% gloss.sty: macros to create glossed sentences % % BASED ON gloss.tex: csvax.cs.caltech.edu [] in pub/tex % % copyright (c) 1990 Marcel R. van der Goot % You can use these macros to typeset your own documents, % or you can use them as basis for your own macros. In the % latter case, you must (1) give proper credit, and % (2) document the usage of your macros/changes (if usage % of your macros is not worth documenting, they must not % be worth using). % % USAGE: % See the file gloss.doc and below. % % Caltech, Pasadena --- Marcel van der Goot % marcel@vlsi.cs.caltech.edu % Caltech 256--80 % Pasadena, CA 91125 % (818) 356--4603 % % update history (differences with next version): % version 6 Nov 1990: Could not easily typeset a '+', handled % linespacing incorrectly. % version 7 Nov 1990: Used the names \fontone and \fonttwo instead of % \eachwordone and \eachwordtwo. % version 8 Nov 1990: Same as this, but with less readable documentation. % version 9 Nov 1990: This one. % Made into a latex .sty file and expanded by Chris Manning % % INSTRUCTIONS (in addition to those given in gloss.doc) % % If you want automatic example numbering, use this with lingmacros.sty. % % Glossed text is entered roughly as described in gloss.doc but we provide % 4 commands: \gloss, \dgloss, \mgloss, \mdgloss, which give two orthoganal % options: % d: Double gloss: three lines of lined up text instead of two. % m: Line up morphemes. Put spaces in the input at the end of morphs % and these morphs will be lined up without any spaces inserted % between them. To get spaces between two things, you must insert % one explicitly with '~' or '\ ' or similar. % The default text style has been changed to \rm for all lines of the gloss. % To change these defaults you set the values of \eachwordtop, \eachwordmid % and \eachwordbot. % Additionally, you can get the top line in italics with the command % \italictext and you can get the bottom line in italics by enclosing the % call to gloss within a {\nllt ... } command. % % \bglossed: put all of the alignment and translation into a vtop'ed box, % which is useful when you want to do things like squeezing two % alignments onto a single line. % % The macros now just put the box, and you have to use % calls to lingmacros explicitly for sentence numbering (much better). Oct 93. % Glossed text is then displayed with the following commands: % \glossed{Translation} % \notglossed % \Glossed{Translation} % \notGlossed % The first two only make one line of text (overfull hbox if too long). % The latter two beautifully make multiple lines (but are slower). % The translation can be any number of lines (either wrapping as usual, or % explicitly ended with \\ etc.) % The \not pair are for when there is no translation. \newbox\lineone % boxes with words from first line \newbox\linetwo \newbox\linethree \newbox\wordone % a word from the first line (hbox) \newbox\wordtwo \newbox\wordthree \newbox\gline % the constructed double line (hbox) \newskip\glossglue % extra glue between glossed pairs \glossglue = 0pt plus 2pt minus 1pt % allow stretch/shrink between words \newdimen\glosssep % extra space before translation \glosssep=0pt \newif\ifnotdone \let\eachwordtop=\rm % roman is a more useful default \let\eachwordmid=\rm \let\eachwordbot=\rm \def\lastword#1#2#3#4% #1 = \each, #2 = line box, #3 = word box #4=morphsp {\setbox#2=\vbox{\unvbox#2% \global\setbox#3=\lastbox }% \ifvoid#3\global\setbox#3=\hbox{#1\strut{}\if W#3 \fi}\fi % extra space in \if following \strut in case #1 needs a space } \def\testdone {\ifdim\ht\lineone=0pt \ifdim\ht\linetwo=0pt \notdonefalse % tricky space after pt \else\notdonetrue \fi \else\notdonetrue \fi } {\catcode`\^^M=12 % 12 = other \gdef\getwords(#1,#2,#3)#4 #5^^M% #1=Mp #2=linebox #3=\each #4=1st w, #5=rem {\setbox#2=\vbox{\hbox{#3\strut#4\if W#1 \fi}% adds space if words % try: {\setbox#2=\vbox{\hbox{#3\strut#4\if