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1/0 loss
The 1/0 loss case
11-point interpolated average precision
Evaluation of ranked retrieval
20 Newsgroups
Standard test collections
$\chi ^2$ feature selection
$\chi ^2$ Feature selectionChi2 Feature
$k$ nearest neighbor classification
k nearest neighbor
$k$-gram index
k-gram indexes for wildcard
$k$-gram index
k-gram indexes for spelling
$\gamma $ encoding
Variable byte codes
$\gamma $ encoding
Gamma codes
$\gamma $ encoding
Gamma codes
$ \Delta $ - codes
Gamma codes
$\delta$ codes
Gamma codes
$ \Delta $ - codes
References and further reading
$L_2$ distance
Pivoted normalized document length
A/B test
Refining a deployed system
Access control lists
Other types of indexes | Other types of indexes | Other types of indexes | Other types of indexes
Weighted zone scoring | Computing vector scores
Evaluation of unranked retrieval
active learning
Choosing what kind of
ad hoc retrieval
An example information retrieval | Text classification and Naive
Add-one smoothing
Naive Bayes text classification | Naive Bayes text classification
adjacency table
Connectivity servers
adversarial information retrieval
Akaike Information Criterion
Cluster cardinality in K-means
algorithmic search
Advertising as the economic
anchor text
The web graph
any-of classification
The text classification problem | Classification with more than
authority score
Hubs and Authorities
Auxiliary index
Dynamic indexing | Dynamic indexing
average-link clustering
Group-average agglomerative clustering
Search structures for dictionaries
bag of words
Term frequency and weighting | Properties of Naive Bayes
Properties of Naive Bayes
balanced F measure
Evaluation of unranked retrieval
Bayes error rate
Time complexity and optimality
Bayes Optimal Decision Rule
The 1/0 loss case
Bayes risk
The 1/0 loss case
Bayes' Rule
Review of basic probability
Bayesian networks
Bayesian network approaches to
Bayesian prior
Probability estimates in theory
Bernoulli model
The Bernoulli model | The Bernoulli model | The Bernoulli model | Properties of Naive Bayes | A variant of the
best-merge persistence
Time complexity of HAC
The bias-variance tradeoff
bias-variance tradeoff
Types of language models | Feature selection | The bias-variance tradeoff | Support vector machines: The
References and further reading
bigram language model
Types of language models
Binary Independence Model
The Binary Independence Model
binary tree
Search structures for dictionaries | Hierarchical clustering
biword index
Biword indexes | Combination schemes
blind relevance feedback
see pseudo relevance feedback
blocked sort-based indexing algorithm
Blocked sort-based indexing
Blocked sort-based indexing algorithm (BSBI)
Blocked sort-based indexing | Blocked sort-based indexing | Other types of indexes
blocked storage
Blocked storage
Blocked storage described
Dictionary as a string | Blocked storage
XML retrieval
BM25 weights
Okapi BM25: a non-binary
References and further reading
bottom-up clustering
see hierarchical agglomerative clustering
The web graph
Evaluation of text classification | Experimental results
break-even point
Evaluation of ranked retrieval
Blocked sort-based indexing
Buckshot algorithm
Implementation notes
Hardware basics | Hardware basics
A first take at | Hardware basics | Putting it all together | Crawler architecture | DNS resolution
compression and
Index compression | Index compression
Hardware basics
capture-recapture method
Index size and estimation
in clustering
Cardinality - the number
CAS topics
Evaluation of XML retrieval
The text classification problem | The text classification problem
Rocchio classification | K-means
in relevance feedback
The underlying theory.
