Java Access to WordNet

Class WordNet

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class WordNet
extends Object
implements Serializable

The main object through which the WordNet database is accessed.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static String adjPos
          The constant representing an adjective in WordNet.
static int adjPosIdx
          The integer constant representing an adjective in WordNet.
static String advPos
          The constant representing an adverb in WordNet.
static int advPosIdx
          The integer constant representing an adverb in WordNet.
protected  boolean[] allDataEntriesCached
          Array indexed by part of speech integer indicating whether all data entries for that part of speech have been cached.
protected  boolean[] allIndexEntriesCached
          Array indexed by part of speech integer indicating whether all index entries for that part of speech have been cached.
protected  Hashtable[] allParentsCache
          Cache used by getAllParentsBFS(java.lang.String, int).
protected  Set[] backEdges
          Sets indexed by part of speech integer that contain erroneous back edges in WordNet for those parts of speech.
protected  Map canonical
          A reflexive map used for canonicalizing various types of objects.
protected  Hashtable[] childrenCache
          Cache of synset children.
protected  String className
          A cache of this.getClass().getName().
protected  Hashtable[] dataEntryCache
          Cache of WNDataEntry objects.
protected static String fileSep
          Cache of System.getProperty("file.separator").
protected  Hashtable[] indexEntryCache
          Cache of WNIndexEntry objects.
protected  Set[] knownLemmas
          Sets indexed by part of speech integer of all known lemmas (index entries) for that part of speech.
protected  Set[] knownSynsets
          Sets indexed by part of speech integer of all known synsets (data entries) for that part of speech.
protected  boolean lemmasAndSynsetsCached
          True if cacheLemmasAndSynsets() has been called.
static int maxPosIdx
          The maximum integer constant used to represent parts of speech.
static int minPosIdx
          The minimum integer constant used to represent parts of speech.
static String nounPos
          The constant representing a noun in WordNet.
static int nounPosIdx
          The integer constant representing a noun in WordNet.
static int numPartsOfSpeech
          The total number of parts of speech in WordNet, collapsing adjective satellites to be adjectives, i.e., 4.
protected  Hashtable[] parentsCache
          Cache of synset parents.
protected static String[] partsOfSpeech
          An array that forms a mapping from the integer representations of parts of speech to their canonical String representations.
protected static int[] posIdxMap
          A mapping between part of speech names and and the corresponding integers for those parts of speech.
protected static String[] posNames
          An array that forms a mapping from the integer representations of parts of speech to their unabbreviated names.
static boolean secretFlag
          Debugging flag.
protected  Set[] subtreesExplored
          Sets indexed by part of speech integer that contain subtrees already explored by detectCycle(java.util.Set, java.lang.String, int).
static String v15
          The String object representing version 1.5 of WordNet.
static String v16
          The String object representing version 1.6 of WordNet.
static String verbPos
          The constant representing a verb in WordNet.
static int verbPosIdx
          The integer constant representing a verb in WordNet.
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new WordNet object with default index and data files and the default caching option.
WordNet(boolean useCache)
          Constructs a new WordNet object with default index and data files.
WordNet(String WNHOME)
          Constructs a new WordNet object with default index and data files and the default caching option.
WordNet(String WNHOME, boolean useCache)
          Constructs a new WordNet object with default index and data files.
WordNet(String verbIndexFilename, String verbDataFilename, String nounIndexFilename, String nounDataFilename, String adjIndexFilename, String adjDataFilename, String advIndexFilename, String advDataFilename, boolean useCache)
          Constructs this WordNet object with the specified index and data files and boolean as to whether to perform caching.
Method Summary
 void cacheAll()
          Caches the index and data entries for all four parts of speech.
 void cacheAll(String pos)
          Caches all index and data entries for the specified part of speech.
protected  void cacheLemmasAndSynsets()
          Caches all lemmas and synsets.
 void clearAllParentsCache()
          Clears the cache used by getAllParentsBFS(java.lang.String, int) for all parts of speech.
 void clearAllParentsCache(int posIdx)
          Clears the cache used by getAllParentsBFS(java.lang.String, int) for the specified part of speech.
 void clearAllParentsCache(String pos)
          Clears the cache used by getAllParentsBFS(java.lang.String, int) for the specified part of speech.
 void clearCache()
          Clears the index and data entry caches.
static Hashtable clearHalfIfNeeded(Hashtable h, int maxSize)
          Utility method that clears every other element from the hashtable h, thereby resulting in a random replacement strategy (assuming a random hash-bucket dispersion).
 boolean contains(String word, String pos)
          Returns whether a given word and part of speech exists in the database.
protected  void detectCycle(Set synsetsSeen, String pos, int synset)
          Detects cycles in the hypernym subgraph of synset.
 void dontGrabGlosses()
 boolean exists(String word, String pos)
          Returns whether a given word and part of speech exists in the database.
 int[][] getAllParentsBFS(String pos, int synset)
          Returns a breadth-first search of the hypernym subgraph of synset.
 int[] getAllSynsets(String word, String pos)
          Gets all synsets for word and pos.
 Enumeration getCachedDataEntries(int posIdx)
