In text classification, we are given a description
of a document, where
is the
document space ; and a fixed set of
Classes are also called
labels . Typically, the document space
some type of high-dimensional space, and the classes are
human defined for the needs of an application, as in the
examples China and documents that talk about multicore computer chips above. We are given a
training set
of labeled documents
. For example:
![]() |
(111) |
Using a learning method or learning algorithm , we then wish to learn a
classifier or classification function that maps
documents to classes:
This type of learning is called
supervised learning because a
supervisor (the human who defines the classes and labels
training documents) serves as a teacher directing the
learning process. We denote the supervised learning method
by and write
. The
learning method
takes the training set
as input and returns the learned
classification function
Most names for learning methods are
also used for classifiers
. We talk about the Naive
Bayes (NB) learning method
when we say that
``Naive Bayes is robust,'' meaning that it can be applied to
many different learning problems and is unlikely to produce
classifiers that fail catastrophically. But when
we say that ``Naive Bayes had an error rate of 20%,'' we
are describing an experiment in which a particular NB
(which was produced
by the NB learning method) had a 20% error
rate in an application.
Figure 13.1 shows an example of text
classification from the Reuters-RCV1 collection, introduced
in Section 4.2 , page 4.2 . There are six
classes (UK, China, ..., sports),
each with three training documents. We show a few mnemonic
words for each document's content. The training set provides
some typical examples for each class, so that we can learn
the classification function .
Once we have learned
, we can apply it to the
test set (or test data ),
for example, the new document first private
Chinese airline whose class is unknown. In Figure 13.1 ,
the classification function assigns the new document to
China, which is the
correct assignment.
The classes in text classification often have some interesting structure such as the hierarchy in Figure 13.1 . There are two instances each of region categories, industry categories, and subject area categories. A hierarchy can be an important aid in solving a classification problem; see Section 15.3.2 for further discussion. Until then, we will make the assumption in the text classification chapters that the classes form a set with no subset relationships between them.
Definition eqn:gammadef stipulates that a
document is a member of exactly one class. This is not the
most appropriate model for the hierarchy in
Figure 13.1 . For instance, a document about the
2008 Olympics should be a
member of two classes: the China class and the
sports class. This type of classification problem is
referred to as an
problem and we will
return to it in Section 14.5 (page ). For the
time being, we only consider
where a document is a member of exactly one class.
Our goal in text classification is high accuracy on test
data or new data - for example, the newswire
articles that we will encounter tomorrow morning in the
multicore chip example. It is easy to achieve high accuracy
on the training set (e.g., we can simply memorize the
labels). But high accuracy on the training set in general
does not mean that the classifier will work well on new data
in an application.
When we use the training set to learn a classifier for test
data, we make the assumption that training data and test
data are similar or from the same distribution. We defer a
precise definition of this notion to Section 14.6 (page ).