
Basic Installation

Get the code

git clone

Set up the mistral conda env

conda create -n mistral python=3.8.12 pytorch=1.11.0 torchdata cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
conda activate mistral
pip install -r setup/pip-requirements.txt

You may need to alter this environment depending on your CUDA set up.

Setting Up Weights And Biases

Training runs transmit logs to Weights & Biases.

First make sure to set up an account on their web site.

Before doing training runs, set up your wandb credentials on your machine

conda activate mistral
cd mistral
wandb init

The init process will direct you to a url with an API key you must enter. During this process you will be asked to specify which team to use as well.

The project and group for a training run are set in the main config file with the wandb and group keys respectively. See conf/mistral-micro.yaml for an example.

If you do not want to send logs to Weights & Biases, run this command in the main mistral directory

wandb offline

You can completely deactivate Weights & Biases logging with this command

wandb disabled

For general info on wandb commands run

wandb --help