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A variant of the multinomial model
An alternative formalization of the
represents each document
as an
-dimensional vector of counts
is the term frequency of
is then computed as follows
(cf. Equation 99, page 12.2.1 );
(129) |
Note that we have omitted the
multinomial factor. See Equation 99 (page 99 ).
Equation 129 is equivalent to the sequence model in
Equation 113 as
for terms that do not occur in
) and
a term that occurs
times will contribute
factors both in Equation 113
and in Equation 129.
- Which of the documents in
Table 13.5 have identical and different bag of
words representations for (i) the Bernoulli model (ii) the
multinomial model? If there are differences, describe them.
- The rationale for the positional independence
assumption is that there is no useful information in the
fact that a term occurs in position
of a document. Find
exceptions. Consider formulaic documents with a fixed
document structure.
- Table 13.3 gives Bernoulli and
multinomial estimates for the word the. Explain the
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Previous: Properties of Naive Bayes
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