          Returns an Enumeraton to allow iteration over all cached data entries.
 Enumeration getCachedDataEntries(String pos)
          Returns an Enumeraton to allow iteration over all cached data entries.
 Enumeration getCachedIndexEntries(int posIdx)
          Returns an Enumeraton to allow iteration over all cached index entries.
 Enumeration getCachedIndexEntries(String pos)
          Returns an Enumeraton to allow iteration over all cached index entries.
static String getCanonicalPos(String pos)
          Returns the canonical String object for the specified part of speech.
 WNPointer[] getChildPointers(String pos, int synset)
          Gets the child (hyponym) pointers for the synset specified by pos and synset, as defined by pointers that pass through ChildSemanticPointerFilter.
 int[] getChildren(String pos, int synset)
          Gets all synsets that are children (hyponyms) of synset.
 WNDataEntry getDataEntry(String pos, int synset)
          Gets the WNDataEntry object for pos and synset.
 boolean getGrabGlosses()
 WNIndexEntry getIndexEntry(String word, String pos)
          Gets the WNIndexEntry for word and pos, printing errors if there is no such word-pos pair in the database.
 WNIndexEntry getIndexEntry(String word, String pos, boolean printErrors)
          Gets the WNIndexEntry for word and pos.
 int getMaxDataCacheSize()
          Returns the maximum size for data entry caching, or -1 if the cache size is unlimited.
 int getMaxIndexCacheSize()
          Returns the maximum size for index entry caching, or -1 if the cache size is unlimited.
 WNPointer[] getParentPointers(String pos, int synset)
          Gets the parent (hypernym) pointers for the synset specified by pos and synset, as defined by pointers that pass through ParentSemanticPointerFilter.
 int[] getParents(String pos, int synset)
          Gets all synsets that are parents (hypernyms) of synset.
static String getPos(int idx)
          Returns the String representation of the part of speech specified by idx.
static int getPosIdx(char pos)
          Returns the index of the specified WordNet part of speech.
static int getPosIdx(String pos)
          Returns the index of the WordNet part of speech specified by pos.
static String getPosName(int idx)
          Gets the unabbreviated name for the WordNet part of speech specified by idx.
static String getPosName(String pos)
          Gets the unabbreviated name for pos.
 int getSenseNum(String word, String pos, int synset)
          Gets the sense number for the passed synset of word and pos.
 int getSynset(String word, String pos, int senseNum)
          Gets the senseNumth synset for word and pos.
 WNWord getSynsetName(String pos, int synset)
          Gets the name of a synset.
 boolean getUseAllParentsCache()
          Returns whether getAllParentsBFS(java.lang.String, int) is doing caching.
 boolean getUseCache()
          Returns whether this WordNet object is doing caching.
protected static String getVersion()
          Gets the value of the environment variable (property) WNDBVERSION.
 String getWNDataDir()
          Gets the full path of the directory of the database files.
 String getWNDBversion()
          Returns the String that represents the current version of the WordNet database used by this object.
protected static String getWNHOME()
          Gets the environment variable WNHOME.
 void grabGlosses()
          Indicates whether this WordNet object should grab glosses from the data files when constructor its internal WNDataEntry objects.
static boolean isAdjPos(String pos)
          Returns true of pos is string-equal to adjPos.
static boolean isAdjSatellite(String pos)
          Returns true if and only if pos is string-equal to "s", representing an adjective satellite in the WordNet database.
static boolean isAdvPos(String pos)
          Returns true of pos is string-equal to advPos.
static boolean isNounPos(String pos)
          Returns true of pos is string-equal to nounPos.
static boolean isVerbPos(String pos)
          Returns true of pos is string-equal to verbPos.
static String look(String key, RandomAccessFile file)
          Returns the line of file that begins with key, using a binary search.
static void main(String[] args)
          Allows users to save a WordNet object to a Java object file, with control over how much is cached.
usage: <WNHOME> [-cache <n | v | a | r | all>]* <object output filename>
static int[] makeUnique(int[] arr)
          Utility method that returns an array containing the unique elements of arr.
static Vector makeUnique(Vector v)
          Utility method to make all the elements of the Vector v pairwise unique, as determined by their equals methods.
static Vector makeVector(int[] arr)
          Makes a Vector object of Integer objects, initialized from the int array.
static boolean notAdjPos(String pos)
          Returns true of pos is not string-equal to adjPos.
static boolean notAdvPos(String pos)
          Returns true of pos is not string-equal to advPos.
static boolean notNounPos(String pos)
          Returns true of pos is not string-equal to nounPos.
static boolean notVerbPos(String pos)
          Returns true of pos is not string-equal to verbPos.
protected static void printError(String msg)
          Prints the error message msg, prepended by a class identifier as would be printed by getClass().getName().
 void save(String filename)
          Saves this WordNet object to the file specified by filename.
 void setAllParentsCache(boolean useAllParentsCache)
          Indicates whether getAllParentsBFS(java.lang.String, int) should perform caching.
 void setMaxDataCacheSize(int newsize)
          Sets the maximum cache size for the data entry cache.
 void setMaxIndexCacheSize(int newsize)
          Sets the maximum cache size for the index entry cache.
 void setUseCache(boolean useCache)
          Sets the caching mode specified by useCache.
protected  void setWNDBversion(String version)
          Sets the version of the WordNet database files used for lookup to be version.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final String fileSep
Cache of System.getProperty("file.separator").


