Deep Learning
- Deep Reinforcement Learning for Dialogue Generation.
Jiwei Li, Will Monroe, Alan Ritter, Michel Galley, Jianfeng Gao and Dan Jurafsky.
EMNLP 2016.
- A Persona-Based Neural Conversation Model. [code]
Jiwei Li, Michel Galley, Chris Brockett, Jianfeng Gao and Bill Dolan. ACL 2016.
- A Diversity-Promoting Objective Function for Neural Conversation Models. NAACL 2016.
Jiwei Li, Michel Galley, Chris Brockett, Jianfeng Gao and Bill Dolan. [arxiv] [code]
- Visualizing and Understanding Neural Models in NLP. NAACL 2016.
Jiwei Li, Xinlei Chen, Eduard Hovy and Dan Jurafsky. [arxiv][code]
- Do Multi-Sense Embeddings Improve Natural Language Understanding?
Jiwei Li and Dan Jurafsky. EMNLP, 2015. [arxiv][code]
- When Are Tree Structures Necessary for Deep Learning of Representations?
Jiwei Li, Minh-Thang Luong, Dan Jurafsky and Eduard Hovy. EMNLP, 2015. [arxiv] [code].
- A Hierarchical Neural Autoencoder for Paragraphs and Documents.
Jiwei Li, Minh-Thang Luong and Dan Jurafsky. ACL, 2015 [arxiv] [code]
- A Model of Coherence Based on Distributed Sentence Representation.
Jiwei Li and Eduard Hovy. EMNLP, 2014. [pdf | bib |code] .
- Recursive Deep Models for Discourse Parsing.
Jiwei Li, Rumeng Li and Eduard Hovy. EMNLP, 2014. [pdf | bib| code].
Scocial Networks