centroid-based classification
References and further reading
chain rule
Review of basic probability
in clustering
Single-link and complete-link clustering
champion lists
Tiered indexes
class boundary
Linear versus nonlinear classifiers
Classes, defined
The text classification problem | The text classification problem
Classes, maximum a posteriori
Naive Bayes text classification
Text classification and Naive | Result ranking by machine
Classification function
The text classification problem | The text classification problem
Classification, defined
Text classification and Naive | Text classification and Naive
Probabilistic relevance feedback
Classifiers, defined
The text classification problem
Classifiers, two-class
Evaluation of text classification
Standard test collections
click spam
Advertising as the economic
clickstream mining
Refining a deployed system | Indirect relevance feedback
clickthrough log analysis
Refining a deployed system
Single-link and complete-link clustering
Distributed indexing | Flat clustering
in relevance feedback
When does relevance feedback
cluster hypothesis
Clustering in information retrieval
cluster-based classification
References and further reading
cluster-internal labeling
Cluster labeling
Distributed indexing
CO topics
Evaluation of XML retrieval
References and further reading
An example information retrieval
collection frequency
Dropping common terms: stop | Frequency-based feature selection
statistics, large
Other types of indexes
combination similarity
Hierarchical agglomerative clustering | Single-link and complete-link clustering | Optimality of HAC | Optimality of HAC
complete-link clustering
Single-link and complete-link clustering
complete-linkage clustering
see complete-link clustering
component coverage
Evaluation of XML retrieval
lossless / lossy
Statistical properties of terms
of dictionaries
Zipf's law: Modeling the | Blocked storage
of postings list
Blocked storage | Gamma codes
References and further reading
Compression / indexes
Heaps' law
Statistical properties of terms | Heaps' law: Estimating the
Zipf's law
Heaps' law: Estimating the | Zipf's law: Modeling the | Zipf's law: Modeling the
Concept drift
Properties of Naive Bayes | Properties of Naive Bayes | Evaluation of text classification | References and further reading | Choosing what kind of
conditional independence assumption
Deriving a ranking function | Properties of Naive Bayes | Properties of Naive Bayes
confusion matrix
Classification with more than
connected component
Single-link and complete-link clustering
connectivity queries
Connectivity servers
connectivity server
Connectivity servers
content management system
References and further reading
Content management systems
References and further reading
Basic XML concepts
context resemblance
A vector space model
contiguity hypothesis
Vector space classification
continuation bit
Variable byte codes | Variable byte codes
An example information retrieval
cosine similarity
Dot products | References and further reading
Advertising as the economic
Advertising as the economic
Standard test collections
Extended language modeling approaches
cross-language information retrieval
Standard test collections | References and further reading
cumulative gain
Evaluation of ranked retrieval
data-centric XML
XML retrieval | Text-centric vs. data-centric XML
Boolean retrieval | XML retrieval | Text-centric vs. data-centric XML
communication with
References and further reading
decision boundary
Rocchio classification | Linear versus nonlinear classifiers
decision hyperplane
Vector space classification | Linear versus nonlinear classifiers
Decision trees
Evaluation of text classification | Evaluation of text classification | References and further reading
Hierarchical agglomerative clustering
development set
Evaluation of text classification
Development sets
Evaluation of text classification
development test collection
Information retrieval system evaluation
Dice coefficient
Evaluation of ranked retrieval
An example information retrieval | A first take at
differential cluster labeling
Cluster labeling
digital libraries
XML retrieval
Disk seek
Hardware basics
Cluster cardinality in K-means
distributed index
Distributed indexing | Distributed indexing | References and further reading
Distributed indexing
Single-pass in-memory indexing | Distributed indexing | Distributed indexing
distributed information retrieval
see distributed crawling | References and further reading
divisive clustering
Divisive clustering
DNS resolution
DNS resolution
DNS server
DNS resolution
A first take at
An example information retrieval | Choosing a document unit
document collection
see collection
document frequency
A first take at | Inverse document frequency | Frequency-based feature selection
document likelihood model
Extended language modeling approaches
document partitioning
Distributing indexes
Document space
The text classification problem | The text classification problem
document vector
Tf-idf weighting | The vector space model
Computing vector scores | Impact ordering
document-partitioned index
Distributed indexing
dot product
Dot products
Dynamic indexing
Distributed indexing
East Asian languages
References and further reading
edit distance
Edit distance
An example information retrieval | Evaluation of text classification
Effectiveness, text classification
Evaluation of text classification | Evaluation of text classification | Evaluation of text classification
Evaluation of text classification
eigen decomposition
Matrix decompositions
Linear algebra review
EM algorithm
Model-based clustering
email sorting
Text classification and Naive
Email, sorting
Text classification and Naive
enterprise resource planning
References and further reading
Enterprise search
Index construction | Index construction
Gamma codes | Gamma codes | References and further reading | Evaluation of clustering
equivalence classes
Normalization (equivalence classing of
Ergodic Markov Chain
Euclidean distance
Pivoted normalized document length | References and further reading
Euclidean length
Dot products
Evalution of retrieval systems, text classification
Evaluation of text classification | Evaluation of text classification
Evalution of retrieval systems, x$^{2}$
Assessing $\chi ^2$ as a
evidence accumulation
Designing parsing and scoring
exclusive clustering
A note on terminology.
