Garfield (1955) is seminal in the science of citation analysis. This was built on by Pinski and Narin (1976) to develop a journal influence weight, whose definition is remarkably similar to that of the PageRank measure.
The use of anchor text as an aid to searching and ranking stems from the work of McBryan (1994). Extended anchor-text was implicit in his work, with systematic experiments reported in Chakrabarti et al. (1998).
Kemeny and Snell (1976) is a classic text on Markov chains. The
PageRank measure was developed in Brin and Page (1998)
and in Page et al. (1998). A number of methods for the
fast computation of PageRank values are surveyed in
Berkhin (2005) and in Langville and Meyer (2006); the former
also details how the PageRank eigenvector solution may be
viewed as solving a linear system, leading to one way of
solving Exercise 21.2.3 . The effect of the teleport probability has been studied by Baeza-Yates et al. (2005) and by Boldi et al. (2005). Topic-specific PageRank and variants were developed in Haveliwala (2002), Haveliwala (2003) and in Jeh and Widom (2003). Berkhin (2006a) develops an alternate view of topic-specific PageRank.
Ng et al. (2001b) suggests that the PageRank score assignment is more robust than HITS in the sense that scores are less sensitive to small changes in graph topology. However, it has also been noted that the teleport operation contributes significantly to PageRank's robustness in this sense. Both PageRank and HITS can be ``spammed'' by the orchestrated insertion of links into the web graph; indeed, the Web is known to have such link farms that collude to increase the score assigned to certain pages by various link analysis algorithms.
The HITS algorithm is due to Kleinberg (1999). Chakrabarti et al. (1998) developed variants that weighted links in the iterative computation based on the presence of query terms in the pages being linked and compared these to results from several web search engines. Bharat and Henzinger (1998) further developed these and other heuristics, showing that certain combinations outperformed the basic HITS algorithm. Borodin et al. (2001) provides a systematic study of several variants of the HITS algorithm. Ng et al. (2001b) introduces a notion of stability for link analysis, arguing that small changes to link topology should not lead to significant changes in the ranked list of results for a query. Numerous other variants of HITS have been developed by a number of authors, the best know of which is perhaps SALSA (Lempel and Moran, 2000).
We use the following abbreviated journal and conference names in the bibliography: