Source code for src.corpora.tokenization_utils

import copy
import random
from itertools import chain
from typing import Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Sized, TypeVar

from datasets import Dataset

    from torchdata.datapipes.iter import IterDataPipe, functional_datapipe
except ImportError:
    from import IterDataPipe, functional_datapipe

from transformers import BatchEncoding

T = TypeVar("T")
T_co = TypeVar("T_co", covariant=True)

[docs]def batched(iterable: Iterable[T], batch_size: int) -> Iterable[List[T]]: """Yields batches of the given size from the given iterable.""" batch = [] for item in iterable: batch.append(item) if len(batch) == batch_size: yield batch batch = []
[docs]def batch_tokenize(ds: Dataset, tokenizer, batch_size: int, text_column="text") -> Iterator[BatchEncoding]: """Yields batches of tokenized sentences from the given dataset.""" for batch in batched(ds[text_column], batch_size): yield tokenizer(batch)
[docs]def concatenate_and_group_texts( encoding: BatchEncoding, seq_len: int, stride: Optional[int] = None, drop_remainder: bool = True, mask_stride_overlap=True, ) -> Iterator[BatchEncoding]: """Groups texts in a batch together. Typically, you'll want to use this with a fairly large set of texts, e.g. 1000 docs. You should set mask_stride_overlap to True and drop_remainder to False if you want to use this for test data Args: encoding: The batch of texts to concatenate and group. seq_len: The max length of sequences to emit stride: The stride to use when grouping texts. If None, then the stride is set to seq_len. mask_stride_overlap: Whether to mask out overlapping tokens if we're using a stride. drop_remainder: Whether to drop the last batch if it's not a multiple of the seq_len. Returns: An iterator of tokenized texts, one at a time. """ concatenated = BatchEncoding(data={k: list(chain(*v)) for k, v in encoding.items()}) total_length = len(concatenated.input_ids) stride = stride or seq_len # Drop the "very last" bit of the dataset that doesn't fit into block size... if drop_remainder and total_length % stride != 0: total_length = ((total_length - seq_len + stride) // stride) * stride # Split by Chunks of Maximum Length # we want to take chunks up until we've covered all "total_length" tokens with a sliding window of size "stride" for begin in range(0, total_length - seq_len + stride, stride): data = {k: v[begin : begin + seq_len] for k, v in concatenated.items()} if mask_stride_overlap and stride != seq_len: labels = data.get("labels", data["input_ids"]) if begin != 0: labels = _mask_overlap(labels, seq_len, stride) data["labels"] = labels yield BatchEncoding(data=data)
# -100 is pytorch's label mask def _mask_overlap(labels, target_len, stride, sentinel=-100): """Masks out overlapping tokens in a sequence when we're using a stride.""" labels = copy.deepcopy(labels) if isinstance(labels, list): for i in range(target_len - stride): if i < len(labels): labels[i] = sentinel else: labels[0 : target_len - stride] = sentinel return labels
[docs]@functional_datapipe("seeded_shuffle") class SeededShufflerIterDataPipe(IterDataPipe[T_co]): """Very similar to ShufflerIterDataPipe, but with a seed, and it ignores the set_shuffle_settings stuff. If you don't want to shuffle, then don't use the shuffle combinator...""" datapipe: IterDataPipe[T_co] buffer_size: int def __init__(self, datapipe: IterDataPipe[T_co], seed: int, *, buffer_size: int = 10000) -> None: super().__init__() assert buffer_size > 0, "buffer_size should be larger than 0" self.datapipe = datapipe self.buffer_size = buffer_size self.seed = seed @staticmethod def buffer_replace(generator, buffer, x): idx = generator.randint(0, len(buffer) - 1) val = buffer[idx] buffer[idx] = x return val def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[T_co]: generator = random.Random(self.seed) buffer: List[T_co] = [] for x in self.datapipe: if len(buffer) == self.buffer_size: yield SeededShufflerIterDataPipe.buffer_replace(generator, buffer, x) else: buffer.append(x) generator.shuffle(buffer) while buffer: yield buffer.pop() def __len__(self) -> int: if isinstance(self.datapipe, Sized): return len(self.datapipe) raise TypeError("{} instance doesn't have valid length".format(type(self).__name__))