exhaustive clustering
A note on terminology.
expectation step
Model-based clustering
Expectation-Maximization algorithm
Choosing what kind of | Model-based clustering
expected edge density
References and further reading
extended query
Challenges in XML retrieval
Extensible Markup Language
XML retrieval
external criterion of quality
Evaluation of clustering
External sorting algorithm
Blocked sort-based indexing | Blocked sort-based indexing
false negative
Evaluation of clustering
false positive
Evaluation of clustering
feature engineering
Features for text
feature selection
Feature selection
Feature selection / text classification, greedy
Comparison of feature selection
Feature selection / text classification, method comparison
Comparison of feature selection
Feature selection / text classification, multiple classifiers
Feature selection for multiple | Feature selection for multiple
Feature selection / text classification, mutual information
Mutual information
Feature selection / text classification, noise feature
Feature selection
Feature selection / text classification, overfitting
Feature selection
Feature selection / text classification, overview
Feature selection
Feature selection / text classification, statistical significance
$\chi ^2$ Feature selectionChi2 Feature
Feature selection / text classification, x $^{2}$
$\chi ^2$ Feature selectionChi2 Feature
Feature selection/text classification, frequency-based
Frequency-based feature selection | Frequency-based feature selection
Feature selection/text classification, method comparison
Comparison of feature selection | Comparison of feature selection
Feature selection/text classification, mutual information
Mutual information
Feature selection/text classification, overview
Feature selection
Feature selection/text classification, x$^{2}$
$\chi ^2$ Feature selectionChi2 Feature
Parametric and zone indexes
Text classification and Naive | Text classification and Naive | References and further reading
first story detection
Optimality of HAC | References and further reading
flat clustering
Flat clustering
focused retrieval
References and further reading
free text
Scoring, term weighting and | Vector space scoring and
free text query
see query, free text | Computing vector scores | Designing parsing and scoring | XML retrieval
frequency-based feature selection
Frequency-based feature selection
Frobenius norm
Low-rank approximations
Front coding
Blocked storage | Blocked storage
functional margin
Support vector machines: The
F measure
Evaluation of unranked retrieval | References and further reading
as an evaluation measure in clustering
Evaluation of clustering
Group-average agglomerative clustering
generative model
Finite automata and language | The bias-variance tradeoff | The bias-variance tradeoff
geometric margin
Support vector machines: The
gold standard
Information retrieval system evaluation
Golomb codes
References and further reading | References and further reading
Standard test collections
greedy feature selection
Comparison of feature selection
An example information retrieval
ground truth
Information retrieval system evaluation
group-average agglomerative clustering
Group-average agglomerative clustering
group-average clustering
Group-average agglomerative clustering
Hierarchical agglomerative clustering
hard assignment
Flat clustering
hard clustering
Flat clustering | A note on terminology.
harmonic number
Gamma codes
Harmonic numbers
Gamma codes
Blocked storage | Blocked storage
Heaps' law
Heaps' law: Estimating the
k nearest neighbor
Held-out data
Evaluation of text classification | Evaluation of text classification
hierarchic clustering
Hierarchical clustering
hierarchical agglomerative clustering
Hierarchical agglomerative clustering
hierarchical classification
Large and difficult category | References and further reading
hierarchical clustering
Flat clustering | Hierarchical clustering
Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes
References and further reading
in clustering
Hierarchical clustering
Challenges in XML retrieval
Hubs and Authorities
Background and history
Background and history
hub score
Hubs and Authorities
Evaluation of text classification | see independent and identically distributed
Ide dec-hi
The Rocchio (1971) algorithm.
