa ngay tức thì.

Ctrl + Enter: Một khi bạn đã chọ thanh địa chỉ trong trình duyệt Firefox hoặc Internet Explorer, bạn có thể tiết kiệm thời gian bằng việc gõ chỉ phần giữa của một tên miền. <Ctrl-Enter> sẽ thêm www. và .com cho bạn. <Ctrl-Shift-Enter> thêm www. Và .org.

Alt + Esc: Nếu bạn cần chuyển nhanh đến một cửa sổ khi đang làm việc ở một cửa sổ khác, bạn có thể chọn nó từ thanh taskbar. <Alt-Esc> sẽ “khử” cửa sổ phía sau của bạn và đưa bạn đến một cửa sổ kế ngay đó.

Alt + F4: Bỏ ứng dụng đang hoạt động hoặc tắt Windows nếu không có ứng dụng nào.

Alt + PrtScrn: Nếu bạn cần chụp một cửa sổ, chỉ cần giữ <Alt-PrtScrn> để tóm được một cửa sổ hoạt động.

Alt + Backspace: Trong Microsoft Office, bạn có thể làm lại bất kỳ hiệu chỉnh tự động nào và định dạng tự động bằng việc nhẫn phím <Alt-Backspace>. 
powerful tool

ls | xargs  -t  -I {} mv {} {}.old

This command sequence renames all files in the current directory by adding .old to the end of each name. The -I flag tells the xargs command to insert each line of the ls directory listing where {} (braces) appear. If the current directory contains the files chap1, chap2, and chap3, this constructs the following commands:

mv chap1 chap1.old
mv chap2 chap2.old
mv chap3 chap3.old

-t: echo each command to screen