public static final String v15
The String object representing version 1.5 of WordNet.

See Also:


public static final String v16
The String object representing version 1.6 of WordNet.

See Also:


public static final String verbPos
The constant representing a verb in WordNet.


public static final String nounPos
The constant representing a noun in WordNet.


public static final String adjPos
The constant representing an adjective in WordNet.


public static final String advPos
The constant representing an adverb in WordNet.


public static final int nounPosIdx
The integer constant representing a noun in WordNet.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int verbPosIdx
The integer constant representing a verb in WordNet.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int adjPosIdx
The integer constant representing an adjective in WordNet.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int advPosIdx
The integer constant representing an adverb in WordNet.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int minPosIdx
The minimum integer constant used to represent parts of speech.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int maxPosIdx
The maximum integer constant used to represent parts of speech.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int numPartsOfSpeech
The total number of parts of speech in WordNet, collapsing adjective satellites to be adjectives, i.e., 4.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int[] posIdxMap
A mapping between part of speech names and and the corresponding integers for those parts of speech.


protected static final String[] partsOfSpeech
An array that forms a mapping from the integer representations of parts of speech to their canonical String representations.


protected static final String[] posNames
An array that forms a mapping from the integer representations of parts of speech to their unabbreviated names.


protected final String className
A cache of this.getClass().getName().


protected Hashtable[] dataEntryCache
Cache of WNDataEntry objects.


protected Hashtable[] indexEntryCache
Cache of WNIndexEntry objects.


protected Hashtable[] parentsCache
Cache of synset parents.

See Also:
getParents(java.lang.String, int)


protected Hashtable[] childrenCache
Cache of synset children.

See Also:
getChildren(java.lang.String, int)


protected boolean[] allDataEntriesCached
Array indexed by part of speech integer indicating whether all data entries for that part of speech have been cached.


protected boolean[] allIndexEntriesCached
Array indexed by part of speech integer indicating whether all index entries for that part of speech have been cached.


protected Set[] knownLemmas
Sets indexed by part of speech integer of all known lemmas (index entries) for that part of speech.


protected Set[] knownSynsets
Sets indexed by part of speech integer of all known synsets (data entries) for that part of speech.


protected boolean lemmasAndSynsetsCached
True if cacheLemmasAndSynsets() has been called.


protected Hashtable[] allParentsCache
Cache used by getAllParentsBFS(java.lang.String, int).


protected Set[] backEdges
Sets indexed by part of speech integer that contain erroneous back edges in WordNet for those parts of speech.