Other types of indexes | Challenges in XML retrieval | Probability estimates in practice | Okapi BM25: a non-binary
see independent and identically distributed
Other types of indexes
implicit relevance feedback
Indirect relevance feedback
The web graph | Link analysis
incidence matrix
An example information retrieval | Term-document matrices and singular
$\chi ^2$ Feature selectionChi2 Feature | $\chi ^2$ Feature selectionChi2 Feature
independent and identically distributed
Evaluation of text classification
in clustering
Cluster cardinality in K-means
Independent and identically distributed ( IID )
Evaluation of text classification
An example information retrieval | see permuterm index | see alsoparametric index, zone index
index construction
Index construction
References and further reading
Index construction | Index construction
Index construction
Index construction
A first take at
indexing granularity
Choosing a document unit
indexing unit
Challenges in XML retrieval
Evaluation of XML retrieval
Information gain
Evaluation of text classification | Evaluation of text classification
information need
An example information retrieval | Information retrieval system evaluation
information retrieval
Boolean retrieval
hardware issues
Index construction | Hardware basics
terms , statistical properties of
Index compression | Zipf's law: Modeling the
informational queries
User query needs
inner product
Dot products
instance-based learning
Time complexity and optimality
internal criterion of quality
Evaluation of clustering
interpolated precision
Evaluation of ranked retrieval
postings list
Processing Boolean queries
inverse document frequency
Inverse document frequency | Computing vector scores
Blocked sort-based indexing | Hierarchical agglomerative clustering | Centroid clustering
Blocked sort-based indexing
inverted file
see inverted index
inverted index
An example information retrieval
inverted list
see postings list
Distributed indexing | Distributed indexing | Distributed indexing
IP address
DNS resolution
Jaccard coefficient
k-gram indexes for spelling | Near-duplicates and shingling
k nearest neighbor classification (kNN), multinomial Naive Bayes vs., 249.57 k nearest neighbor classification (kNN), as nonlinear classification
Properties of Naive Bayes
kappa statistic
Assessing relevance | References and further reading | References and further reading
Nonlinear SVMs
kernel function
Nonlinear SVMs
kernel trick
Nonlinear SVMs
key-value pairs
Distributed indexing
Results snippets
kNN classification
k nearest neighbor
Kruskal's algorithm
References and further reading
Kullback-Leibler divergence
Extended language modeling approaches | Exercises | References and further reading
see keyword-in-context
The text classification problem
Text classification and Naive
Labeling, defined
Text classification and Naive
Finite automata and language
language identification
Tokenization | References and further reading
language model
Finite automata and language
Laplace smoothing
Naive Bayes text classification
Latent Dirichlet Allocation
References and further reading
latent semantic indexing
Latent semantic indexing
References and further reading
learning algorithm
The text classification problem
learning error
The bias-variance tradeoff
learning method
The text classification problem
Stemming and lemmatization
Stemming and lemmatization
Stemming and lemmatization
Dot products
Levenshtein distance
Edit distance
lexicalized subtree
A vector space model
An example information retrieval
Review of basic probability
likelihood ratio
Finite automata and language
linear classifier
Linear versus nonlinear classifiers | A simple example of
linear problem
Linear versus nonlinear classifiers
linear separability
Linear versus nonlinear classifiers
link farms
References and further reading
link spam
Spam | Link analysis
References and further reading
Using query likelihood language
Logarithmic merging
Dynamic indexing | Dynamic indexing | Dynamic indexing
Statistical properties of terms
lossy compression
Statistical properties of terms
low-rank approximation
Low-rank approximations
Latent semantic indexing
LSI as soft clustering
Latent semantic indexing
machine translation
Types of language models | Using query likelihood language | Extended language modeling approaches
machine-learned relevance
Learning weights | A simple example of
Evaluation of text classification | Evaluation of text classification | Evaluation of text classification
Evaluation of ranked retrieval | Probability estimates in theory | Naive Bayes text classification
Map phase
Distributed indexing | Distributed indexing
Distributed indexing | Distributed indexing | Distributed indexing | Distributed indexing | References and further reading
Support vector machines: The
marginal relevance
Critiques and justifications of
marginal statistic
