Generate Text With A Trained Model

Once you’ve completed training, you can use your model to generate text.

In this tutorial we’ll walk through getting 🤗 Transformers et up and generating text with a trained GPT-2 Small model.

Set Up Hugging Face

Hugging Face’s transformers repo provides a helpful script for generating text with a GPT-2 model.

To access these scripts, clone the repo

git clone

Run With Your Model

As your model training runs, it should save checkpoints with all of the model resources in the directory you specified with articfacts.run_dir in the conf/tutorial-gpt2-micro.yaml config file.

For this example, lets assume you have saved the checkpoints in /home/tutorial-gpt2-micro/runs/run-1. If you trained for 400000 steps, you should have a corresponding checkpoint at /home/tutorial-gpt2-micro/runs/run-1/checkpoint-400000. This directory contains all the resources for your model, with files such as pytorch_model.bin containing the actual model and vocab.json which maps word pieces to their indices among others.

To run text generation, issue the following command:

conda activate mistral
cd transformers/examples/text-generation
python --model_type=gpt2 --model_name_or_path=/home/tutorial-gpt2-micro/runs/run-1/checkpoint-400000

This will create the following output requesting a text prompt.

06/28/2021 03:16:16 - WARNING - __main__ - device: cuda, n_gpu: 1, 16-bits training: False
06/28/2021 03:16:26 - INFO - __main__ - Namespace(device=device(type='cuda'), fp16=False, k=0, length=20, model_name_or_path='hello-world/runs/run-1/checkpoint-400000', model_type='gpt2', n_gpu=1, no_cuda=False, num_return_sequences=1, p=0.9, padding_text='', prefix='', prompt='', repetition_penalty=1.0, seed=42, stop_token=None, temperature=1.0, xlm_language='')
Model prompt >>>

Enter an example prompt, and the script will generate a text completion for you using your model!

Model prompt >>> Hello world. This is a prompt.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Hello world. This is a prompt. This is no ‘say what, say it’ stuff, it’s all on