Source code for src.util.paths


Utility function for initializing the appropriate directories/sub-directories on the start of each run. Decoupled from
main code in case we want separate directory structures/artifact storage based on infrastructure (e.g., NLP Cluster vs.
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict

from .registry import PATH_REGISTRY

[docs]def create_paths(run_id: str, model: str, run_dir: str, cache_dir: str) -> Dict[str, Path]: """ Create the necessary directories and sub-directories conditioned on the `run_id`, checkpoint directory, and cache directories. :param run_id: Unique Run Identifier. :param model: Huggingface.Transformers Model ID for specifying the desired configuration. :param run_dir: Path to run directory to save model checkpoints and run metrics. :param cache_dir: Path to artifacts/cache directory to store any intermediate values, configurations, etc. :return: Dictionary mapping str ids --> paths on the filesystem. """ # To respect shortcuts in paths, such as ~ cache_dir = os.path.expanduser(cache_dir) run_dir = os.path.expanduser(run_dir) paths = { # Top-Level Checkpoint Directory for Given Run "runs": Path(run_dir) / run_id, # Cache Directories for various components "configs": Path(cache_dir) / f"{PATH_REGISTRY[model]}-configs", "tokenizer": Path(cache_dir) / f"{PATH_REGISTRY[model]}-tokenizer", "dataset": Path(cache_dir) / "datasets", "preprocessed": Path(cache_dir) / f"{PATH_REGISTRY[model]}-processed", } # Programatically Create Paths for each Directory for p in paths: paths[p].mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return paths
[docs]def set_permissions(paths: Dict[str, Path]) -> None: """Recursively call `os.chmod(775) recursively for the given paths.""" for p in paths: os.system(f"chmod -R 775 {paths[p]} >/dev/null 2>&1")