Assessing relevance
Master node
Distributed indexing | Distributed indexing
matrix decomposition
Matrix decompositions
maximization step
Model-based clustering
maximum a posteriori
Probability estimates in theory | Properties of Naive Bayes
maximum a posteriori class
Naive Bayes text classification
maximum likelihood estimate
Probability estimates in theory | Naive Bayes text classification
Maximum likelihood estimate ( MLE )
Naive Bayes text classification
Maximum likelihood estimate (MLE)
Mutual information
maximum likelihood estimation
Estimating the query generation
Mean Average Precision
see MAP
memory capacity
The bias-variance tradeoff
memory-based learning
Time complexity and optimality
Mercer kernel
Nonlinear SVMs
Processing Boolean queries
merge algorithm
Processing Boolean queries
Tokenization | Parametric and zone indexes | Results snippets | Basic XML concepts | References and further reading | Spam
Evaluation of text classification
minimum spanning tree
References and further reading | Exercises
minimum variance clustering
References and further reading
see maximum likelihood estimate
ModApte split
Evaluation of text classification | Evaluation of text classification | References and further reading
model complexity
The bias-variance tradeoff | Cluster cardinality in K-means
model-based clustering
Model-based clustering
Hierarchical agglomerative clustering
multiclass classification
Classification with more than
multiclass SVM
References and further reading
multilabel classification
Classification with more than
multimodal class
Rocchio classification
Multinomial Naive Bayes, random variable X / U
Properties of Naive Bayes
multinomial classification
Classification with more than
multinomial distribution
Multinomial distributions over words
Multinomial model
Relation to multinomial unigram | Relation to multinomial unigram | The Bernoulli model | A variant of the
multinomial Naive Bayes
Naive Bayes text classification
Multinomial Naive Bayes, in text classification
Naive Bayes text classification
Multinomial Naive Bayes, in text classification
Relation to multinomial unigram
Multinomial Naive Bayes, optimal classifier
Properties of Naive Bayes
Multinomial Naive Bayes, positional independence assumption
Naive Bayes text classification | Properties of Naive Bayes
Multinomial Naive Bayes, sparseness
Naive Bayes text classification
multinomial NB
see multinomial Naive Bayes
multivalue classification
Classification with more than
multivariate Bernoulli model
The Bernoulli model
mutual information
Mutual information | Evaluation of clustering
Naive Bayes assumption
Deriving a ranking function
named entity tagging
XML retrieval | Features for text
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Standard test collections
natural language processing
Book organization and course | Stemming and lemmatization | Results snippets | References and further reading | Language modeling versus other | Model-based clustering
navigational queries
User query needs
Evaluation of ranked retrieval
nested elements
Challenges in XML retrieval
Basic XML concepts
next word index
Combination schemes
Variable byte codes | Variable byte codes
see natural language processing
Evaluation of clustering
noise document
Linear versus nonlinear classifiers
noise feature
Properties of Naive Bayes | Feature selection
nonlinear classifier
Linear versus nonlinear classifiers
nonlinear problem
Linear versus nonlinear classifiers
normal vector
Rocchio classification
normalized discounted cumulative gain
Evaluation of ranked retrieval
normalized mutual information
Evaluation of clustering
novelty detection
Optimality of HAC
Standard test collections | References and further reading
objective function
Problem statement | K-means
Review of basic probability
odds ratio
Deriving a ranking function
Okapi weighting
Okapi BM25: a non-binary
one-of classification
The text classification problem | Evaluation of text classification | Evaluation of text classification | Classification with more than
optimal classifier
Properties of Naive Bayes | The bias-variance tradeoff
optimal clustering
Optimality of HAC
optimal learning method
The bias-variance tradeoff
ordinal regression
Result ranking by machine
The web graph
Feature selection | The bias-variance tradeoff
Oxford English Dictionary
Statistical properties of terms
paid inclusion
parameter tuning
Information retrieval system evaluation | References and further reading | References and further reading | References and further reading
parameter tying
Separate feature spaces for
parameter-free compression
Gamma codes
parameterized compression
References and further reading
parametric index
Parametric and zone indexes
parametric search
XML retrieval
Distributed indexing | Distributed indexing
partition rule
Review of basic probability
partitional clustering
A note on terminology.