See Also:
detectCycle(java.util.Set, java.lang.String, int)


protected Set[] subtreesExplored
Sets indexed by part of speech integer that contain subtrees already explored by detectCycle(java.util.Set, java.lang.String, int).


protected Map canonical
A reflexive map used for canonicalizing various types of objects.


public static boolean secretFlag
Debugging flag.

Constructor Detail


public WordNet()
Constructs a new WordNet object with default index and data files and the default caching option. The default location for the files is WNHOME + fileSep + "dict" + fileSep, where WNHOME is defined by a system property.


public WordNet(boolean useCache)
Constructs a new WordNet object with default index and data files. The default location for the files is WNHOME + fileSep + "dict" + fileSep. If WNHOME was not set as a system property, then a RuntimeException is thrown.

useCache - indicates whether to perform caching of index and data file entries.


public WordNet(String WNHOME)
Constructs a new WordNet object with default index and data files and the default caching option. The default location for the files is WNHOME + fileSep + "dict" + fileSep.

WNHOME - specifies the directory where WordNet is installed


public WordNet(String WNHOME,
               boolean useCache)
Constructs a new WordNet object with default index and data files. The default location for the files is WNHOME + fileSep + "dict" + fileSep.

WNHOME - specifies the directory where WordNet is installed
useCache - indicates whether to perform caching of index and data file entries.


public WordNet(String verbIndexFilename,
               String verbDataFilename,
               String nounIndexFilename,
               String nounDataFilename,
               String adjIndexFilename,
               String adjDataFilename,
               String advIndexFilename,
               String advDataFilename,
               boolean useCache)
Constructs this WordNet object with the specified index and data files and boolean as to whether to perform caching.

verbIndexFilename - the index file for verbs.
verbDataFilename - the data file for verbs.
nounIndexFilename - the index file for nouns.
nounDataFilename - the data file for nouns.
adjIndexFilename - the index file for adjectives.
adjDataFilename - the data file for adjectives.
advIndexFilename - the index file for adverbs.
advDataFilename - the data file for adverbs.
useCache - indicates whether to perform caching.
Method Detail


protected static final String getWNHOME()
Gets the environment variable WNHOME. If this property is not defined, then this method quietly returns null.


protected static final String getVersion()
Gets the value of the environment variable (property) WNDBVERSION. If this environment variable is not set, returns the default value, v16.


public boolean contains(String word,
                        String pos)
Returns whether a given word and part of speech exists in the database.

word - a lemma in WordNet.
pos - a WordNet part of speech.


public boolean exists(String word,
                      String pos)
Returns whether a given word and part of speech exists in the database. This method is a synonym for contains(java.lang.String, java.lang.String).

word - a lemma in WordNet.
pos - a WordNet part of speech.


public WNIndexEntry getIndexEntry(String word,
                                  String pos)
Gets the WNIndexEntry for word and pos, printing errors if there is no such word-pos pair in the database.

word - a lemma in WordNet.
pos - a WordNet part of speech.


public WNIndexEntry getIndexEntry(String word,
                                  String pos,
                                  boolean printErrors)
Gets the WNIndexEntry for word and pos.

word - a lemma in WordNet.
pos - a WordNet part of speech.
printErrors - print errors using printError(java.lang.String) if true.


public WNDataEntry getDataEntry(String pos,
                                int synset)
Gets the WNDataEntry object for pos and synset.

pos - a WordNet part of speech.
synset - a synset in WordNet.


public int[] getAllSynsets(String word,
                           String pos)
Gets all synsets for word and pos.

word - a lemma in WordNet.
pos - a WordNet part of speech.
See Also:


public int getSynset(String word,
                     String pos,
                     int senseNum)
Gets the senseNumth synset for word and pos. Note that this is the senseNum - 1st element in the array returned by getAllSynsets(java.lang.String, java.lang.String), as sense numbers are 1-indexed.


