Next: Hierarchical clustering
Up: Flat clustering
Previous: References and further reading
- Let
be a clustering
that exactly reproduces a class structure
a clustering that further subdivides some clusters in
. Show
- Show that
- Mutual information is symmetric in the sense that
its value
does not change if the roles of clusters and
classes are switched:
Which of the other three evaluation measures are symmetric
in this sense?
- Compute RSS for the two clusterings in Figure 16.7 .
- (i) Give an example of a
set of points and three initial centroids (which need not be
members of the set of points) for which 3-means
converges to a clustering with an empty cluster. (ii) Can
a clustering with an empty cluster be the global
optimum with respect to RSS?
- Download
Discard documents that do not occur in one of the 10 classes
trade, and
wheat. Discard documents that occur in two of these
10 classes.
(i) Compute a
-means clustering of this subset
into 10 clusters.
There are a number of software packages that implement
-means, such as WEKA (Witten and Frank, 2005) and R
(R Development Core Team, 2005).
(ii) Compute purity, normalized mutual
and RI for the clustering with respect to
the 10 classes.
Compile a confusion matrix
(Table 14.5 , page 14.5 ) for the 10
classes and 10 clusters.
Identify classes that give rise to false
and false negatives.
- Prove that
is monotonically decreasing in
- There is a soft version of
that computes the fractional membership of a document in a
cluster as a monotonically decreasing function of the
from its centroid, e.g., as
Modify reassignment and
recomputation steps of hard
-means for this soft version.
- In the last iteration in Table 16.3 , document 6 is in cluster 2 even
though it was the initial seed for cluster 1. Why does the
document change membership?
- The values of the parameters
in iteration
25 in Table 16.3 are rounded. What are the exact values
that EM will converge to?
- Perform a
-means clustering for the documents in
Table 16.3 .
After how many iterations does
-means converge?
Compare the result with the EM clustering
in Table 16.3 and discuss the differences.
- Modify the expectation and maximization steps of EM
for a Gaussian mixture. The
maximization step computes the maximum likelihood parameter
, and
for each
of the clusters. The expectation step computes for each
vector a soft assignment to clusters (Gaussians) based on their current
Write down the equations for Gaussian mixtures corresponding to
and 202 .
- Show that
-means can be viewed as the limiting case
EM for Gaussian mixtures if variance is very small and all
covariances are 0.
- The within-point scatter of a clustering
defined as
Show that minimizing RSS and minimizing within-point scatter
are equivalent.
- Derive an AIC criterion
for the multivariate Bernoulli
mixture model
from Equation 196.
Next: Hierarchical clustering
Up: Flat clustering
Previous: References and further reading
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