passage retrieval
References and further reading
patent databases
XML retrieval
perceptron algorithm
References and further reading | References and further reading
Evaluation of text classification
permuterm index
Permuterm indexes
personalized PageRank
Topic-specific PageRank
phrase index
Biword indexes
phrase queries
Positional postings and phrase | References and further reading
phrase search
The extended Boolean model
pivoted document length normalization
Pivoted normalized document length
Pointwise mutual information
Mutual information | References and further reading | References and further reading
Classification with more than
polytomous classification
Classification with more than
k nearest neighbor
Assessing relevance | References and further reading
pornography filtering
Text classification and Naive | Features for text
Porter stemmer
Stemming and lemmatization
positional independence
Properties of Naive Bayes
positional index
Positional indexes
posterior probability
Review of basic probability
An example information retrieval | An example information retrieval | A first take at | Blocked sort-based indexing | Index compression
compression and
Index compression
in block sort-based indexing
Blocked sort-based indexing
postings list
An example information retrieval
power law
Zipf's law: Modeling the | The web graph
An example information retrieval | Evaluation of unranked retrieval
precision at $k$
Evaluation of ranked retrieval
precision-recall curve
Evaluation of ranked retrieval
prefix-free code
Gamma codes
Preprocessing, effects of
Statistical properties of terms
principal direction divisive partitioning
References and further reading
principal left eigenvector
Markov chains
prior probability
Review of basic probability
Probability Ranking Principle
The 1/0 loss case
probability vector
Markov chains
Vector space classification
proximity operator
The extended Boolean model
proximity weighting
Query-term proximity
pseudo relevance feedback
Pseudo relevance feedback
Probability estimates in theory
pull model
References and further reading
Evaluation of clustering
push model
References and further reading
Quadratic Programming
Support vector machines: The
An example information retrieval
free text
The extended Boolean model | The extended Boolean model | Term frequency and weighting
simple conjunctive
Processing Boolean queries
query expansion
Query expansion
query likelihood model
Using query likelihood language
query optimization
Processing Boolean queries
Basic XML concepts | Language modeling versus other
Evaluation of ranked retrieval | References and further reading
Rand index
Evaluation of clustering
References and further reading
random variable
Review of basic probability
random variable $\xvar$
Properties of Naive Bayes
random variable $\wvar$
Properties of Naive Bayes
random variable $C$
Properties of Naive Bayes
Random variables, C
Properties of Naive Bayes
Linear algebra review
Ranked Boolean retrieval
Weighted zone scoring
ranked retrieval
Other types of indexes | References and further reading
The extended Boolean model
Ranked retrieval models
Other types of indexes
ranking SVM
Result ranking by machine
An example information retrieval | Evaluation of unranked retrieval
Reduce phase
Distributed indexing | Distributed indexing
reduced SVD
Term-document matrices and singular | Low-rank approximations
Result ranking by machine
regular expressions
An example information retrieval | References and further reading
Soft margin classification
relational database
XML retrieval | Text-centric vs. data-centric XML
relative frequency
Probability estimates in theory
An example information retrieval | Information retrieval system evaluation
relevance feedback
Relevance feedback and pseudo
residual sum of squares
results snippets
Putting it all together
retrieval model
An example information retrieval
Retrieval Status Value
Deriving a ranking function
retrieval systems
Other types of indexes
Standard test collections
Reuters-21578 collection, text classification in
Evaluation of text classification | Evaluation of text classification | Evaluation of text classification | Evaluation of text classification
Blocked sort-based indexing | Standard test collections
Reuters-RCV1 collection
Blocked sort-based indexing | Blocked sort-based indexing | References and further reading
dictionary-as-a-string storage
Dictionary compression | Dictionary as a string
Relevance feedback and pseudo
Robots Exclusion Protocol
Crawler architecture
ROC curve
Evaluation of ranked retrieval
Rocchio algorithm
The Rocchio (1971) algorithm.