public int getSenseNum(String word,
                       String pos,
                       int synset)
Gets the sense number for the passed synset of word and pos. N.B.: This method is O(n), where n is the number of synsets for word, pos.


public WNPointer[] getParentPointers(String pos,
                                     int synset)
Gets the parent (hypernym) pointers for the synset specified by pos and synset, as defined by pointers that pass through ParentSemanticPointerFilter.

pos - a WordNet part of speech.
synset - a WordNet synset.


public int[] getParents(String pos,
                        int synset)
Gets all synsets that are parents (hypernyms) of synset. A cache is used for these parent-synset int arrays.

pos - a WordNet part of speech.
synset - a WordNet synset.


public WNPointer[] getChildPointers(String pos,
                                    int synset)
Gets the child (hyponym) pointers for the synset specified by pos and synset, as defined by pointers that pass through ChildSemanticPointerFilter.

pos - a WordNet part of speech
synset - a WordNet synset


public int[] getChildren(String pos,
                         int synset)
Gets all synsets that are children (hyponyms) of synset. A cache is used for these child-synset int arrays.

pos - a WordNet part of speech.
synset - a WordNet synset.


public WNWord getSynsetName(String pos,
                            int synset)
Gets the name of a synset. A synset's name is defined to be the first lemma in the list of lemmas contained in the database.

pos - a WordNet part of speech.
synset - a WordNet synset.
the WNWord object that represents the first lemma in the list of lemmas for synset in the database.


protected void detectCycle(Set synsetsSeen,
                           String pos,
                           int synset)
Detects cycles in the hypernym subgraph of synset. The hypernym graph is supposed to be acyclic, but errors in the database (or by grind(1WN)) necessitate the use of this method. All back edges are added to backEdges.

synsetsSeen - a set of synsets seen during the depth-first search; expected to be empty for the initial call of this method.
pos - a WordNet part of speech.
synset - a WordNet synset.
See Also:
getAllParentsBFS(java.lang.String, int)


public int[][] getAllParentsBFS(String pos,
                                int synset)
Returns a breadth-first search of the hypernym subgraph of synset.

pos - a WordNet part of speech.
synset - a WordNet synset.
an array of int arrays, where the ith element contains all synsets that have a hyponym path of length i to synset. Thus, the first element is guaranteed to be an array of length 1 containing only synset. Furthermore, since adjectives and adverbs do not have hypernyms, the return value for these two parts of speech is always of length 1.


protected void cacheLemmasAndSynsets()
Caches all lemmas and synsets. Should normally only be called if useCache is true.


public void cacheAll()
Caches the index and data entries for all four parts of speech.


public void cacheAll(String pos)
Caches all index and data entries for the specified part of speech. If called when useCache is false, prints an error message and returns (no exception is thrown).

pos - a WordNet part of speech.


public void clearCache()
Clears the index and data entry caches.


public void clearAllParentsCache()
Clears the cache used by getAllParentsBFS(java.lang.String, int) for all parts of speech.


public void clearAllParentsCache(int posIdx)
Clears the cache used by getAllParentsBFS(java.lang.String, int) for the specified part of speech.

posIdx - a WordNet part of speech index.


public void clearAllParentsCache(String pos)
Clears the cache used by getAllParentsBFS(java.lang.String, int) for the specified part of speech.

pos - a WordNet part of speech.


public boolean getUseCache()
Returns whether this WordNet object is doing caching.


public boolean getUseAllParentsCache()
Returns whether getAllParentsBFS(java.lang.String, int) is doing caching.


public int getMaxIndexCacheSize()
Returns the maximum size for index entry caching, or -1 if the cache size is unlimited.


public int getMaxDataCacheSize()
Returns the maximum size for data entry caching, or -1 if the cache size is unlimited.


public Enumeration getCachedDataEntries(String pos)
Returns an Enumeraton to allow iteration over all cached data entries.


public Enumeration getCachedDataEntries(int posIdx)
Returns an Enumeraton to allow iteration over all cached data entries.


public Enumeration getCachedIndexEntries(String pos)
Returns an Enumeraton to allow iteration over all cached index entries.


public Enumeration getCachedIndexEntries(int posIdx)
Returns an Enumeraton to allow iteration over all cached index entries.


public String getWNDataDir()
Gets the full path of the directory of the database files.


public boolean getGrabGlosses()


public void setUseCache(boolean useCache)
Sets the caching mode specified by useCache.

useCache - if true, causes this object to cache all subsequent index and data entry lookups and cacheLemmasAndSynsets() is called immediately; if false, causes all subsequent lookups to use file accesses (but does not clear the data and index caches).


public void grabGlosses()
Indicates whether this WordNet object should grab glosses from the data files when constructor its internal WNDataEntry objects.