W#1\penalty-100\ \fi}% adds space \unvbox#2% }% \def\more{#5}% \ifx\more\empty\let\more=\donewords % \else\let\more=\getwords % \fi % \more(#1,#2,#3)#5^^M% } % % \gdef\donewords(#1,#2,#3)^^M{}% % \gdef\twosent#1 #2^^M#3^^M% #1 = morphp #2 = first line, #3 = second line {\getwords(#1,\lineone,\eachwordtop)#2 ^^M% \getwords(#1,\linetwo,\eachwordbot)#3 ^^M% \loop\lastword{\eachwordtop}{\lineone}{\wordone}{#1}% \lastword{\eachwordbot}{\linetwo}{\wordtwo}{#1}% \global\setbox\gline=\hbox{\unhbox\gline % \hskip\glossglue % \vtop{\box\wordone % \nointerlineskip % \box\wordtwo % }% }% \testdone % \ifnotdone % \repeat % \egroup % matches \bgroup in \gloss } % \gdef\threesent#1 #2^^M#3^^M#4^^M% #1=morphp #2 = 1st line #3 = 2nd #4 = 3rd {\getwords(#1,\lineone,\eachwordtop)#2 ^^M% \getwords(#1,\linetwo,\eachwordmid)#3 ^^M% \getwords(#1,\linethree,\eachwordbot)#4 ^^M% \loop\lastword{\eachwordtop}{\lineone}{\wordone}{#1}% \lastword{\eachwordmid}{\linetwo}{\wordtwo}{#1}% \lastword{\eachwordbot}{\linethree}{\wordthree}{#1}% \global\setbox\gline=\hbox{\unhbox\gline % \hskip\glossglue % \vtop{\box\wordone % \nointerlineskip % \box\wordtwo % \nointerlineskip % \box\wordthree % }% }% \testdone % \ifnotdone % \repeat % \egroup % matches \bgroup in \gloss } % } % restore \catcode`\^^M % for use in footnotes \def\getwordsa(#1,#2,#3)#4 #5\\% #1=Mp #2=linebox #3=\each #4=1st w, #5=rem {\setbox#2=\vbox{\hbox{#3\strut#4\if W#1 \fi}% adds space if words % try: {\setbox#2=\vbox{\hbox{#3\strut#4\if W#1\penalty-100\ \fi}% adds space}} \unvbox#2% }% \def\more{#5}% \ifx\more\empty\let\more=\donewordsa % \else\let\more=\getwordsa % \fi % \more(#1,#2,#3)#5\\% } % % \def\donewordsa(#1,#2,#3)\\{}% % \def\twosenta#1 #2\\ #3\\{% #1 = morphp #2 = first line, #3 = second line \getwordsa(#1,\lineone,\eachwordtop)#2 \\% \getwordsa(#1,\linetwo,\eachwordbot)#3 \\% \loop\lastword{\eachwordtop}{\lineone}{\wordone}{#1}% \lastword{\eachwordbot}{\linetwo}{\wordtwo}{#1}% \global\setbox\gline=\hbox{\unhbox\gline % \hskip\glossglue % \vtop{\box\wordone % \nointerlineskip % \box\wordtwo % }% }% \testdone % \ifnotdone % \repeat % }% \def\lgloss {\twosenta W } \def\lmgloss {\twosenta M } \def\gloss {\bgroup \catcode`\^^M=12 \twosent W } \def\dgloss {\bgroup \catcode`\^^M=12 \threesent W } \def\mgloss {\bgroup \catcode`\^^M=12 \twosent M } \def\mdgloss {\bgroup \catcode`\^^M=12 \threesent M } \def\nllt{\let\eachwordbot=\it} \def\italictext{\let\eachwordtop=\it} \def\unotglossed{\leavevmode\box\gline} \def\unotGlossed{\raggedright\leavevmode\unhbox\gline} \def\uglossed#1{\leavevmode\box\gline\nopagebreak \\*[\glosssep]\nopagebreak{#1}} \def\bglossed#1{\leavevmode\hbox{\vtop{\box\gline %\\*[\glosssep] \hbox{#1}}}} \def\uGlossed#1{\raggedright\leavevmode\unhbox\gline\nopagebreak \\*[\glosssep]\nopagebreak{#1}} %\def\uglossed#1{\leavevmode\box\gline\\\kern\glosssep{#1}} %\def\uGlossed#1{\raggedright\leavevmode\unhbox\gline\\\kern\glosssep{#1}} \let\glossed=\uglossed \let\Glossed=\uGlossed \let\notglossed=\unotglossed \let\notGlossed=\unotGlossed % % Old versions disbanded % \def\glossed{\@ifnextchar[{\@glossed}% %] % {\refstepcounter{enums}\@glossed[(\theenums)]}} % % \long\def\@glossed[#1]#2{\begin{list}{}{} % \item[{#1}] \leavevmode\box\gline% % \newline{#2} % \end{list}} % % \def\Glossed{\@ifnextchar[{\@Glossed}% %] % {\refstepcounter{enums}\@Glossed[(\theenums)]}} % % \long\def\@Glossed[#1]#2{\begin{list}{}{} % \item[{#1}] \leavevmode\unhbox\gline% % \newline{#2} % \end{list}} % % \def\notglossed{\@ifnextchar[{\@notglossed}% %] % {\refstepcounter{enums}\@notglossed[(\theenums)]}} % % \long\def\@notglossed[#1]{\begin{list}{}{} % \item[{#1}] \leavevmode\box\gline% % \end{list}} % % \def\notGlossed{\@ifnextchar[{\@Glossed}% %] % {\refstepcounter{enums}\@notGlossed[(\theenums)]}} % % \long\def\@notGlossed[#1]{\begin{list}{}{} % \item[{#1}] \leavevmode\unhbox\gline% % \end{list}}