Rocchio classification
Rocchio classification
Text classification and Naive | Text classification and Naive | References and further reading
rule of 30
Statistical properties of terms
Rules in text classification
Text classification and Naive | Text classification and Naive
Clustering in information retrieval
Basic XML concepts
schema diversity
Challenges in XML retrieval
schema heterogeneity
Challenges in XML retrieval
search advertising
Advertising as the economic
search engine marketing
Advertising as the economic
Search Engine Optimizers
search result clustering
Clustering in information retrieval
search results
Clustering in information retrieval
Other types of indexes | Other types of indexes
seek time
Hardware basics
Segment file
Distributed indexing | Distributed indexing
semi-supervised learning
Choosing what kind of
semistructured query
XML retrieval
semistructured retrieval
Boolean retrieval | XML retrieval
Evaluation of ranked retrieval
sentiment detection
Text classification and Naive | Text classification and Naive
Sequence model
Properties of Naive Bayes | Properties of Naive Bayes
Near-duplicates and shingling
single-label classification
Classification with more than
single-link clustering
Single-link and complete-link clustering
single-linkage clustering
see single-link clustering
single-pass in-memory indexing
Single-pass in-memory indexing
Single-pass in-memory indexing (SPIMI)
Blocked sort-based indexing | Single-pass in-memory indexing | References and further reading
Hierarchical agglomerative clustering
singleton cluster
singular value decomposition
Term-document matrices and singular
skip list
Faster postings list intersection | References and further reading
slack variables
Soft margin classification
The Rocchio (1971) algorithm.
Maximum tf normalization | Probability estimates in theory
add $\frac{1}{2}$
Probability estimates in theory
add $\alpha$
Probability estimates in theory
add $\frac{1}{2}$
Probability estimates in theory
add $\frac{1}{2}$
Probabilistic approaches to relevance
add $\frac{1}{2}$
Probabilistic approaches to relevance
add $\frac{1}{2}$
Okapi BM25: a non-binary
add $\frac{1}{2}$
Relation to multinomial unigram
Bayesian prior
Probability estimates in theory | Probabilistic approaches to relevance | Estimating the query generation
linear interpolation
Estimating the query generation
Results snippets
soft assignment
Flat clustering
soft clustering
Flat clustering | A note on terminology. | Hierarchical clustering
Sort-based multiway merge
References and further reading
in index construction
A first take at
Phonetic correction
Features for text | Spam
Text classification and Naive
Text classification and Naive
Types of language models | Estimating the query generation | Naive Bayes text classification
Evaluation of ranked retrieval
spectral clustering
References and further reading
speech recognition
Types of language models
spelling correction
Putting it all together | Types of language models | Multinomial distributions over words
spider traps
Index size and estimation
Single-pass in-memory indexing
Distributed indexing
sponsored search
Advertising as the economic
Standing query
Text classification and Naive | Text classification and Naive
static quality scores
Static quality scores and
static web pages
Web characteristics
statistical significance
$\chi ^2$ Feature selectionChi2 Feature
Statistical text classification
Text classification and Naive | Text classification and Naive
Definition: | The PageRank computation
Stemming and lemmatization | References and further reading
stochastic matrix
Markov chains
stop list
Dropping common terms: stop
stop words
Term frequency and weighting
stop words
Tokenization | Dropping common terms: stop | Combination schemes | Term frequency and weighting | Maximum tf normalization
structural SVM
Result ranking by machine
structural SVMs
Multiclass SVMs
structural term
A vector space model
structured document retrieval principle
Challenges in XML retrieval
structured query
XML retrieval
structured retrieval
XML retrieval | XML retrieval
References and further reading
Results snippets
Results snippets
Supervised learning