See Also:


public void dontGrabGlosses()


public void setAllParentsCache(boolean useAllParentsCache)
Indicates whether getAllParentsBFS(java.lang.String, int) should perform caching.


public void setMaxIndexCacheSize(int newsize)
Sets the maximum cache size for the index entry cache.

newsize - the maximum index entry cache size; a value of -1 indicates an unlimited cache size.


public void setMaxDataCacheSize(int newsize)
Sets the maximum cache size for the data entry cache.

newsize - the maximum data entry cache size; a value of -1 indicates an unlimited cache size.


public static final boolean isVerbPos(String pos)
Returns true of pos is string-equal to verbPos.


public static final boolean notVerbPos(String pos)
Returns true of pos is not string-equal to verbPos.


public static final boolean isNounPos(String pos)
Returns true of pos is string-equal to nounPos.


public static final boolean notNounPos(String pos)
Returns true of pos is not string-equal to nounPos.


public static final boolean isAdjPos(String pos)
Returns true of pos is string-equal to adjPos.


public static final boolean notAdjPos(String pos)
Returns true of pos is not string-equal to adjPos.


public static final boolean isAdvPos(String pos)
Returns true of pos is string-equal to advPos.


public static final boolean notAdvPos(String pos)
Returns true of pos is not string-equal to advPos.


public static final String getPosName(String pos)
Gets the unabbreviated name for pos.

pos - a WordNet part of speech.


public static final String getPosName(int idx)
Gets the unabbreviated name for the WordNet part of speech specified by idx.

idx - a WordNet part of speech index.


public static final String getPos(int idx)
Returns the String representation of the part of speech specified by idx.

idx - a WordNet part of speech inex.


public static final int getPosIdx(String pos)
Returns the index of the WordNet part of speech specified by pos.


public static final int getPosIdx(char pos)
Returns the index of the specified WordNet part of speech.


public static final boolean isAdjSatellite(String pos)
Returns true if and only if pos is string-equal to "s", representing an adjective satellite in the WordNet database.


public static final String getCanonicalPos(String pos)
Returns the canonical String object for the specified part of speech. If pos is string-equal to "s" (indicating an adjective satellite), then the object adjPos is returned.


public static final Hashtable clearHalfIfNeeded(Hashtable h,
                                                int maxSize)
Utility method that clears every other element from the hashtable h, thereby resulting in a random replacement strategy (assuming a random hash-bucket dispersion).

h - the hashtable object to be half-cleared
maxSize - the threshold at which to clear half of h; if h.size() < maxSize, then no clearing is performed.


public static final Vector makeUnique(Vector v)
Utility method to make all the elements of the Vector v pairwise unique, as determined by their equals methods.


public static final int[] makeUnique(int[] arr)
Utility method that returns an array containing the unique elements of arr.


public static final Vector makeVector(int[] arr)
Makes a Vector object of Integer objects, initialized from the int array.


protected static void printError(String msg)
Prints the error message msg, prepended by a class identifier as would be printed by getClass().getName().


public static String look(String key,
                          RandomAccessFile file)
Returns the line of file that begins with key, using a binary search.


protected void setWNDBversion(String version)
Sets the version of the WordNet database files used for lookup to be version. Subclasses should use this method if they are only going to be used with a particular version of the WordNet database. Runtime specification of the database version is possible by setting the system property WNDBVERSION to either "1.5" or "1.6" on the command line.


public String getWNDBversion()
Returns the String that represents the current version of the WordNet database used by this object.


public void save(String filename)
          throws IOException
Saves this WordNet object to the file specified by filename.



public static void main(String[] args)
Allows users to save a WordNet object to a Java object file, with control over how much is cached.
usage: <WNHOME> [-cache <n | v | a | r | all>]* <object output filename>

args - an argument vector that should conform to that expected by the usage statement above.

Java Access to WordNet

Author: Dan Bikel