The text classification problem | The text classification problem
support vector
Support vector machines: The
support vector machine
Support vector machines and | References and further reading
Multiclass SVMs
Support vector machines ( SVMs ) , effectiveness
Evaluation of text classification
References and further reading | References and further reading | Term-document matrices and singular
see support vector machine
symmetric diagonal decomposition
Matrix decompositions | Term-document matrices and singular | Term-document matrices and singular
Relevance feedback and query
An example information retrieval | The term vocabulary and | Tokenization
term frequency
The extended Boolean model | Term frequency and weighting
term normalization
Normalization (equivalence classing of
term partitioning
Distributing indexes
Computing vector scores | Impact ordering
term-document matrix
Dot products
term-partitioned index
Distributed indexing
Blocked sort-based indexing
Test data
The text classification problem | The text classification problem
test set
The text classification problem | Evaluation of text classification
text categorization
Text classification and Naive
text classification
Text classification and Naive
Text classification, defined
Text classification and Naive
Text classification, feature selection
Feature selection | Comparison of feature selection
Text classification, overview
The text classification problem | The text classification problem
Text classification, vertical search engines
Text classification and Naive
text summarization
Results snippets
text-centric XML
Text-centric vs. data-centric XML
see term frequency
Tf-idf weighting
tiered indexes
Tiered indexes
The term vocabulary and | Tokenization
token normalization
Normalization (equivalence classing of
top docs
References and further reading
top-down clustering
Divisive clustering
Standard test collections | Text classification and Naive
in XML retrieval
Evaluation of XML retrieval
topic classification
Text classification and Naive
topic spotting
Text classification and Naive
topic-specific PageRank
Topic-specific PageRank
topical relevance
Evaluation of XML retrieval
training set
The text classification problem | Evaluation of text classification
transactional query
User query needs
transductive SVMs
Choosing what kind of
translation model
Extended language modeling approaches
Standard test collections | References and further reading
References and further reading
Capitalization/case-folding. | References and further reading
truncated SVD
Term-document matrices and singular | Low-rank approximations | Latent semantic indexing
two-class classifier
Evaluation of text classification
unary code
Gamma codes
unigram language model
Types of language models
union-find algorithm
Optimality of HAC | Near-duplicates and shingling
universal code
Gamma codes
unsupervised learning
Flat clustering
Background and history
URL normalization
Crawler architecture
Utility measure
References and further reading | References and further reading
Variable byte encoding
Postings file compression | Variable byte codes | Variable byte codes
The bias-variance tradeoff
vector space model
The vector space model
vertical search engine
Text classification and Naive
An example information retrieval
Voronoi tessellation
k nearest neighbor
Ward's method
References and further reading
web crawler
weight vector
Support vector machines: The
weighted zone scoring
Parametric and zone indexes
Evaluation of XML retrieval
wildcard query
An example information retrieval | Dictionaries and tolerant retrieval | Wildcard queries
within-point scatter
word segmentation
Obtaining the character sequence | XML retrieval
XML attribute
Basic XML concepts
Basic XML concepts
Basic XML concepts
XML element
Basic XML concepts
XML fragment
References and further reading
XML Schema
Basic XML concepts
XML tag
Basic XML concepts
Basic XML concepts
Zipf's law
Zipf's law: Modeling the
Parametric and zone indexes | Improving classifier performance | Document zones in text | Connections to text summarization.
zone index
Parametric and zone indexes
zone search
XML retrieval

© 2008 Cambridge University Press
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